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已有 5179 次阅读 2016-2-15 21:15 |个人分类:风景如画|系统分类:图片百科| 照片, 图书馆, 古老美术图片



Beth McGough20151221ProQuest网站发布了2015年度有关于图书馆和图书的十大要文,现将世界最美图书馆摘引如下,并补充了部分图书馆的网址链接,供大家参考。

1. 世界上最雄伟的图书馆超过25家:25+ of the Most Majestic Libraries in the World, Bored Panda

2. 世界上最漂亮的图书馆在捷克的布拉格:The World’s Most Beautiful Library is in Prague, Czech Republic, Bored Panda

The Klementinum library, a beautiful example of Baroque architecture, was first opened in 1722 as part of the Jesuit university, and houses over 20,000 books. It was voted as one of the most beautiful and majestic libraries in the world by our readers!

The ceiling frescoes were painted by Jan Hiebl. In 1781, director Karel Rafael Ungar established Biblioteca Nationalis, a collection of Czech language literature. Some of the rare historical books from this collection have been sent to Google for scanning and will eventually be available on Google Books.

Just as the library is a rare and little-known treasure, so is it associated with several little-known facts: the Klementinum used to be the third largest Jesuitcollege in the world; recording of local weather began there in 1775 and has continued ever since; it is featured in a novel by famous Spanish-language writer Jorge Luis Borges.

More info: klementinum.com

3. 1980年出生的法国摄影师Franck Bohbot,目前住在纽约。不仅行走于巴黎、马德里、纽约、巴塞罗那等城市,拍摄了Levitation(悬浮)系列作品,目的就是让照片中的人看似悬浮在空中;而且从2012年开始拍摄图书馆系列,已经走访了一些最优秀的图书馆,如法国国家图书馆,藏书当归在罗马和纽约公共图书馆。其世界最美图书馆摄影作品详见:House of Books: The Most Majestically Beautiful Libraries Around theWorld Photographed by Franck Bohbot, Earth Porm

4. 世界最美丽的图书馆照片Gorgeous Photos of the World’s Most Beautiful Libraries, Huffington Post

  • Paris – France National Library (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)

Paris – Mazarine Library (Bibliothèque Mazarine)
Rome – Vallicelliana Library (Biblioteca Vallicelliana)

5. 世界最美图书馆:World’s Most Beautiful Libraries, For Reading Addicts

6. 另外难得的数码艺术珍品:大英图书馆免费提供超过100万幅古老图像的下载,也是值得美术专业人士一饱眼福:British Library Offers over 1 Million Free Vintage Images for Download, Digital Arts

Some of the Public Domain Images

The Coming of Father ChristmasImage taken from page 3 of 'The Yorkshire Coast Line:from Flamborough to Whitby, etc'Image taken from page 5 of 'His Loving Kindness. A daily companion; containing Scripture texts and hymns [by various authors] for a month. [Illustrated.]'Image taken from page 9 of 'Histoire de Be?arn ... Nouvelle e?dition orne ... de plusieurs gravures, avec la vie de Marca, une ge?ne?alogie, la bibliographie de ses Ïuvres ... Par M. l'abbe? V. Dubarat'Image taken from page 17 of 'History of the Ancient City Cross, Edinburgh ... And its restoration by ... W. E. Gladstone'Image taken from page 18 of 'A Narrow, Narrow World'Image taken from page 21 of 'The Christmas Hirelings ... Illustrated by F. H. Townsend'Image taken from page 21 of 'Sunny Dover, then and now ... Edited by F. G. Aflalo. With ... illustrations, etc'


To download 10,000 of the public domain images with one click, Click Here.


中國國家圖書館 (National Library of China)

澳洲國家圖書館 (National Library of Australia)

美國國家醫學圖書館 (National Library of Medicine,NLM)

美國國會圖書館 (Library of Congress,LC)

法國國家圖書館 (French National Library)

大英圖書館 (The British Library: PORTICO)

IFLANET, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

ALA, American Library Association

LA, Library Association






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