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已有 5070 次阅读 2020-10-11 22:02 |个人分类:圕人堂|系统分类:博客资讯| 图书馆学, 情报学, 英文期刊

    2020年10月11日,圕人堂有成员问:“请教一下 Journal of Data and Information Science 是否是国内图情领域唯一的外文期刊? ”多位成员参与了讨论,提供了信息。图谋的印象中,2017年之前好像是一枝独秀,之后陆续有数种创刊。种种原因,当前依靠信息检索找全找准是“高难度”的。图谋综合群成员提供的信息,进行了进一步检索并梳理成本文。

(1)《数据与情报科学学报》 (Journal of Data and Information Science)

Journal of Data and Information Science

Website: http://www.jdis.org


曾经是“the first internationally published English-language academic journal in Library and Information Science and related fields from China”



张晓林2008年7月29日写的“Inaugural Editorial”(创刊词)中有:“As the fi rst internationally published English-language academic journal on LIS in China, the CJLIS, being stimulated by the emerging radical changes in the field of Library and Information Science, which are again stemming from the rapid development of information technologies, tries to establish a platform for LIS students, researchers and library staff all over the world to engage in intellectual dialog and also to improve library services so as to promote even more quickened and substantial development of LIS in China.”

Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS, formerly Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science), sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and published quarterly by the National Science Library of CAS, is the first internationally published English-language academic journal in Library and Information Science and related fields from China.

Online ISSN: 2543-683X

Type: Journal

Language: English

Publisher: Sciendo

First Published: 30 Mar 2017

Publication frequency: 4 issues per year (信息来源:https://content.sciendo.com/configurable/contentpage/journals$002fjdis$002fjdis-overview.xml

《数据与情报科学学报》 (Journal of Data and Information Science)是2016年第1期开始更名的,原名《中国文献情报 (英文版) 》(Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science),2008年创刊。

(2)《数据与信息管理》(Data and Information Management)

Data and Information Management (《数据与信息管理》)是武汉大学主办、武汉大学信息管理学院承办、国际知名学术出版商De Gruyter Open出版的英文学术期刊,2017年3月在全球顶级iSchool联盟年会上正式宣布创刊,2017年9月出版第一卷第一期。


(3)《数据智能》(Data Intelligence)

Data Intelligence(《数据智能》)

由中国科学院文献情报中心与中国图书进出口(集团)总公司联合主办的英文数据类期刊Data Intelligence(DI,《数据智能(英文)》)正式在线预出版。首届编委会于2018年7月5日在南京大学隆重召开。官网:http://www.data-intelligence.org/

(4)《中国图书馆学报年刊(英文版)》(Journal of Library Science in China)

Journal of Library Science in China


      中国图书馆学报年刊(英文版).http://www.jlis.cn/jtlsc/ch/ebook.aspx 2009-2018年,《中国图书馆学报》官方网站可浏览。

    另,《数据与情报科学学报》( Journal of Data and Information Science )及 《中国图书馆学报年刊(英文版)》(Journal of Library Science in China),中国知网有收录。



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