


已有 5711 次阅读 2010-8-10 02:45 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:科研笔记| 历史, 澳大利亚, 古植物学

Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.64): Brief history of Australian palaeobotany (Part III) (by Qigao Sun) (Chinese text + 7 appendices in English)
1. Arthur Bache Walkom (1889--1976)
Arthur Bache Walkom为古植物学家和博物馆馆长。出生于澳大利亚新南威尔士。1910年从悉尼大学获得学士学位。1913年担任昆士兰大学地质学助教。他研究了澳大利亚东部晚古生代和中生代植物群。1918年因对昆士兰中生代早期岩石的地质学研究而获得悉尼大学的科学博士学位。
1919年回到悉尼。1926年他获得洛克菲勒奖学金(Rockefeller Foundation scholarship)的支持到英国剑桥大学跟随著名古植物学家Albert Charles Seward 教授(1863—1941))学习。在欧洲旅行期间,他访问了林耐(1707—1778)的故乡( Uppsala, Sweden)。
1940年,A.B. Walkom担任澳大利亚博物馆馆长。1947---1954年他在UNESCO澳大利亚博物馆委员会及其澳大利亚全国顾问委员工作。他曾在多个学术组织任职,如:自1919年起他担任新南威尔士林耐学会秘书,一直到1940年。1941—1942年,他担任该学会会长,1942—1970年任会计,1919—1966年任该学会会刊编辑,到1972年辞去学会顾问,他连续为这个学会服务了53年!
化石松柏类的一个属Walkomiella是以A.B. Walkom的姓命名的。
附件6 Arthur Bache Walkom (1889---1976) 论文目录。
2. Isabel Clifton Cookson1893—1973
I. C. Cookson1893年圣诞节出生于澳大利亚墨尔本市,1973年7月1日在墨尔本家中去世。1916年在墨尔本大学获得科学学士学位,专业为植物学和动物学;1932年从墨尔本大学获得科学博士学位。1925—1935年,I. C. Cookson与英国古植物学家William Henry Lang(1874--1960)合作研究澳大利亚早期陆地植物,描述了志留纪晚期至泥盆纪早期的维多利亚巴拉万石松植物群(Victorian Baragwanathia flora)。不过,现在人们认为这个植物群的地质时代为早泥盆纪。
20世纪30年代后期至40年代,I. C. Cookson的研究兴趣转移到新近纪和中生代植物的花粉与孢子的研究,以及白垩纪和新近纪的浮游植物的研究。她是澳大利亚植物微体化石研究的先驱。
I. C. Cookson是澳大利亚古植物学和古孢粉学发展史上的一位才女,也是一位承前启后、继往开来的代表人物。
早期陆地植物----库克逊蕨Cooksonia以I. C. Cookson的姓命名的。关于I. C. Cookson的资料,参见:
附件7 Isabel Clifton Cookson1893—1973)部分论文目录。
致谢:感谢英国资深古植物学家Joan Watson博士以严谨求真的工作态度核实有关文献[Joan Watson博士曾跟随Thomas Maxwell Harris (1903--1983)专攻古植物学]承蒙中国科学院植物研究所(北京)王祺博士提供有关文献和热情帮助,在此一并致谢!
N. J. De Jersey (editor), 1968. Palaeobotany and palynology in Australia: a historical review. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 6:111-136
Frederick McCoy
William Branwhite Clarke
附件1 Sir Frederick McCoy (1817—1899)部分论著
McCoy, F., 1847. On the fossil botany and zoology of rocks associated with the coal of Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 20:145.
McCoy, F., 1874, 1875, 1876. Prodromus of the palaeontology of Victoria. Geological Survey of Victoria Special Publication, 1:43pp, 2:37pp, 4:32pp
1844: A Synopsis of the Character of Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland
1846: Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland
1855: A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Palaeozoic Rocks, with a Systematic Description of the British Palaeozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge
附件2 Otakar Feistmantel(1848—1891)的部分论著
Feistmantel, O., 1876. The fossil flora of the Upper Gondwanas. Jurassic (Oolitic) flora of Kach. Memoirs of the Geological Society of India, Palaeontologia Indica, Series II 2 , pp. 1-80.
Feistmantel, O., 1877a. The fossil flora of the Upper Gondwanas. Jurassic (Liassic) flora of the Rajmahal Group in the Rajmahal Hills. Memoirs of the Geological Society of India, Palaeontologia Indica, Series II 2 , pp. 53-162.
Feistmantel, O., 1877b. Flora of the Jabalpur Group (Upper Gondwanas), in the Son-Narbada region. Memoirs of the Geological Society of India, Palaeontologia Indica, Series XI , pp. 1-25.
Feistmantel, O., 1878. Palaeontologische Beitr ge. III - Palaeozoische und mesozoische Flora des stlichen Australiens. Palaeontographica (supplement) 3:3 , pp. 53-195.
Feistmantel, O., 1879. The fossil flora of the Upper Gondwanas. Outliers on the Madras coast. Memoirs of the Geological Society of India, Palaeontologia Indica, Series II 1:4 , pp. 191-224.
Feistmantel, O., 1890. Geological and palaeontological relations of the coal and plant bearing beds of Mesozoic age in eastern Australia and Tasmania: with special reference to the fossil flora, described, illustrated, and compared with analogous deposits in other countries. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, Palaeontology 3 , pp. 1-183.
附件Robert Mackenzie Johnston (1843--1918)的部分论著
Johnston, R.M., 1886. General observations regarding the classification of the Upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks of Tasmania, together with a full description of all Tasmanian coal plants including a considerable number of new species. Papers for the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 1886:343-387
 Johnston, R.M., 1886. Systematic Account of the Geology of Tasmania. Government Printer, Hobart, 408pp.
Johnston, R.M., 1894. Further contributions to the history of the fossil flora of Tasmania. Papers for the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 1893:170-178
Johnston, R.M., 1896. Notes on some fossil plants new to Tasmania. Papers for the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 1895:57-63
附件4 Robert Etheridge Jr. (1846--- 1920) 的部分论著
Etheridge, R. Jr., 1891. Description of some South Australian Silurian and Mesozoic fossils. Parliamentary Papers Relating to Exploration, Mining and Geology (Papers in coal bearing area in neighborhood of Leigh Creek, etc.), 150:9-14
Etheridge, R. Jr., 1892. An occurrence of genus of Phyllopteris (Brong.) Saporta (? Angiopteridium Schimper) in the Mesozoic beds of Central Australia. Parliamentary Papers Relating to Exploration, Mining and Geology (Further geological examination of Leigh Creek and Hergott districts), 23:2-7
Etheridge, R. Jr., 1895. Additional plant remains from Leigh Creek Coal-field, Central Australia. Transaction of the Royal Society of South Australia, 19:139-146
Etheridge, R. Jr., 1902. More complete evidence of “Thinnfeldia odontopteroides” Morris, in the Leigh Creek Coal Measures. Contribution to Palaeontology of South Australia, 12:2pp
Etheridge, R. Jr., 1907. Plant remains from the Collie Coalfield. Bulletin of Geological Survey of Western Australia, 27:7-8
Etheridge, R. Jr., 1917. Girvanella in the Cambrian rocks of north-west Australia. Bulletin of Geological Survey of Western Australia, 72:89-90
附件5   Frederick Chapman (1864---1943) 的部分论著
1902: The Foraminifera. An Introduction to the Study of the Protozoa. London.
1914: Australian Fossils
1934: Book of Fossils. London and Sydney
Chapman, F., 1935. On some Phyllocarids from the Ordovician of Preservation Inlet and Cape Providence, New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 64:105-114
Chapman, F., 1935. Descriptions of fossil fish from New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 64:117-121.
Chapman, F., 1905. On some Foraminifera and Ostracoda obtained off Great Barrier Island, New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 38:77-112
Chapman, F., 1911. New of little known Victorian fossils in the National Museum. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne, 23:305-324, plates 58-61.
Chapman, F., 1907. Notes on fossils from the Collie Coalfield, Western Australia, in the collection of the National Museum, Melbourne. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Western Australia, 27:9-18
 Chapman, F., 1909. Jurassic plant remains from Gippsland. Geological Survey of Victoria Records, 3:103-111
Chapman, F., 1914. Australasian Fossils. Robertson, Melbourne, 341pp.
Chapman, F., 1918. A sketch of the geological history of Australian plants—the Palaeozoic flora. Victorian Naturalist, 34:140-148
Chapman, F., 1919. A sketch of the geological history of Australian plants—the Mesozoic flora. Victorian Naturalist, 35:148-156
Chapman, F., 1926. New or little known fossils in the National Museum, 29. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 38:183-191
Chapman, F., 1927a. Monograph on the Triassic flora of Bald Hill, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria. Memoir of National Museum of Victoria, 7:121-155
Chapman, F., 1927b. On a new genus of calcareous algae from the Lower Cambrian (?) west of Wooltana, South Australia. Transaction of the Royal Society of South Australia, 51:123-125
Chapman, F., 1934. The Book of Fossils. Shakespeare Head Press, Sydney, 125pp
Chapman, F., 1935. Plant remains of Lower Oligocene age from near Blanche Point, Aldinga, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia , 59:237-240
Chapman, F., 1937. Description of Tertiary plant remains from Central Australia and other Australian localities. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia , 61:1-16
Chapman, F. and Cookson, I.C. 1926. A revision of “Sweet” collection of Triassic plant remains from Leigh Creek, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia , 50:163—178
Chapman, F. and Crespin, I., 1934. The palaeontology of the Plantagenet beds of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 20:103-136
附件6 Arthur Bache Walkom (1889---1976) 论文目录
Walkom, A.B., 1915. Mesozoic floras of Queensland. 1. Queensland Department, Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland Publication, 252:1-50
Walkom, A.B., 1917a. Mesozoic floras of Queensland. 1. (continued) Queensland Department, Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland Publication, 257:1-66
Walkom, A.B., 1917b. Mesozoic floras of Queensland. 1. (concluded) Queensland Department, Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland Publication, 259:1-48
Walkom, A.B., 1919. Mesozoic floras of Queensland. 3 and 4. The floras of the Burrum   and Styx River Series. Queensland Department, Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland Publication, 263:1-76
Walkom, A.B., 1922. Upper and Lower Bowen floras of Queensland. Queensland Department, Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland Publication, 270:1-64
Walkom, A.B., 1925. Notes on some Mesozoic Tasmanian plants, 1. Papers for the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1924:1-8
Walkom, A.B., 1926. Notes on some Mesozoic Tasmanian plants, 2. Papers for the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1925:63-71
Walkom, A.B., 1928. Fossil plants from the Esk district, Queensland. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of the New South Wales, 50:214—224
Walkom, A.B., 1937. A brief review of the relationships of Carboniferous and Permian floras of Australia. Congr. Advance Etudes Stratigraphy Geol. Carbonifere, Compt. Rend., 1. Heerlen, 1937, 3: 1335-1342.
Walkom, A.B., 1944a. Succession of Carboniferous and Permian floras in Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 78:4-13
Walkom, A.B., 1944b. Fossil plants from Jin Jin in Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 28:201-207
附件7  Isabel Clifton Cookson1893—1973)部分论文目录
Chapman, F. and Cookson, I.C. 1926. A revision of “Sweet” collection of Triassic plant remains from Leigh Creek, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia , 50:163—178
Lang, W. H. and Cookson, I.C. 1930. Some fossil plants of Early Devonian type from the Walhalla Series, Victoria, Australia, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London , B219, 133—163
Lang, W.H. and Cookson, I.C., 1935. On a flora, including vascular land plants, associated with Monograptus, in rocks of Silurian age, from Victoria, Australia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B224, 421-449.
Cookson, I.C., 1935. On the plant remains from the Silurian of Victoria, Australia, that extend and connect floras hitherto described. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B225, 127—148
Cookson, I.C., 1937. The occurrence of fossil plants at Warrentinna, Tasmania. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1936:73-77
Cookson, I.C., 1945. Pollen content of Tertiary deposits. Australian Journal of Sciences, 7:149-150
Cookson, I.C., 1946. Pollens of Nothofagus Blume from Tertiary deposits in Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 71:49—63
Cookson, I.C., 1947a. Plant microfossils from lignites of Kerguelen Archipelago. BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition 1929—1931 Reports Series A, 2:127--142
Cookson, I.C., 1947b. On fossil leaves (Oleaceae) and a new type of fossil pollen grain from Australian brown coal deposits. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 72:185--197
Cookson, I.C., 1950. Fossil pollen grains of proteaceous type from Tertiary deposits in Australia. Australian Journal of Scientific Research, 2:166—177
Cookson, I.C., 1952. Identification of Tertiary pollen grains with those of New Guinea and New Caledonian beeches. Nature, 170:127
Cookson, I.C., 1953a. The identification of the sporomorph Phyllocladidites with Dacrydium and its distribution in southern Tertiary deposits. Australian Journal of Botany, 1:64—70
Cookson, I.C., 1953b. Records of the occurrence of Botryococcus braunii, Pediastrum and Hystrichosphaerideae in Cainozoic deposits of Australia. Memoir of National Museum of Victoria, 18:107-123
Cookson, I.C., 1953c. Difference in microspore composition of some samples from a bore at Comaum, South Australia. Australian Journal of Botany, 1(3):462-473
Cookson, I.C., 1954a. The Cainozoic occurrence of Acacia in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany, 2:52—59
Cookson, I.C., 1954b. The occurrence of an older Tertiary microflora in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Science, 17:37-38
Cookson, I.C., 1957. On some Australian Tertiary spores and pollen grains that extend the geological and geographical distribution of living genera. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 69:41—54
Cookson, I.C., 1956. Recent additions to our knowledge of Australasian Tertiary floras. Congr. Intern. Botan. Compt. Rend., 8me, Paris, 1954, Sect.4., pp223-227
Cookson, I.C., 1959. Fossil pollen grains of Nothofagus from Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 71:25—30
Cookson, I.C., 1961. Tertiary microplankton from the Rottnest Island bore. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 44:39-47
Cookson, I.C and Dettmann, M.E., 1958. Some trilete spores from Upper Mesozoic deposits in the eastern Australian region. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 70:95-128
Cookson, I.C. and Duigan, S.L., 1950. Fossil Banksiene from Yallourn, Victoria, with notes on morphology and anatomy of living species. Australian Journal of Scientific Research, Series B, 3:133—165
Cookson, I.C. and Duigan, S.L., 1951. Tertiary Araucariaceae from south-eastern Australia, with notes on living species. Australian Journal of Scientific Research, Series B, 4:415—449
Cookson, I.C., and Eisenack, A., 1958. Microplanton from Australian and New Guizea Upper Mesozoic sediments. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 70:19-79
Cookson, I.C., and Eisenack, A., 1960. Upper Mesozoic microplankton from Australia and New Guizea. Palaeontology, 2:243-261
Cookson, I.C., and Eisenack, A., 1962. Some Cretaceous and Tertiary microfossils from western Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 75:269-273
Cookson, I.C., and Eisenack, A., 1965a. Microplankton from the Paleocene Pebble Point Formation, south-western Victoria. 1. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 78:137-141
Cookson, I.C., and Eisenack, A., 1965b. Microplankton from the Paleocene Pebble Point Formation, south-western Victoria. 2. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 79:139-146
Cookson, I. C. and Pike, K.M., 1953a. The Tertiary occurrence and distribution of Podocarpus (Section Dacrycarpus) in Australia and Tasmania. Australian Journal of Botany, 1:71—82
Cookson, I. C. and Pike, K.M., 1953b. A contribution to the Tertiary occurrence of the genus Dacrydium in the Australian region. Australian Journal of Botany, 1:474—484
Cookson, I. C. and Pike, K.M., 1954a. The fossil occurrence of Phyllocladus and two other podocarpaceous types in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany, 2:60--68
Cookson, I. C. and Pike, K.M., 1954b. Some dicotyledonous pollen types from Cainozoic deposits in the Australian region. Australian Journal of Botany, 2:197--219
Cookson, I. C. and Pike, K.M., 1955. The pollen morphology of Nothofagus Bl. Sub-section Bipartitae Steen. Australian Journal of Botany, 3:197--206
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A., 1967. Some Early Tertiay microplankton and pollen grains from a deposit near Strahan, western Tasmania. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 80:131--140
Deflander, G. and Cookson, I.C., 1955. Fossil microplankton from Australian Late Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments. Australian Journal of Marine Freshwater Research, 6:242-313

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