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博士论文的致谢 (英中稿互译)

已有 5986 次阅读 2011-11-26 18:11 |系统分类:科研笔记| University, like, important, friends, registered




Encouragement and inspiration from friends have been very important to achieve my academic goals. Though I registered in Antwerp University to pursue my doctoral degree, I studied most of the time on my own in my spare time after work in Tongji University Library. Conflicts among work, academic pursuit and family were so fierce that, at times, I became hopeless and felt like someone wandering in a marsh land, in vain struggling to move on. I really felt lucky that so many friends lend me a hand here and there on the road to make my dream come true. I would like to express my profound thanks to all of them.


First, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Rousseau. He led me to explore the hidden regularities in the unknown world of informetrics. By his scientific and linguistic support I acquired the skills to verify, prove and communicate scientific ideas. Moreover, he trained me in every aspect of scientific research: not only formulating scientific ideas and performing investigations, but also presenting work at conferences and informing about scientific competitions. With great patience and tolerance, he broadened my horizon and opened my mind. Thanks are also extended to the other members of my doctoral committee: professors Pierre Delsaerdt, Sven De Maeyer and Tim Engels, for their guidance along the way towards a doctoral degree.


I further thank professors Wolfgang Glänzel and Loet Leydesdorff for their valuable comments and helpful suggestions. Their critical remarks made me reflect deeper about my research goals. Thanks also given to Prof. Liang Liming and Prof. Wu Yishan, whom I consider my Chinese advisors.


During my scientific training I had the opportunity to collaborate with Raf Guns, Dilruba Mahbuba and Ismael Rafols, among others.  I thank them for sharing their thoughts and expertise with me. I also would like to thank Song Yongli from the mathematical department of Tongji University, and Shen Xinyao, Zhang Sanjiu, Li Shude, Nie Yumei and other colleagues from Tongji university library for the truth they talked about me in times of crises.


Many friends from the blogsphere http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog.html are thanked for their support, among them I mention Cao Cong, Ren Shengli, Liu Li, Zhao Xing, Li Ning, Zhang Tianyi, Gai Xinlei, Wang Haihui, Zhou Chunlei, Chen Guowen, Liang Jin, Wang Fang and many others who have given comments and recommended my blog articles.


The organizers of the international STIMULATE program, in particular Prof. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, and the institutes and organizations involved in this program (VLIR, VUB, Leuven University and Antwerp University) are thanked for giving me the opportunity to study abroad. Other institutes which I visited such as Fudan University, Shanghai University, National Science Library CAS, Zhejiang University and Wuhan University are thanked for giving me a place to continue my studies. In particular I thank professors Guan Jiancheng, Shan Shi, Ye Ying, Qiu Junping, Yang Liying and her colleagues Zhou Qiuju and Yue Ting for their hospitality.


I very much thank my son for the Hard Work Nobel Prize he awarded me and also for the meals he made for me when I was too busy working on my thesis. I thank my husband for the trust he has in me.


Special thanks are also given to the clusters of fragrant white flowers that, from the garden of neighbors, hung over into my parents’ garden and which attracted me, as a child, to go further to a place that I didn’t know and could not reach immediately. Through his pictures the famous photographer Li Xuekuan from my hometown evoked the road I walked, and the roads I further intend to walk to a bright and happy future. For this reason I include a photograph made by him special for my doctoral degree.



      首先,我要感谢鲁索教授,是他引导着我去探索那些隐藏在未知后面的规律。因为他在科学和语言方面所提供的支持,我能够提出、证明并传播科学理念。在涉及科学研究的每一个方面,包括阐述科学理念,进行调研、会议上宣读论文、科学竞争等等方面,他都耐心细致地培养我。以极大的耐心和宽容,他打开了我的思维,拓宽着我的眼界。感激之情进一步延展到我博士答辩委员会的其他成员:Pierre Delsaerdt, Sven De Maeyer and Tim Engels教授,是在他们的指导下,我走过那条长长的通向博士学位的道路。

   感谢博士评判委员会成员Wolfgang GlänzelLoet Leydesdorff教授,感谢他们提出的宝贵意见和有益建议。他们富有建设性的话语,让我进一步思考我的研究目标。也感谢梁立明和武夷山教授,他们是我的中国导师。

   在我读博期间,我有幸和很多科学家合作,其中我要特别感谢Raf Guns, Dilruba Mahbuba and Ismael Rafols,感谢他们和我分享他们的真知灼见。我也非常感谢同济大学数学系的Song Yongli老师,和同济大学图书馆的同事沈新耀老师,张三九老师,李淑德老师,聂玉美老师和其他老师,是他们在一些危机时刻所表现出来的诚实品德,让我相信这个世界还有真善美的一面。


   我谢谢国际STIMULATE项目的组织者,尤其是Paul Nieuwenhuysen教授,和涉及到这个项目的机构和组织,包括VLIR, 鲁汶大学,安特大学,布鲁塞尔自由大学。是这个项目让我有机会在国外学习。我也感谢我在读博期间访问的中国机构,包括复旦大学、上海大学、科学院、浙江大学和武汉大学,谢谢这些机构让我有机会进一步学习。我尤其感谢这些机构的官建成老师,山石老师,叶鹰老师,邱均平老师,杨立英老师、周秋菊老师和岳亭老师,谢谢他们的热情接待。






@Li Xue Kuan


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