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已有 4260 次阅读 2019-8-13 10:50 |系统分类:科研笔记


我之所以想参加还处于试验中的滴眼液治疗圆锥角膜的临床试验组,是基于我对美国FDA药物试验的了解。获得FDA药品生产许可,是药品研发人员的终身追求,被称为Holy Grail。一般来说要经过三个阶段的试验:第一阶段是安全性,第二阶段是有效性,第三阶段是高效性。每一个阶段都是经过严格控制的,应用到临床试验,至少对人体是无害的。

电影living proof里面详尽地描述了这一过程和这一过程的艰难程度,任何一步不过关,都将药品开发的进程打回原处,让你所有的努力都化为乌有。第一阶段安全性试验就是不管病人是否得了此药物用于治疗的病,即使是健康的,用此药物都是无害的;第二阶段是针对此病症的有效性,就是证明此药物能够有效地治愈这种疾病,第三阶段是高效性,就是多样本下检测多少比例的病人会从此药物中受益。




2005: Financial support from AWS (Austria Wirtschaft Service), the support bank of the Republic of Austria for new and innovative technologies, for the development and approval as a medical device in the EU.

2007: Approval as a medical device in the EU.





Dear Michael,


I deadly need your expertise to make a medical decision.

my son, Quan Liu, whom you had met, was diagnosed keratoconus. his vision is geting worse and worse. In China, I've see the top doctors in this field. But the method we can get is crosslinking, but  crosslinking in itself does not lead to an improvement of visual acuity. some patients in China went to Austria for CISIS (Corneal IntraStromal Improvement System). it is said that CISIS leads to improvements of visual acuity. My son is preparing for this surgery.


However, some patients in China are getting better and better, but some didn't get improved. But I don't know why this surgery was not conducted in the hospital, but in a company. I wonder if it is safe.  Moreover, from the webpage, https://www.cisis.com/en/quality/, it is said that in 2007, CISIS get Approval as a medical product in the EU. I don't know which institute approved the CISIS as a medical product, does it reliable?


I really need help, Michael, so that I can make a right decision to treat my son and save his eyes.


Best wishes,


因为在奥环的官方网站上,看到他们的合作方都是公司性质的,只有西班牙是在一个正规的医院里,我就问了西班牙的Ismael Rafols.我导师Ronald Rousseau也问了SPRUEly和SPRU的研究主任Michael,Ismael是个民族主义者,作为加泰罗尼亚人,和西班牙势不两立。所以给我回信说,他几乎不去马德里,因而没有办法给我提供任何信息。Ely说他不懂,所以不给我任何建议。我导师鲁索说这可能只是一个大学试验性的许可,要我千万要小心。Michael是SPRU研究医疗创新管理政策的权威,详尽地给我解释了这一治疗手段到底从多大程度具有政策保障性。


Dear Yuxian,


I am very sorry to hear about your son's eyes. This is a terrible concern for any parent. As a medical device the Myoring will not be regulated in the strict manner that drugs are regulated in the EU. The EU has a series of directives to national agencies to standardise the preparation of such devices for the market. Under these directives  commercial sellers will need to ensure they can address the queries of the regulator at any time if problems are reported, but there is generally no pre-market approval process. Each country has its own enforcement agency. For the UK it is the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Not sure what the Austrian one will be. The good thing about the European system is that medical device innovation is uninhibited and rapid, but the bad news is that some devices are later found to be problematic, often after many patients have been exposed to them.


For that reason my advice would be to look for independent research papers published on the use of this treatment and independent devices to see if there are any reports of problems occurring already.


I hope you can find a solution and that your son recovers.


Best wishes,






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