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MR3418066 Guitart, Xavier; Masdeu, Marc; Şengün, Mehmet Haluk Uniformization of modular ellipticcurves via p-adic periods. J. Algebra 445 (2016), 458–502.

MR3418060 Freiman, G. A.; Herzog, M.; Longobardi, P.; Maj, M.; Plagne, A.; Robinson, D. J. S.; Stanchescu, Y. V. On the structure of subsets of anorderable group with some small doubling properties. J. Algebra 445 (2016), 307–326.

MR3415707 Wang, Liuquan Explicit formulas for partition pairsand triples with 3-cores. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 434 (2016), no. 2, 1053–1064.

MR3415576 Fité, Francesc; Shparlinski, Igor E. On the singularity of the Demjanenkomatrix of quotients of Fermat curves.Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), no. 1, 55–63.

MR3417746 Azizi, Abdelmalek; Zekhnini, Abdelkader; Taous, Mohammed On some metabelian 2-groups andapplications I.Colloq. Math. 142 (2016), no. 1, 99–113.

MR3415696 Gille, Stefan; Scully, Stephen; Zhong, Changlong Milnor-Witt K-groups of localrings. Adv. Math. 286 (2016), 729–753.

MR3404560 Robles, Nicolas; Roy, Arindam; Zaharescu, Alexandru Twisted second moments of the Riemannzeta-function and applications. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 434 (2016), no. 1, 271–314.

MR3414410 Tafazolian, Saeed; Teherán-Herrera, Arnoldo; Torres, Fernando Further examples of maximal curveswhich cannot be covered by the Hermitian curve. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220 (2016), no. 3, 1122–1132.

MR3414403 Berkove, Ethan; Rahm, Alexander D. The mod 2 cohomology rings of SL2 of theimaginary quadratic integers.Withan appendix by Aurel Page. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220 (2016), no. 3, 944–975.

MR3414262 Azizi, Abdelmalek; Talbi, Mohammed; Talbi, Mohamed Sur la tour de Hilbert de certainscorps. (French) [On theHilbert tower of certain fields] Bol. Soc. Parana. Mat. (3) 34 (2016), no. 2, 107–112.

MR3414259 Azizi, Abdelmalek; Zekhnini, Abdelkader; Taous, Mohammed On some metabelian 2-group andapplications II.Bol. Soc. Parana. Mat. (3) 34 (2016), no. 2, 75–85.

MR3412732 Jeon, Daeyeol; Kang, Soon-Yi; Kim, Chang Heon Corrigendum to "WeakMaass-Poincaré series and weight 3/2 mock modular forms'' [J. Number Theory 133(8) (2013) 2567–2587] [MR3045203]. J.Number Theory 159(2016), 434–435.

MR3412731 Virdol, Cristian Cyclic components of abelian varieties (mod). J. NumberTheory 159 (2016),426–433.

MR3412729 Bajnok, Béla; Matzke, Ryan On the minimum size of signed sumsetsin elementary abelian groups. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 384–401.

MR3412728 Hou, Fei; Lü, Guangshi Oscillations of Fourier coefficients ofcusp forms over primes. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 370–383.

MR3412727 Oruç, A. Yavuz On number of partitions of an integerinto a fixed number of positive integers. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 355–369.

MR3412726 álvarez, A. A calculation of L-series in terms ofJacobi sums. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 340–354.

MR3412725 Araci, Serkan; Acikgoz, Mehmet On the von Staudt–Clausen's theoremrelated to q-Frobenius–Euler numbers. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 329–339.

MR3412724 Nair, Saranya G.; Shorey, T. N. Lower bounds for the greatest primefactor of product of consecutive positive integers. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 307–328.

MR3412723 Dong Quan, Nguyen Ngoc Some basicresults in elementary number theory in function fields. J. NumberTheory159 (2016), 295–306.

MR3412720 Liu, H.-Q. On the distribution of squarefreenumbers. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 202–222.

MR3412718 Liu, H.-Q. The distribution of squarefull integers(II). J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 176–192.

MR3412717 Xia, Ernest X. W. Arithmetic properties of partitionswith designated summands. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 160–175.

MR3412716 Tsuyumine, Shigeaki Sums of three squares under congruencecondition modulo a prime. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 123–159.

MR3412715 Gawron, Maciej; Ulas, Maciej On primitive integer solutions of theDiophantine equation t2=G(x,y,z) and relatedresults. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 101–122.

MR3412714 Qi, Feng; Chapman, Robin J. Two closed forms for the Bernoullipolynomials. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 89–100.

MR3412713 Shen, Luming; Li, Xinqiang The recurrence set arising in α-Lürothtransformation. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 76–88.

MR3412712 Vasuki, K. R.; Veeresha, R. G. Ramanujan's Eisenstein series of level7 and 14. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 59–75.

MR3412711 Languasco, Alessandro; Zaccagnini, Alessandro Sum of oneprime and two squares of primes in short intervals.J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 45–58.

MR3412710 Dubickas, Artūras; Sha, Min Positive density of integer polynomialswith some prescribed properties. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 27–44.

MR3412709 Dutkay, Dorin Ervin; Haussermann, John Number theory problems from theharmonic analysis of a fractal. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 7–26.

MR3412708 Sander, J. W. Sums of exceptional units in residueclass rings. J. Number Theory 159 (2016), 1–6.

MR3423680 Laishram, Shanta; Luca, Florian Rectangles of nonvisible latticepoints. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 10, Article 15.10.8, 11 pp.

MR3423677 Fuller, Chris; Nichols, Robert H., Jr. Generalizedanti-Waring numbers. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 10, Article 15.10.5, 14 pp.

MR3423676 Arias de Reyna, Juan; Heyman, Randell Counting tuples restricted by pairwisecoprimality conditions. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 10, Article 15.10.4, 16 pp.

MR3417876 Kačinskaitė, Roma; Matsumoto, Kohji The mixed joint universality for aclass of zeta-functions. Math. Nachr.288 (2015), no. 16, 1900–1909.

MR3415676 Wright, Thomas Variants of Korselt's criterion. Canad.Math. Bull. 58 (2015),no. 4, 869–876.

MR3415675 Williams, Kenneth S. Ternary quadratic forms and etaquotients. Canad. Math. Bull. 58 (2015), no. 4, 858–868.

MR3415667 Hanson, Brandon Character sums over Bohr sets. Canad.Math. Bull. 58 (2015),no. 4, 774–786.

MR3415661 Benamar, Hela; Chandoul, Amara; Mkaouar, M. On the continued fraction expansion offixed period in finite fields. Canad. Math. Bull. 58 (2015), no. 4, 704–712.

MR3399149 Changa, M. E. On the quantity of numbers of specialform depending on the parity of the number of their different prime divisors. (Russian) Mat. Zametki 97 (2015), no. 6, 930--935; translationin Math. Notes 97 (2015), no. 5-6, 941–945

MR3381937 Pichereau, Alain Toujours le démon de Fibonacci. (French) [Always the Fibonacci devil] Quadrature No. 97 (2015), 15–16.

MR3419421 Berthé, Valérie; Cesaratto, Eda; Rotondo, Pablo; Vallée, Brigitte; Viola, Alfredo Recurrence function on Sturmian words:a probabilistic study. Mathematical foundations of computer science2015. Part I, 116–128,Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9234, Springer, Heidelberg, 2015.

MR3418033 Sorenson, Jonathan P. Two compact incremental prime sieves. LMSJ. Comput. Math. 18(2015), no. 1, 675–683.

MR3417766 Zhu, Huilin; Le, Maohua; Soydan, Gökhan On the number of solutions of theDiophantine equation x2+2apb=y4. Math. Rep.(Bucur.) 17(67)(2015), no. 3, 255–263.

MR3414157 Griffiths, Martin 99.17 Irrational sums from reciprocalsof factorials. Math. Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 545, 331–335.

MR3414152 Read, Emrys 99.12 Primitive integer triangles. Math.Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 545,317–319.

MR3414150 Baylis, John Why avoid induction? Math. Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 545, 290–297.

MR3414146 Breiteig, Trygve Quotients of triangular numbers. Math.Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 545,243–255.

MR3414142 Osler, Thomas J. Short and fuzzy derivations of fiveremarkable formulas for primes. Math. Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 545, 220–225.

MR3414141 Machale, Des; Manning, Joseph Maximal runs of strictly compositeintegers. Math. Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 545, 213–219.

MR3414140 Beardon, Alan F.; Stephenson, Paul The Heron parameters of a triangle. Math.Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 545,205–212.

MR3413769 Rzedowski-Calderón, Martha; Villa-Salvador, Gabriel Congruencefunction fields with class number one. Palest. J. Math. 5 (2015), no. 1, 159–165.

MR3414053 Griffiths, Martin; MacHale, Des 99.04 Another irrational number. Math.Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 544,130–133.

MR3414052 Lord, Nick 99.03 Quick proofs that certain sums offractions are not integers. Math. Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 544, 128–130.

MR3414047 Shiu, Peter Fermat's method of factorisation. Math.Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 544,97–103.

MR3414037 Jameson, G. J. O. Counting divisors. Math. Gaz. 99 (2015), no. 544, 11–20.

MR3409949 Fu, Rui Qin; Yang, Hai A property of prime divisors of oddperfect numbers. (Chinese) J. NorthwestUniv. Nat. Sci. 45(2015), no. 1, 14–16.

MR3409947 Liu, Hua Ning; Dong, Hui Distribution of square-factor-freenumbers. (Chinese) J. NorthwestUniv. Nat. Sci. 45(2015), no. 1, 1–9.

MR3408089 Corry, Leo A brief historyof numbers. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015. xiii+309 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-870259-7

MR3329033 Durhan, Salih Additive polynomials over perfectfields. Valuation theory in interaction, 219–225, EMS Ser. Congr. Rep., Eur. Math.Soc., Zürich, 2014.

MR3329025 Bary-Soroker, Lior; Fehm, Arno On fields of totally S-adic numbers—with anappendix by Florian Pop.Valuation theory in interaction, 11–15, EMS Ser. Congr. Rep., Eur. Math.Soc., Zürich, 2014.

MR3410040 Chirskiĭ, V. G. Arithmetic properties of polyadicseries with periodic coefficients. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk459 (2014), no. 6, 677–679.

MR3410017 Bykovskiĭ, V. A. A three-term identity for the productsof three theta functions. (Russian) Dokl. Akad.Nauk 459 (2014), no. 5,525–527.

MR3414760 Boucard, Jenny Lagrange and the four-square theorem. Translated from the French. Lett. Mat. 2 (2014), no. 1-2, 59–66.

MR3409994 Rakhmonov, Z. Kh.; Rakhmonov, F. Z. The sum of short trigonometric sumswith prime numbers. (Russian)Dokl. Akad. Nauk 459 (2014), no. 2, 156–157.

MR3409429 Gát, György; Simon, Ilona Summability and convergence results of2-adic Fourier series. Bull. TICMI 18 (2014), no. 1, 29–35.

MR3408209 Yasuda, Seidai The Hoffman basis of the space ofmultiple zeta values. (Japanese) Algebraicnumber theory and related topics 2012, 375–433, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B51, Res. Inst.Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408208 Ohta, Masami Rational torsion in modular Jacobianvarieties. (Japanese) Algebraicnumber theory and related topics 2012, 347–374, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B51, Res. Inst.Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408206 Li, Wen-Ching Winnie; Long, Ling Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer congruencesand noncongruence modular forms.Algebraic number theory and related topics2012, 269–299, RIMSKôkyûroku Bessatsu, B51, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408205 Kashio, Tomokazu A survey on Stark's conjectures and aresult of Dasgupta-Darmon-Pollack. Algebraic number theory and relatedtopics 2012, 229–268,RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B51, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408203 Chang, Chieh-Yu On characteristic p multizetavalues. Algebraic number theory and related topics 2012, 177–202, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B51, Res. Inst.Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408202 Ishitsuka, Yasuhiro Complete intersection of two quadricsand Galois cohomology: a research announcement.(Japanese) Algebraic number theory and relatedtopics 2012, 163–174,RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B51, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408199 Ohshita, Tatsuya Higher fitting ideals of Iwasawamodules and Euler systems. Algebraic number theory and related topics2012, 139–149, RIMSKôkyûroku Bessatsu, B51, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408198 Namikawa, Kenichi On constructions of theta functions on GSp4 and its modp nonvanishing. Algebraicnumber theory and related topics 2012, 127–138, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B51, Res. Inst.Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408196 Mihara, Tomoki Singular homologies of non-archimedeananalytic spaces and integrals along cycles: a research announcement. Algebraicnumber theory and related topics 2012, 85–106, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B51, Res. Inst.Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408193 Nomura, Jiro The 2-part of the non-abelianBrumer-Stark conjecture for extensions with group D4p and numericalexamples of the conjecture. Algebraic number theory and related topics2012, 33–53, RIMS KôkyûrokuBessatsu, B51, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408180 Voros, André Zeta functions over zeros of zetafunctions and an exponential-asymptotic view of the Riemann hypothesis. Exponentialanalysis of differential equations and related topics, 147–164, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B52, Res. Inst.Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408178 Sebbar, Ahmed Paperfolding and modular functions. Exponentialanalysis of differential equations and related topics, 97–126, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B52, Res. Inst.Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014.

MR3408173 Napoletani, Domenico; Struppa, Daniele C. A phase integral approach inirrationality. Exponential analysis of differential equations andrelated topics, 1–10,RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B52, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2014. 


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