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已有 3304 次阅读 2016-4-21 10:31 |个人分类:数学研究|系统分类:论文交流| 数学文摘

德国《数学文摘》Zentralblatt MATH数据库



《宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)》是德国《数学文摘》(Zentralblatt MATHZBl)的收录期刊之一,自1995年以来,21年间累计已经有389篇论文被ZBl数据库摘录,现将部分统计结果摘引如下,供大家参考。同时欢迎校内外作者赐稿荐稿,《宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)》一贯坚持择优录用的原则,自创刊以来,从未委托过任何组织或者个人进行组稿,根本不存在“版面预定”之事。请作者直接将稿件发送至“理科学报版”投稿专用信箱:lkxbb@163.com, 以免上当受骗,联系电话:086-0917-3361019。

An identity-based homomorphic encryption scheme. (Chinese. English summary) Zbl 06531725
Summary: The aim of this paper is to propose a homomorphic encryption scheme based on identity. For the LWE difficult problem on lattice, the paper adds the identity information to the parameter settings when selecting. The outputs meet homomorphic addition that prove the correctness and security of the scheme under IND-ID-CPA. The scheme can resist the attacks from quantum computing, and the keys are shorter. It is easy to manage the keys.
68P25Data encryption
Two variable substitution methods for conforming analytic function by harmonic function.(Chinese. English summary) Zbl 06501641
Summary: To search for simple methods for conforming analytic function by harmonic function. The aforesaid methods respectively derives by using equivalent condition of Cauchy-Riemann equation and uniqueness theorem of analytic function. Herein are obtained two variable substitution methods which are more simple and convenient for conforming analytic function by harmonic function. Also are obtained simple methods for distinguishing analyticity of functions and converting analytic functions from binary real function form to complex function form.
30F15Harmonic functions on Riemann surfaces
30E20Integration, integrals of Cauchy type, etc. (one complex variable)

Zhan, Yu; Hu, Jiayuan

The homogeneous balance method of exact solutions for solving the Burgers-Huxley equation.(Chinese. English summary) Zbl 06500971
Summary: The main purpose of this paper is to solve the Burgers-Huxley equation and obtain its exact solutions. The Burgers-Huxley equation is solved by the homogeneous balance method and is finally simplified by means of Mathematica software. Six explicit traveling wave solutions of Burgers-Huxley equation in different forms are obtained. The homogeneous balance method is an effective and universally applicable means to solve certain nonlinear partial differential equations.
35K57Reaction-diffusion equations
35C07Traveling wave solutions of PDE
The continuities of the maximum and minimum functions to domains. (Chinese. English summary) Zbl 1324.26018
Summary: The aim of this paper is to analyze the properties and the dependence of the maximum and minimum functions on the interval of definition. The continuities, monotonicity and differentiability of the maximum and minimum functions are investigated with analytical method. The maximum and minimum functions discussed herein are continuously dependent on their interval of definition, however, the differentiability of the kinds of functions is uncertain.
26B35Special properties of functions of several real variables, Hölder conditions, etc.
A new random algorithm for large-scale linear least squares problems. (Chinese. English summary) Zbl 1313.65138
Summary: The aim of this paper is to propose a new random algorithm for solving the very large-scale linear least squares problems because some state-of-art methods for the least squares problems are not suitable for solving very large-scale problems since the computational complexity and the memory complexity of the methods are very high. The coefficients matrix of the very large-scale least squares problems is reduced by random sampling; then the resulted matrix is transformed with the fast Walsh-Hadamard to save the important information as soon as possible; at last, the reduced problem is solved by QR decomposition to obtain the approximated solution of the original problem. The computational complicity and the memory cost of the new algorithm are less than the related algorithms. The numerical experiments show that the new algorithm is efficient to save the training time with comparable approximated solution, and the new algorithm can solve larger size of problems with the same computing platform.
65K05Mathematical programming (numerical methods)
90C06Large-scale problems (mathematical programming)
90C90Applications of mathematical programming
65C20Models (numerical methods)
65F30Other matrix algorithms

Keywords:least squares problems; random algorithm; Walsh-Hadamard transform; QR-decomposition

2013 Found 6 documents (Results 1–6)

Found 6 documents (Results 1–6)


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