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已有 3630 次阅读 2022-6-5 15:25 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:科研笔记



之前介绍过“首次创造出长期假设的‘下一代神奇物质’”之后,有人提问是否与“全球首创石墨炔 让国外科学家跟随中国科学家做研究——专访中国科学院院士李玉良”有冲突?当拜读专访中国科学院院士李玉良的相关报道之后,确实感到有冲突。随后在“首次创造出长期假设的‘下一代神奇物质’”博文之后的评论栏进行了补充:2010年,石墨烯的发现者被授予诺贝尔物理学奖。就在同一年,中国科学院院士、中科院化学研究所研究员李玉良和团队发现了一个碳材料家族的新成员:石墨炔。详见“全球首创石墨炔 让国外科学家跟随中国科学家做研究——专访中国科学院院士李玉良

1. 198219922012三个转折点

为了进一步对其较为详细研究,以Graphyne作为检索词,利用Dimensions数据库进行检索,得到相关信息6000余条。最早出现与Graphyne的相关文献是英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院(Queen Mary College, University of London)的E. G. 威尔逊(E G Wilson1982年发表的一篇论文,该文被引18次(Citations: 18)。详见:

E G Wilson Queen Mary College, University of London. Electron motion in one-dimensional semiconductors. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 15(17), 3733 - June 1982. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/15/17/012https://doi.org/10.1088/0022-3719/15/17/012

The electron mobility, hot electron effects, and the role of polarons are studied theoretically in a one-dimensional semiconductor. A particular semiconducting polymer, the bis(P-toluene sulphonate) e...more

Citations: 18

10年之后,美国加州大学 洛杉机分校(University of California, Los Angeles)的弗朗索瓦·迪德里希(François Diederich)和伊夫·鲁宾(Yves Rubin)合作在德国《应用化学国际版》(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)发表的一篇论文,这是与Graphyne相关的第二篇文献,截止202264日累计被引578次(Citations: 578)。详见

François Diederich(University of California, Los Angeles), Yves Rubin(University of California, Los Angeles). Synthetic Approaches toward Molecular and Polymeric Carbon Allotropes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 1992, 31(9): 1101-1123. September 1992. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.199211013

Life on earth is based on compounds that have carbon frames and backbones. Today, chemists have added to the world of biomolecules and biopolymers approximately 107 different synthetic molecules and p...more

Citations: 578



1 石墨炔相关文献数量之变

2 多产作者(≥30项)及高引作者(平均被引≥100次)



Organization, Country





Citations mean

Ramanathan   Chandiramouli

SASTRA University, India







Veerappan   Nagarajan

SASTRA University, India







Chang-Shui   Huang

Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and   Bioprocess Technology, China







Yuliang   Li李玉良

Institute of Chemistry, China







Khurshid   Ayub

COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan







Roya   Majidi

Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training   University, Iran







Huibiao   Liu刘辉彪

Institute of Chemistry, China







R   Bhuvaneswari

SASTRA University, India







Utpal   Sarkar

Assam University, India







Douglas   Soares Galvão

State University of Campinas, Brazil







Timon   Rabczuk

Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany







Bohayra   Mortazavi

Leibniz University Hannover, Germany







Mingwen   Zhao

Shandong University, China







Meng-Qiu   Long

Central South University, China







Ning   Wang

Hong Kong University of Science and   Technology, China







Zhou   Yang

University of Science and Technology   Beijing, China







Yongjun   Li李勇军

 Institute of Chemistry, China




Zi-Cheng   Zuo左自成

Institute of Chemistry, China







Yurui   Xue薛玉瑞

Shandong University, China







3. 高引成果(≥300次)

大连化学物理研究所邓德会(Dehui Deng)包信和Xinhe Bao)、厦门大学田中群(Zhongqun Tian等人,2016年在《自然纳米技术》(Nature Nanotechnology)杂志发表的论文被引频次最高,累计被引1500次。中国科学院化学研究所李玉良(Yuliang Li)研究小组有8篇论文入选高引成果之列,被引频次分别为729698531, 499 374 350312304次。

2 被引频次在300次以上的研究成果

Title, Author(s), Bibliographic reference


Catalysis   with two-dimensional materials and their heterostructures

Dehui   DengDalian   Institute of Chemical Physics, K.   S. Novoselov(University of Manchester, Corresponding Author), Qiang   Fu(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics), Nanfeng   Zheng(Xiamen University), Zhongqun   Tian(Xiamen University, Corresponding Author), Xinhe   Bao(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Corresponding Author)

Nature   Nanotechnology, 11(3), 218-230 - March 2016. https://doi.org/10.1038/nnano.2015.340




Maximizing   the right stuff: The trade-off between membrane permeability and selectivity

Ho Bum ParkHanyang University, Jovan Kamcev University of Texas at Austin, Lloyd M RobesonLehigh University, Menachem Elimelech Yale University,, Benny D FreemanUniversity of Texas at Austin

2017, Science - Article

Increasing demands for energy-efficient   separations in applications ranging from water purification to petroleum   refining, chemicals production, and carbon capture have stimulated a vigorous   search fo...more



Conjugated   Microporous Poly(aryleneethynylene) Networks

JiaXing JiangUniversity of Liverpool, Fabing Su, Abbie Trewin, Colin D. Wood, Neil L. Campbell,   Hongjun Niu, Calum Dickinson, Alexey Y. Ganin, Matthew J. Rosseinsky,   Yaroslav Z. Khimyak, Andrew I. Cooper

2007, Angewandte Chemie   International Edition - Article

Rigid wiry nets: Conjugated microporous   polymer networks are formed by Sonogashira–Hagihara coupling. Although these   materials are amorphous, the micropore size and surface area can be   controlled by v...more



Broad   Family of Carbon Nanoallotropes: Classification, Chemistry, and Applications   of Fullerenes, Carbon Dots, Nanotubes, Graphene, Nanodiamonds, and Combined   Superstructures

Vasilios Georgakilas, Jason A. Perman,   Jiri Tucek, Radek Zboril

2015, Chemical   Reviews - Article


Emerging   Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Electrocatalysis

Huanyu JinUniversity of Adelaide, Chunxian Guo, Xin Liu, Jinlong Liu, Anthony Vasileff, Yan Jiao,   Yao ZhengUniversity   of Adelaide, Corresponding Author, Shi-Zhang QiaoUniversity of Adelaide, Corresponding Author

2018, Chemical   Reviews - Article

Over the past few decades, the design and   development of advanced electrocatalysts for efficient energy conversion   technologies have been subjects of extensive study. With the discovery of   graphene, t...more



A   review and analysis of microwave absorption in polymer composites filled with   carbonaceous particles

F. Qin, C. Brosseau

2012, Journal of Applied   Physics - Article

Carbon (C) is a crucial material for many   branches of modern technology. A growing number of demanding applications in   electronics and telecommunications rely on the unique properties of C   allotropes....more


Competition   for Graphene: Graphynes with Direction-Dependent Dirac Cones

Daniel Malko, Christian Neiss, Francesc   Viñes, Andreas Görling

2012, Physical Review   Letters - Article

The existence of Dirac cones in the band   structure of two-dimensional materials accompanied by unprecedented   electronic properties is considered to be a unique feature of graphene   related to its hexag...more


Penta-graphene:   A new carbon allotrope

Shunhong Zhang, Jian Zhou, Qian Wang,   Xiaoshuang Chen, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Puru Jena

2015, Proceedings of the National   Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - Article

A 2D metastable carbon allotrope,   penta-graphene, composed entirely of carbon pentagons and resembling the   Cairo pentagonal tiling, is proposed. State-of-the-art theoretical   calculations confirm that ...more


The   era of carbon allotropes

Andreas Hirsch

2010, Nature   Materials - Article

Twenty-five years on from the discovery   of C60, the outstanding properties and potential applications of the   synthetic carbon allotropes — fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene —   overwhelmingly illustrat...more


Graphdiyne   and graphyne: from theoretical predictions to practical construction

Yongjun Li, Liang Xu, Huibiao Liu, Yuliang Li

2014, Chemical Society   Reviews - Article

Flat carbon (sp(2) and sp) networks endow   the graphdiyne and graphyne families with high degrees of π-conjunction,   uniformly distributed pores, and tunable electronic properties; therefore,   these mate...more


Conducting   polymer artificial muscles

R.H. Baughman

1996, Synthetic   Metals - Article

The application of conducting polymers   for the direct conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy in   electromechanical actuators is analyzed using theoretical and experimental   results. Basic ...more


Electronic   Structure and Carrier Mobility in Graphdiyne Sheet and Nanoribbons:   Theoretical Predictions

Mengqiu Long, Ling Tang, Dong Wang, Yuliang Li, Zhigang Shuai

2011, ACS Nano - Article

Using density functional theory coupled   with Boltzmann transport equation with relaxation time approximation, we   investigate the electronic structure and predict the charge mobility for a   new carbon a...more


Carbon   Nanostructures

O. A. Shenderova, V. V. Zhirnov, D. W.   Brenner

2002, Critical Reviews in Solid   State and Material Sciences - Article

An overview of the various carbon   structures with characteristic sizes in the nanoscale region is presented,   with special attention devoted to the structures and properties of   ‘nanodiamond’ and carbon...more


Graphene:   An Emerging Electronic Material

Nathan O. Weiss, Hailong Zhou, Lei Liao,   Yuan Liu, Shan Jiang, Yu Huang, Xiangfeng Duan

2012, Advanced   Materials - Article

Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms   in a honeycomb lattice, offers a number of fundamentally superior qualities   that make it a promising material for a wide range of applications,   particularly in...more


From   Conception to Realization: An Historial Account of Graphene and Some   Perspectives for Its Future

Daniel R. Dreyer, Rodney S. Ruoff,   Christopher W. Bielawski

2010, Angewandte Chemie   International Edition - Article

There has been an intense surge in   interest in graphene during recent years. However, graphene-like materials   derived from graphite oxide were reported in 1962, and related chemical   modifications of g...more


Chemistry   with Graphene and Graphene Oxide—Challenges for Synthetic Chemists

Siegfried Eigler, Andreas Hirsch

2014, Angewandte Chemie   International Edition - Article

The chemical production of graphene as   well as its controlled wet chemical modification is a challenge for synthetic   chemists. Furthermore, the characterization of reaction products requires   sophistic...more


TwoDimensional   Polymers: Just a Dream of Synthetic Chemists?

Junji Sakamoto, Jeroen van Heijst, Oleg   Lukin, A. Dieter Schlüter

2009, Angewandte Chemie   International Edition - Article

In light of the considerable impact   synthetic 2D polymers are expected to have on many fundamental and applied   aspects of the natural and engineering sciences, it is surprising that little   research ha...more



Synthetic   Approaches toward Molecular and Polymeric Carbon Allotropes

François Diederich, Yves Rubin

1992, Angewandte Chemie   International Edition - Article

Life on earth is based on compounds that   have carbon frames and backbones. Today, chemists have added to the world of   biomolecules and biopolymers approximately 107 different synthetic molecules   and p...more


Synthesis,   assembly and applications of semiconductor nanomembranes

J. A. Rogers, M. G. Lagally, R. G. Nuzzo

2011, Nature - Article

Semiconductor nanomembranes: the next   small thing?Nanomembranes are a new and exciting class of materials for   electronics applications. They are monocrystalline two-dimensional structures   less than a ...more


Graphene   -related nanomaterials: tuning properties by functionalization

Qing Tang, Zhen Zhou, Zhongfang Chen

2013, Nanoscale - Article

In this review, we discuss the most   recent progress on graphene-related nanomaterials, including doped graphene   and derived graphene nanoribbons, graphene oxide, graphane, fluorographene,   graphyne, gr...more


Anchoring   zero valence single atoms of nickel and iron on graphdiyne for hydrogen   evolution

Yurui Xue, Bolong Huang, Yuanping Yi,   Yuan Guo, Zicheng Zuo, Yongjun Li, Zhiyu Jia, Huibiao Liu, Yuliang Li

2018, Nature   Communications - Article

Electrocatalysis by atomic catalysts is a   major focus of chemical and energy conversion effort. Although   transition-metal-based bulk electrocatalysts for electrochemical application   on energy conversi...more


Optimized   geometries and electronic structures of graphyne and its family

Nobuo Narita, Sumiaki Nagai, Shugo   Suzuki, Kenji Nakao

1998, Physical Review   B - Article

The optimized geometries of carbon   allotropes related to graphite, called graphyne, graphdiyne, graphyne-3, and   graphyne-4, as well as their electronic band structures were calculated using   a full-pot...more


Covalent   Organic Frameworks: Chemistry beyond the Structure

Sharath Kandambeth, Kaushik Dey, Rahul   Banerjee

2018, Journal of the American   Chemical Society - Article

Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) represent   a new field of rapidly growing chemical research that takes direct   inspiration from diverse covalent bonds existing between atoms. The success   of linking a...more


Molecular   Rods. 1. Simple Axial Rods

Peter F. H. Schwab, Michael D. Levin,   Josef Michl

1999, Chemical   Reviews - Article


Emerging   desalination technologies for water treatment: A critical review

Arun Subramani, Joseph G. Jacangelo

2015, Water   Research - Article

In this paper, a review of emerging   desalination technologies is presented. Several technologies for desalination   of municipal and industrial wastewater have been proposed and evaluated, but   only cert...more


Progress   in Research into 2D Graphdiyne-Based Materials

Changshui Huang, Yongjun Li, Ning Wang,   Yurui Xue, Zicheng Zuo, Huibiao Liu, Yuliang Li

2018, Chemical   Reviews - Article

Graphynes (GYs) are carbon allotropes   with single-atom thickness that feature layered 2D structure assembled by   carbon atoms with sp - and sp2 - hybridization form. Various functional   theor...more


High   performance platinum single atom electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction   reaction

Jing Liu, Menggai Jiao, Lanlu Lu, Heather   M. Barkholtz, Yuping Li, Ying Wang, Luhua Jiang, Zhijian Wu, Di-jia Liu, Lin   Zhuang, Chao Ma, Jie Zeng, Bingsen Zhang, Dangsheng Su, Ping Song, Wei Xing, Weilin   Xu, Ying Wang, Zheng Jiang, Gongquan Sun

2017, Nature   Communications - Article

For the large-scale sustainable   implementation of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells in vehicles,   high-performance electrocatalysts with low platinum consumption are desirable   for use as cathode ...more


A   two-dimensional π–d conjugated coordination polymer with extremely high   electrical conductivity and ambipolar transport behaviour

Xing Huang, Peng Sheng, Zeyi Tu, Fengjiao   Zhang, Junhua Wang, Hua Geng, Ye Zou, Chong-an Di, Yuanping Yi, Yimeng Sun,   Wei Xu, Daoben Zhu

2015, Nature   Communications - Article

Currently, studies on organic   two-dimensional (2D) materials with special optic-electronic properties are attracting   great research interest. However, 2D organic systems possessing promising   electrica...more



Modern   Acetylene Chemistry

P. J. Stang, F. Diederich (Eds.)

1995 - Edited Book



First-principles   prediction of charge mobility in carbon and organic nanomaterials

Jinyang Xi, Mengqiu Long, Ling Tang, Dong   Wang, Zhigang Shuai

2012, Nanoscale - Article

We summarize our recent progresses in developing   first-principles methods for predicting the intrinsic charge mobility in   carbon and organic nanomaterials, within the framework of Boltzmann   transport ...more



Carbon   scaffolding: building acetylenic all-carbon and carbon-rich compounds

François Diederich

1994, Nature - Article

The preparation of acetylenic molecular   and polymeric carbon allotropes and carbon-rich nanometre-sized structures   opens new avenues of fundamental and technological research at the interface   between ...more



Conjugated   Macrocycles: Concepts and Applications

Masahiko Iyoda, Jun Yamakawa, M. Jalilur   Rahman

2011, Angewandte Chemie   International Edition - Article

One of the most important objectives in   materials, chemical, and physical sciences is the creation of large   conjugated macrocycles with well-defined shapes, since such molecules are not   only theoretic...more



Fundamental   transport mechanisms, fabrication and potential applications of nanoporous   atomically thin membranes

Luda Wang, Michael S. H. Boutilier, Piran   R. Kidambi, Doojoon Jang, Nicolas G. Hadjiconstantinou, Rohit Karnik

2017, Nature Nanotechnology - Article

This Review examines the development of   nanoporous atomically thin membranes, focusing on fundamental mechanisms of   gas- and liquid-phase transport, membrane fabrication techniques, and   advances towar...more



Semimetallic   Two-Dimensional Boron Allotrope with Massless Dirac Fermions

Xiang-Feng Zhou, Xiao Dong, Artem R.   Oganov, Qiang Zhu, Yongjun Tian, Hui-Tian Wang

2014, Physical Review   Letters - Article

It has been widely accepted that planar   boron structures, composed of triangular and hexagonal motifs are the most   stable two-dimensional (2D) phases and likely precursors for boron   nanostructures. He...more



Ring   currents

P. Lazzeretti

2000, Progress in Nuclear Magnetic   Resonance Spectroscopy - Article



Photocatalytic   Properties of Graphdiyne and Graphene Modified TiO2: From Theory to   Experiment

Nailiang Yang, Yuanyuan Liu, Hao Wen,   Zhiyong Tang, Huijun Zhao, Yuliang Li, Dan   Wang

2013, ACS Nano - Article

The chemical structure and electronic   properties of two-dimensional (2D) carbon-supported TiO, TiO-graphdiyne, and TiO-graphene composites have been studied by first-principles density   functional t...more



Chemical   Synthesis of Single Atomic Site Catalysts

Shufang Ji, Yuanjun Chen, Xiaolu Wang,   Zedong Zhang, Dingsheng Wang, Yadong Li

2020, Chemical Reviews - Article

Manipulating metal atoms in a   controllable way for the synthesis of materials with the desired structure   and properties is the holy grail of chemical synthesis. The recent emergence   of single atomic s...more



Graphyne   and Graphdiyne: Promising Materials for Nanoelectronics and Energy Storage   Applications

K. Srinivasu, Swapan K. Ghosh

2012, The Journal of Physical   Chemistry C - Article

Ab initio first-principles calculations   were carried out to investigate lithium-dispersed two-dimensional carbon   allotropes, viz. graphyne and graphdiyne, for their applications as lithium   storage and...more



Photocatalytic   materials: recent achievements and near future trends

Fernando Fresno, Raquel Portela, Silvia   Suárez, Juan M. Coronado

2014, Journal of Materials Chemistry   A - Article

Research on photocatalytic materials has   been a field in continuous expansion in the recent decades, as it is   evidenced by the large number of articles published every year. So far, more   than 190 diff...more


Synthesis   of Graphdiyne Nanowalls Using Acetylenic Coupling Reaction

Jingyuan Zhou, Xin Gao, Rong Liu, Ziqian   Xie, Jin Yang, Shuqing Zhang, Gengmin Zhang, Huibiao Liu, Yuliang Li, Jin Zhang, Zhongfan Liu

2015, Journal of the American   Chemical Society - Article

Synthesizing graphdiyne with a   well-defined structure is a great challenge. We reported herein a rational   approach to synthesize graphdiyne nanowalls using a modified Glaser-Hay   coupling reaction. Hex...more


Carbon   Networks Based on Dehydrobenzoannulenes: Synthesis of Graphdiyne Substructures

Michael M. Haley, Stephen C. Brand,   Joshua J. Pak

1997, Angewandte Chemie   International Edition - Article


Polyethynylated   cyclic π-systems: scaffoldings for novel two and three-dimensional carbon   networks

Uwe H. F. Bunz, Yves Rubin, Yoshito Tobe

1999, Chemical Society   Reviews - Article

All-carbon materials with novel   topologies are of interest in regard to their materials properties. These   novel structures include graphite-like two-dimensional networks as well as   fullerene-like thre...more



Synthesis   and properties of annulenic subunits of graphyne and graphdiyne   nanoarchitectures

Michael M. Haley

2008, Pure and Applied   Chemistry - Article

Abstract This report describes the   synthetic strategies toward and optoelectronic properties of substructures of   the non-natural, planar carbon networks graphyne and graphdiyne, which are   based on the...more



Atomically   Thin Group V Elemental Films: Theoretical Investigations of Antimonene   Allotropes

Gaoxue Wang, Ravindra Pandey, Shashi P.   Karna

2015, ACS Applied Materials &   Interfaces - Article

Group V elemental monolayers including   phosphorene are emerging as promising 2D materials with semiconducting   electronic properties. Here, we present the results of first-principles   calculations on st...more



Graphdiyne:   synthesis, properties, and applications

Xin Gao, Huibiao Liu, Dan Wang, Jin Zhang

2019, Chemical Society   Reviews - Article

Graphdiyne (GDY), a new two-dimensional   (2D) carbon allotrope, has been receiving increased attention. Its unique   sp-sp2 carbon atoms, uniform pores, and highly π-conjugated   structure provide promisin...more



T-Carbon:   A Novel Carbon Allotrope

Xian-Lei Sheng, Qing-Bo Yan, Fei Ye,   Qing-Rong Zheng, Gang Su

2011, Physical Review   Letters - Article

A structurally stable crystalline carbon   allotrope is predicted by means of the first-principles calculations. This   allotrope can be derived by substituting each atom in diamond with a carbon   tetrahed...more



Phagraphene:   A Low-Energy Graphene Allotrope Composed of 5–6–7 Carbon Rings with Distorted   Dirac Cones

Zhenhai Wang, Xiang-Feng Zhou, Xiaoming   Zhang, Qiang Zhu, Huafeng Dong, Mingwen Zhao, Artem R. Oganov

2015, Nano   Letters - Article

Using systematic evolutionary structure   searching we propose a new carbon allotrope, phagraphene [fæ'græfi:n],   standing for penta-hexa-hepta-graphene, because the structure is composed of 5-6-7   c...more



Identification   of catalytic sites in cobalt-nitrogen-carbon materials for the oxygen   reduction reaction

Andrea Zitolo, Nastaran Ranjbar-Sahraie,   Tzonka Mineva, Jingkun Li, Qingying Jia, Serban Stamatin, George F.   Harrington, Stephen Mathew Lyth, Petr Krtil, Sanjeev Mukerjee, Emiliano   Fonda, Frédéric Jaouen

2017, Nature   Communications - Article

Single-atom catalysts with full   utilization of metal centers can bridge the gap between molecular and   solid-state catalysis. Metal-nitrogen-carbon materials prepared via pyrolysis   are promising single...more



Elastic,   Electronic, and Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Graphyne Sheet

Jun Kang, Jingbo Li, Fengmin Wu, Shu-Shen   Li, Jian-Bai Xia

2011, The Journal of Physical   Chemistry C - Article

The elastic, electronic, and optical   properties of the 2D graphyne sheet, which consists of hexagonal carbon rings   and acetylenic linkages, are investigated from first-principles calculations.   Graphyn...more


Recent   advances in nanomaterials for water protection and monitoring

Rasel Das, Chad D. Vecitis, Agnes   Schulze, Bin Cao, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Xianbo Lu, Jiping Chen, Seeram   Ramakrishna

2017, Chemical Society Reviews - Article

The efficient handling of wastewater   pollutants is a must, since they are continuously defiling limited fresh   water resources, seriously affecting the terrestrial, aquatic, and aerial   flora and fauna....more



Modern   Cyclophane Chemistry

Rolf Gleiter, Henning Hopf (Eds.)

2004 - Edited Book



Renaissance   of Annulene Chemistry

Eric L. Spitler, Charles A. Johnson,   Michael M. Haley

2006, Chemical   Reviews - Article


Mechanical   properties of graphyne

Steven W. Cranford, Markus J. Buehler

2011, Carbon - Article

Carbon nanotubes and graphene have paved   the way for the next step in the evolution of carbon materials. Among the   novel forms of carbon allotropes is graphyne – a two-dimensional lattice of   sp–sp2-hy...more


Homo-coupling   of terminal alkynes on a noble metal surface

Yi-Qi Zhang, Nenad Kepčija, Martin   Kleinschrodt, Katharina Diller, Sybille Fischer, Anthoula C. Papageorgiou,   Francesco Allegretti, Jonas Björk, Svetlana Klyatskaya, Florian   Klappenberger, Mario Ruben, Johannes V. Barth

2012, Nature   Communications - Article

The covalent linking of acetylenes   presents an important route for the fabrication of novel carbon-based   scaffolds and two-dimensional materials distinct from graphene. To date few   attempts have been ...more



Synthesis   and Properties of 2D CarbonGraphdiyne

Zhiyu Jia, Yongjun Li, Zicheng Zuo,   Huibiao Liu, Changshui Huang, Yuliang Li

2017, Accounts of Chemical   Research - Article

Graphdiyne (GDY) is a flat material   comprising sp2- and sp-hybridized carbon atoms with high degrees   of π conjugation that features uniformly distributed pores. It is interesting   not only f...more


Graphene   allotropes

Andrey N. Enyashin, Alexander L.   Ivanovskii

2011, physica status solidi   (b) - Article

Using the density-functional-based   tight-binding method (DF-TB) we performed a systematic comparative study of   stability, structural, and electronic properties for 12 various types of   graphene allotro...more



Hydrogen:   A sustainable fuel for future of the transport sector

Sonal Singh, Shikha Jain, PS   Venkateswaran, Avanish K. Tiwari, Mansa R. Nouni, Jitendra K. Pandey, Sanket   Goel

2015, Renewable and Sustainable   Energy Reviews - Article

Mobility (transport of people and goods)   is a socio-economic reality and need for which is bound to grow in the coming   years. Modes of transport should be safe, economic and reasonably   environmental f...more



Highly   Efficient and Selective Generation of Ammonia and Hydrogen on a   Graphdiyne-Based Catalyst

Lan Hui, Yurui Xue, Huidi Yu, Yuxin Liu,   Yan Fang, Chengyu Xing, Bolong Huang, Yuliang Li

2019, Journal of the American   Chemical Society - Article

The emergence of zerovalent atom   catalysts has been highly attractive for catalytic science. For many years,   scientists have explored the stability of zerovalent atom catalysts and   demonstrated their ...more



 4. 李玉良(Yuliang Li)的高引论文(≥100次)

李玉良的高引论文中,被引频次在300次以上的8篇(被引频次分别为729698531, 499 374 350312304次)已经在表2中列出,不再重复,表3中仅列出被引频次在100~300次之间的相关论文。

 表3 李玉良(Yuliang Li)的高引论文

Title, Author(s), Bibliographic reference


Graphdiyne   Oxides as Excellent Substrate for Electroless Deposition of Pd Clusters with   High Catalytic Activity

Hetong Qi, Ping Yu, Yuexiang Wang,   Guangchao Han, Huibiao Liu, Yuanping Yi, Yuliang Li,   Lanqun Mao

2015, Journal of the American   Chemical Society - Article

Graphdiyne (GDY), a novel kind of two-dimensional   carbon allotrope consisting of sp- and sp(2)-hybridized carbon atoms, is   found to be able to serve as the reducing agent and stabilizer for   electroles...more



Selectively   nitrogen-doped carbon materials as superior metal-free catalysts for oxygen   reduction

Qing Lv, Wenyan Si, Jianjiang He, Lei   Sun, Chunfang Zhang, Ning Wang, Ze Yang, Xiaodong Li, Xin Wang, Weiqiao Deng,   Yunze Long, Changshui Huang, Yuliang Li

2018, Nature   Communications - Article

Doping with pyridinic nitrogen atoms is   known as an effective strategy to improve the activity of carbon-based   catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. However, pyridinic nitrogen   atoms prefer to ...more



Hydrogen   substituted graphdiyne as carbon-rich flexible electrode for lithium and   sodium ion batteries

Jianjiang He, Ning Wang, Zili Cui,   Huiping Du, Lin Fu, Changshui Huang, Ze Yang, Xiangyan Shen, Yuanping Yi,   Zeyi Tu, Yuliang Li

2017, Nature Communications - Article

Organic electrodes are potential   alternatives to current inorganic electrode materials for lithium ion and   sodium ion batteries powering portable and wearable electronics, in terms of   their mechanical...more



Quasiparticle   energies and excitonic effects of the two-dimensional carbon allotrope   graphdiyne: Theory and experiment

Guangfu Luo, Xuemin Qian, Huibiao Liu,   Rui Qin, Jing Zhou, Linze Li, Zhengxiang Gao, Enge Wang, Wai-Ning Mei, Jing   Lu, Yuliang Li, Shigeru Nagase

2011, Physical Review   B - Article

We report the electronic structure and   optical properties of the recently synthesized stable two-dimensional carbon   allotrope graphdiyne based on first-principles calculations and experimental   optical...more



Overall   water splitting by graphdiyne-exfoliated and -sandwiched layered   double-hydroxide nanosheet arrays

Lan Hui, Yurui Xue, Bolong Huang, Huidi   Yu, Chao Zhang, Danyan Zhang, Dianzeng Jia, Yingjie Zhao, Yongjun Li, Huibiao   Liu, Yuliang Li

2018, Nature   Communications - Article

It is of great urgency to develop   efficient, cost-effective, stable and industrially applicable electrocatalysts   for renewable energy systems. But there are still few candidate materials.   Here we show...more



High-performance   graphdiyne-based electrochemical actuators

Chao Lu, Ying Yang, Jian Wang, Ruoping   Fu, Xinxin Zhao, Lei Zhao, Yue Ming, Ying Hu, Hongzhen Lin, Xiaoming Tao, Yuliang Li, Wei Chen

2018, Nature   Communications - Article

Electrochemical actuators directly   converting electrical energy to mechanical energy are critically important   for artificial intelligence. However, their energy transduction efficiency is   always lower...more



Graphdiyne   applied for lithium-ion capacitors displaying high power and energy densities

Huiping Du, Hui Yang, Changshui Huang,   Jianjiang He, Huibiao Liu, Yuliang Li

2016, Nano   Energy - Article

New materials hold the key to fundamental   advances in energy conversion and storage, both of which are vital in order   to meet the challenge of sustainable and renewable energy sources.   Lithium-ion ca...more



Bulk   graphdiyne powder applied for highly efficient lithium storage

Shengliang Zhang, Huibiao Liu, Changshui   Huang, Guanglei Cui, Yuliang Li

2015, Chemical   Communications - Article

Here, we prepared bulk graphdiyne (GDY)   powder with porous structure and explored its lithium storage properties. The   assembled lithium ion batteries exhibited superior electrochemical   performance, in...more



Nitrogen-Doped   Graphdiyne Applied for Lithium-Ion Storage

Shengliang Zhang, Huiping Du, Jianjiang   He, Changshui Huang, Huibiao Liu, Guanglei Cui, Yuliang   Li

2016, ACS Applied Materials &   Interfaces - Article

The elemental N emerged uniformly in   graphdiyne (GDY) after heat treatment under NH3 atmosphere to form N-doping   GDY. The interplanar N-GDY distance decreased slightly, which may be ascribed   to the sm...more



Graphdiyne   and its Assembly Architectures: Synthesis, Functionalization, and   Applications

Huidi Yu, Yurui Xue, Yuliang Li

2019, Advanced   Materials - Article

Graphdiyne (GDY), a novel one-atom-thick   carbon allotrope that features assembled layers of sp- and   sp2 -hybridized carbon atoms, has attracted great interest from both   science and industry...more



N-doped   graphdiyne for high-performance electrochemical electrodes

Hong Shang, Zicheng Zuo, Haiyan Zheng,   Kuo Li, Zeyi Tu, Yuanping Yi, Huibiao Liu, Yongjun Li, Yuliang Li

2018, Nano   Energy - Article

A novel method is developed for   constructing well-defined N-doped graphdiyne (GDY) nanostructures. This   method can effectively tune the N-configurations (pyridinic N and   triazine-like N cluster), N-c...more



Improved   electron transport in MAPbI3 perovskite solar cells based on dual doping   graphdiyne

Jiangsheng Li, Tonggang Jiu, Chenghao   Duan, Yao Wang, Hongna Zhang, Hongmei Jian, Yingjie Zhao, Ning Wang,   Changshui Huang, Yuliang Li

2018, Nano Energy - Article

The properties of electron transport   layers play a crucial role in determining the performance of perovskite solar   cells. Here we reported that graphdiyne doped in both PCBM and ZnO films of   perovski...more



Graphdiyne   Materials as Nanotransducer for in Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging and   Photothermal Therapy of Tumor

Shengliang Li, Yanhuan Chen, Huibiao Liu,   Yunxia Wang, Libing Liu, Fengting Lv, Yuliang Li, Shu Wang

2017, Chemistry of   Materials - Article

Two-dimensional (2D) all-carbon materials   hold great fascination because of their superior properties and promising   applications. Herein, we presented the first demonstration for the use of   graphdiyne...more



Ultrathin   Nanosheet of Graphdiyne-Supported Palladium Atom Catalyst for Efficient   Hydrogen Production

Huidi Yu, Yurui Xue, Bolong Huang, Lan   Hui, Chao Zhang, Yan Fang, Yuxin Liu, Yingjie Zhao, Yongjun Li, Huibiao Liu, Yuliang Li

2018, iScience - Article

Atomic catalysts are promising   alternatives to bulk catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER),   because of their high atomic efficiencies, catalytic activities, and   selectivities. Here, we re...more



Self-catalyzed   Growth of Large-Area Nanofilms of Two-Dimensional Carbon

Xuemin Qian, Huibiao Liu, Changshui   Huang, Songhua Chen, Liang Zhang, Yongjun Li, Jizheng Wang, Yuliang Li

2015, Scientific   Reports - Article

The graphdiyne (GD), a carbon allotrope   with a 2D structure comprising benzene rings and carbon–carbon triple bonds,   can be synthesized through cross-coupling on the surface of copper foil. The   key pr...more





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