这就是大名鼎鼎 的日本虎杖(Japanese Knotweed),生命力特别强大,是真正的厉害的家伙,凡是引进了这种厉害的植物,后来都后悔了,参见本文末尾的文献资料
野生的熊蜂很喜欢日本虎杖(Japanese Knotweed),在秋末冬初,多数花都凋零了,日本虎杖仍然开花,因此,从这种角度看,日本虎杖对野生熊蜂有好处
在日本虎杖(Japanese Knotweed)叶子上休息的熊蜂,看看,熊蜂也是浓眉大眼啊!
看看熊蜂在日本虎杖(Japanese Knotweed)花上的采蜜姿势
日本虎杖(Japanese Knotweed)的枝干和竹子像似,比竹子脆弱,但是比竹子厉害
Japanese knotweed is an aggressive semi-woody perennial plant that is native to eastern Asia. In the 1800’s it was introduced to North America as an ornamental species and also planted for erosion control. It has since spread throughout the United States and Canada. Japanese knotweed is often mistaken for bamboo; however it is easily distinguished by its broad leaves and its ability to survive Ontario winters. Japanese knotweed is especially persistent due to its vigorous root system, which can spread nearly 10 metres from the parent stem and grow through concrete and asphalt. This invader is very persistent and once it becomes established, is incredibly difficult to control.
日本虎杖(Japanese Knotweed),是一种原产于日本的蓼科杂草,绿叶粉茎加上小白花,非常好看,一度被世界许多地方当作观赏植物纷纷引进。加拿大早在1901年引进日本虎杖,安省几十年前引进,但多伦多环保人士发现,这种植物不仅生命力强,而且非常“霸道”,其破坏力非比寻常,见到一定要除掉。
据CBC消息,多伦多植物园教育总监奇里洛(Colleen Cirillo)说,日本虎杖虽然非常好看,但它生命力极强,一旦在家庭花园或自然绿地生根发芽,一个月可长到1米高,最终可长到3米高,且根系非常发达,可深入地下5米,横向扩展7米以上。多伦多8月和9月到处都能看到日本虎杖,甚至在Parkdale小巷水泥缝中和湖滨沙滩上,都能看到这种杂草。
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