


已有 4613 次阅读 2009-12-10 05:34 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:海外观察| 古植物学, 美国植物学会, 分会, 科学通信

发表于 2009-12-10 5:34:16
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.18):A scientific communication regarding some questions about Botanical Society of America [In Chinese with English citations]
美国植物学会成立于1893年,是几乎涵盖植物学所有研究领域的最大的植物学会(Botanical Society)之一。它的会员遍布全球,其通讯会员(Corresponding Members)在学界享有崇高的学术声誉。该学会拥有19个分会(sections),包括古植物学分会(Palaeobotany Section)。有人将“XXX section”翻译为“XXX组”,这是比较合适的。考虑到中国植物学会的二级机构名称和便于比较分析,我将美国植物学会所属的“section”译为“分会”。
美国植物学会古植物学分会(或组)(Palaeobotany Section)在1934--1936年间成立。它是古植物学领域最早的、正规学会组织。
关于美国植物学的机构选举和商业运作等问题,我与该学会负责人Bill Dahl 先生(EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR )有过通信,他认真回答了我的提问。例如:美国植物学会主席(中国人喜欢称谓“理事长”)是如何选举产生的?Bill Dahl 先生回答说:
In the case of the President, there is an election each year and the position itself the changes each year of the three year term. It starts as the office of President-elect (a one year learning term), then the office of President (1 year) and then the office of Past-President.

特别致谢:感谢美国植物学会EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR -----Bill Dahl先生的热情与坦率交流!
     孙启高 (Qigao Sun)
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Dahl
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:09 AM
Subject: RE: some questions about BSA
Dear Sun,
Below are the answers I promised.
SUN:      Is there any FORMAL CHARTER for sustaining the activities of your society? Could you send me a copy of the CHARTER, if possible please. Do you think that the document of “BSA-COUNCIL-MEETING-IN-1904” is the earliest version of BSA CHARTER?
DAHL: We have a Constitution and a governance structure. See
SUN: Is your Society an independent society? Does your Society have any organizational association with the American Association for the Advancement of Science—AAAS and other institutions?
DAHL: The BSA is an independent Society. We were formed in 1893 as an individual entity from what was then the Botanical Club of American, a sub group of the Association for the Advancement of Science See and
SUN: Who is funding your Society every year? What are the income resources of your Society? Who pays the staff members of your Society?
DAHL: We have several sources of income. In the main it comes from the sales of the American Journal of Botany (~70%), Membership and from our endowment fund.
SUN: How is the Present of your Society elected?
DAHL: We have elections each year for the various positions (President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Director and Council Representative) that form our Executive Committee (EC). The EC runs the Society on behalf of the BSA Council. The Council members are elected representatives of each of the BSA’s sections.
All EC positions are for a term of three years, and elections for Secretary, Treasurer and Program Director alternate each year. Three-year terms and alternating years keeps some continuity and knowledge on the EC.
In the case of the President, there is an election each year and the position itself the changes each year of the three year term. It starts as the office of President-elect (a one year learning term), then the office of President (1 year) and then the office of Past-President.
SUN: Is American Journal of Botany an independent unit of your Society although it is sponsored by your Society?
DAHL: Yes, it is independent in a way. There is an Editorial Committee that reports to the BSA Council. The Editorial Committee appoints the position of Editor in Chief of the Journal. It is a five-year and oversees the content and direction of the Journal itself. However, BSA staff runs and produces the journal itself. My role (Executive Director) manages the business and production side of the enterprise, all financial reporting goes through the Executive Director to the EC.
SUN: Does your Society have an office building?
DAHL: The Missouri Botanical Garden currently hosts us. We do not own the space but pay a nominal rent plus an annual contribution to the MBG based on our financial position.
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. I would still like to talk if possible.
William M Dahl
Executive Director
Botanical Society of America
4475 Castleman Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
PO Box 299
St. Louis, MO 63166-0299
Ph: 314-577-9566
FAX: 314-577-9515

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