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MR3282197 Pending Fu, Hao; Han, Guo-Niu On

t-extensions of the Hankel determinants of certain automatic sequences.

t-extensions of the Hankel determinants of certain automatic sequences. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 562 (2015), 46–56. 11C20 (05A05 05A19 11B75)
MR3281694 Pending Derksen, H.; Masser, D. Linear equations over multiplicative groups, recurrences, and mixing II. Indag. Math. (N.S.) 26 (2015), no. 1, 113–136. 11D04 (11D72 11G35 11G50)
MR3281686 Pending Akiyama, Shigeki; Thuswaldner, Jörg M.; Zaïmi, Toufik Characterisation of the numbers which satisfy the height reducing property. Indag. Math. (N.S.) 26 (2015), no. 1, 24–27.11R04 (12F05)
MR3274013 Pending Stern, Leonid On the distribution of norm groups of algebraic number fields.Comm. Algebra 43 (2015), no. 2, 423–439. 11R32 (11R37)
MR3280953 Pending Saradha, N.; Shorey, T. N. Squares in blocks from an arithmetic progression and Galois group of Laguerre polynomials. Int. J. Number Theory 11 (2015), no. 1, 233–250. 11D61
MR3280952 Pending Weitzer, Mario Characterization algorithms for shift radix systems with finiteness property. Int. J. Number Theory 11 (2015), no. 1, 211–232. 11A63
MR3280949 Pending Ye, Dongxi Evaluation of the convolution sums ∑l+36m=nσ(l)σ(m) and ∑4l+9m=nσ(l)σ(m). Int. J. Number Theory 11 (2015), no. 1, 171–183. 11E20 (11A25 11E25 11F20)
MR3280947 Pending Le, Giang Schmidt's subspace theorem for moving hypersurface targets. Int. J. Number Theory 11 (2015), no. 1, 139–158. 11J68 (11J25 11J97)
MR3280944 Pending Freitas, Nuno; Tsaknias, Panagiotis Criteria for p-ordinarity of families of elliptic curves over infinitely many number fields. Int. J. Number Theory 11 (2015), no. 1, 81–87. 11G05 (11D41)

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MR3280942 Pending Sun, Qingfeng On effective determination of symmetric-square lifts, level aspect.Int. J. Number Theory 11 (2015), no. 1, 51–65. 11F67 (11F11 11F66)
MR3280941 Pending Wei, Bin Exponential sums twisted by Fourier coefficients of automorphic cusp forms for SL(2,Z). Int. J. Number Theory 11 (2015), no. 1, 39–49. 11L07 (11F30)
MR3280046 Pending Böcherer, Siegfried; Das, Soumya Linear independence of Poincaré series of exponential type via non-analytic methods. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), no. 2, 1329–1345.11F30 (11F46)
MR3275848 Pending Andreatta, Fabrizio; Iovita, Adrian; Pilloni, Vincent p-adic families of Siegel modular cuspforms. Ann. of Math. (2) 181 (2015), no. 2, 623–697. 11F46 (11F85)
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MR3275847 Pending Bhargava, Manjul; Shankar, Arul Ternary cubic forms having bounded invariants, and the existence of a positive proportion of elliptic curves having rank 0. Ann. of Math. (2) 181(2015), no. 2, 587–621. 11G05 (11E20 14Gxx)
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MR3272082 Pending Lang, Cheng Lien; Lang, Mong Lung Wohlfahrt's Theorem for the Hecke group G5. J. Algebra 422 (2015), 341–356. 11F06
MR3272073 Pending Yu, Chia-Fu Variations of mass formulas for definite division algebras. J. Algebra422 (2015), 166–186. 11R52 (11R58)
MR3279269 Pending Kim, Byungchan; Kim, Eunmi; Seo, Jeehyeon Asymptotics for q-expansions involving partial theta functions. Discrete Math. 338 (2015), no. 2, 180–189. 11B65 (05A17)
MR3277077 Pending Sîntămărian, Alina Sharp estimates regarding the remainder of the alternating harmonic series. Math. Inequal. Appl. 18 (2015), no. 1, 347–352. 11Y60 (40B05 41A58 41A60)
MR3276360 Pending Kim, Dae San; Kim, Taekyun Umbral calculus associated with Bernoulli polynomials. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 871–882. 11B68 (05Exx)
MR3276359 Pending Zhang, Wenpeng; Han, Di A hybrid mean value of Dedekind sums and Kloosterman sums. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 861–870. 11F20 (11L05)
MR3276358 Pending Xia, Ernest X. W. Proof of a conjecture of Baruah and Sarmah on generalized Frobenius partitions with 6 colors. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 852–860. 11P83 (05A17)
MR3276357 Pending Platt, D. J.; Trudgian, T. S. An improved explicit bound on |ξ(12+it)|. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 842–851. 11M06
MR3276355 Pending Kwon, DoYong A one-parameter family of Dirichlet series whose coefficients are Sturmian words. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 824–835. 11M41 (11J82 26A30 68R15)
MR3276354 Pending Xiong, Maosheng Distribution of zeta zeroes for abelian covers of algebraic curves over a finite field. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 789–823. 11G20 (11M38 11T55)
MR3276353 Pending Van Gorder, Robert A. Does the Riemann zeta function satisfy a differential equation? J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 778–788. 11M06 (34A35)
MR3276350 Pending Yamashita, Go; Yasuda, Seidai On some applications of integral p-adic Hodge theory to Galois representations. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 721–748. 11F33
MR3276348 Pending Sun, Zhi-Hong New reciprocity laws for octic residues and nonresidues. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 694–707. 11A15 (11A07 11B39 11E25)
MR3276347 Pending Williams, Kenneth S. Historical remark on a theorem of Zhang and Yue. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 691–693. 11R27 (11D09)
MR3276345 Pending Chida, Masataka; Mok, Chung Pang; Park, Jeehoon On Teitelbaum type L-invariants of Hilbert modular forms attached to definite quaternions. J. Number Theory 147 (2015),633–665. 11F41
MR3276344 Pending Liu, Sheng-Chi Simultaneous nonvanishing of automorphic L-functions. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 620–632. 11F11 (11M41)
MR3276343 Pending Hu, Su; Kim, Min-Soo On p-adic analogue of Weil's elliptic functions according to Eisenstein. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 605–619. 11F33
MR3276342 Pending Hu, Liqun; Liu, Huafeng On pairs of four prime squares and powers of two. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 594–604. 11P32 (11P05 11P55)
MR3276339 Pending Sun, Chia-Liang The Brauer-Manin-Scharaschkin obstruction for subvarieties of a semi-abelian variety and its dynamical analog. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 533–548. 11S82
MR3276338 Pending Baker, Simon On small bases which admit countably many expansions. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 515–532. 11A63 (37A45)
MR3276337 Pending Melfi, Giuseppe On the conditional infiniteness of primitive weird numbers. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 508–514. 11A25 (11B83)
MR3276334 Pending Childress, Nancy; Zinzer, Scott On λ-invariants associated to linear extensions of the product ordering on Nd. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 478–489. 11F85
MR3276332 Pending Gon, Yasuro Differences of the Selberg trace formula and Selberg type zeta functions for Hilbert modular surfaces. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 396–453. 11M36 (11F72)
MR3276329 Pending Jeon, Daeyeol; Kim, Chang Heon; Lee, Yoonjin Families of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion subgroups over dihedral quartic fields. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 342–363.11G05 (11G18)
MR3276326 Pending Zhang, Yong; Cai, Tianxin On products of consecutive arithmetic progressions. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 287–299. 11D25 (11D72 11G05)
MR3276325 Pending Ganguli, Abhik; Ghate, Eknath Reductions of Galois representations via the modplocal Langlands correspondence. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 250–286. 11F80
MR3276324 Pending Dixit, Atul; Moll, Victor H. Self-reciprocal functions, powers of the Riemann zeta function and modular-type transformations. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 211–249. 11M06 (33C10)
MR3276323 Pending Tsushima, Takahiro On the stable reduction of the Lubin-Tate curve of level two in the equal characteristic case. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 184–210. 11S37 (11G18)
MR3276322 Pending Liu, Huaning On the mean values of Dirichlet L-functions. J. Number Theory 147(2015), 172–183. 11M06 (11B68 11F20)
MR3276321 Pending Ratazzi, Nicolas Classe d'isogénie de variétés abéliennes pleinement de type GSp.(French) [Isogeny class of abelian varieties faithfully of type GSp] J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 156–171. 11G10
MR3276320 Pending Batzaya, Gantsooj On simultaneous approximation to powers of a real number by rational numbers. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 141–155. 11J13
MR3276319 Pending He, Bing On the divisibility properties of certain binomial sums. J. Number Theory147 (2015), 133–140. 11B65 (05A10 11A05 11A07)
MR3276318 Pending Palmer, Matthew Diagonal approximation in completions of Q. J. Number Theory147 (2015), 109–132. 11J61 (11J83)
MR3276317 Pending Ai, Xiaochuan; Chen, Jianhua; Zhang, Silan; Hu, Hao Complete solutions of the simultaneous Pell equations x224y2=1 and y2pz2=1. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 103–108.11D09
MR3276314 Pending Lu, Dawei; Song, Lixin; Yu, Yang Some new continued fraction approximation of Euler's constant. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 69–80. 11Y60 (11A55 41A25)
MR3276312 Pending Bengoechea, Paloma From quadratic polynomials and continued fractions to modular forms. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 24–43. 11E12 (11F03)
MR3276311 Pending Hou, Xiang-Dong; Lappano, Stephen D. Determination of a type of permutation binomials over finite fields. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 14–23. 11T06 (11T55)
MR3276310 Pending Rosales, J. C.; Branco, M. B.; Torrão, D. Sets of positive integers closed under product and the number of decimal digits. J. Number Theory 147 (2015), 1–13. 11N25 (11D07 20M14)
MR3278050 Indexed Duman, Merve Güney Positive integer solutions of some Pell equations.Matematika (Johor) 30 (2014), no. 1, 97–108. 11D09 (11A55 11B39)
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MR3244236 Pending Hörmann, Fritz The geometric and arithmetic volume of Shimura varieties of orthogonal type. CRM Monograph Series, 35. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2014. vi+152 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4704-1912-7 11G18 (11F23 11F27 14G35 14G40)
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MR3243939 Pending Ömür, Neşe; Koparal, Sibel Some congruences involving numbers Bp,kd. Util. Math. 95 (2014), 307–317. 11B68 (05A10 11B65)
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MR3213212 Pending Faugère, Jean-Charles; Huot, Louise; Joux, Antoine; Renault, Guénaël; Vitse, Vanessa Symmetrized summation polynomials: using small order torsion points to speed up elliptic curve index calculus. Advances in cryptology—EUROCRYPT 2014, 40–57, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 8441, Springer, Heidelberg, 2014. 11T71
MR3287547 Pending Korolëv, M. A. Moments of trigonometric polynomials and their application in the theory of the Riemann zeta function. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk 456 (2014), no. 3, 272–274. 11M06 (11M26)
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MR3281664 Pending Sha, Min On the non-idealness of cyclotomic families of pairing-friendly elliptic curves. J. Math. Cryptol. 8 (2014), no. 4, 417–440. 11T71 (11T22 14H52)
MR3281653 Pending Kudla, Stephen; Rapoport, Michael Special cycles on unitary Shimura varieties II: Global theory. J. Reine Angew. Math. 697 (2014), 91–157. 11G18 (14G35)
MR3281651 Pending Cogolludo-Agustín, Jose-Ignacio; Libgober, Anatoly Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic threefolds and the Alexander module of plane curves. J. Reine Angew. Math. 697 (2014), 15–55.11G05 (14H50 14J30)
MR3281650 Pending Yeung, Sai-Kee Holomorphic one-forms, integral and rational points on complex hyperbolic surfaces. J. Reine Angew. Math. 697 (2014), 1–14. 11G18 (14Jxx 32Q45)
MR3243677 Pending Müller, Tom Irrationalitätsbeweise. (German) [Proofs of irrationality] Berliner Studienreihe zur Mathematik [Berlin Study Series on Mathematics], 25. Heldermann Verlag, Lemgo,2014. 209 pp. ISBN: 978-3-88538-125-9 11J72
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MR3280866 Pending Ryoo, C. S. Dynamics of the zeros of analytic continued (h,q)-Euler polynomials.Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, Art. ID 537864, 9 pp. 11B65
MR3276063 Pending Grubb, D. J. Factoring Chebyshev polynomials. Fibonacci Quart. 52 (2014), no. 4,360–366. 11B39 (12E10)
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