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已有 3981 次阅读 2018-8-15 16:25 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事| 撤稿, 教授



Ulrich Lichtenthaler

据《撤稿瞭望》(Retraction Watch)网站2018814日报道,管理教授乌尔里希利希滕塔勒(Ulrich Lichtenthaler),尽管其曾因“数据违规”而不得不撤回16篇论文,但是他在学术界还是有了新职位。

根据总部位于德国的国际管理学院(International School of Management, ISM)的一份新闻稿,利希滕塔勒已被任命为科隆校区(Cologne campus)的企业管理和创业学教授(Professor of Business Management and Entrepreneurship)。利希滕塔勒也将成为ISM的创业学院的主任(Entrepreneurship Institute at ISM)之一,负责该领域的研究。读者可能对利希滕塔勒的名字很熟悉:在杂志发表的论文中撤回了他的十多篇文章后,2015年他辞去了曼海敏大学(University of Mannheimin)的职位。有人通过电子邮件询问利希滕塔勒,是否对于新雇主透露过他的历史问题;他将邮件转发给ISM的市场和销售部门主管,主管的回信如下:

Dr. Ulrich Lichtenthaler has been appointed Professor at International School of Management (ISM), effective as of March 1st, 2018. The appointment is based on a due appointment process. This process is by standard subject to examination by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. Prior discrepancies and retracted publications of Dr. Ulrich Lichtenthaler were known in advance to the appointment process.

大意是Ulrich Lichtenthaler博士被任命为国际管理学院(ISM)教授,从201831日起生效。任命是基于一个适当的任命过程,即此过程是由德国北莱茵-威斯特伐利亚州的文化和科学部审查的标准程序。在任命程序开始前,我们就知道Ulrich Lichtenthaler博士先前发表的不一致和撤回的出版物。

2013年,他获得博士学位的奥托贝森管理学院(WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management)撤销了Ulrich Lichtenthaler的教学资格;我们问ISM的发言人这是否会影响他目前的职位。她告诉我们:

ISM是一所以应用科学为重点的应用型大学,注重实践教学。在这方面,Ulrich Lichtenthaler博士在商业实践方面的专业知识和教学质量都很高

[ISM] is an application-focused University of Applied Sciences, putting emphasis on practice-oriented teaching. In this regard, Dr. Ulrich Lichtenthaler has specific expertise in business practice and high qualities in teaching.

她还补充说: ISM是一所属于德国教育体系应用科学大学 (Fachhochschule) ”,它有别于德文‘Universität’即研究型大学(Research University)”应用科学大学 (Fachhochschule) ”研究型大学(Universität相比,应用科学大学 (Fachhochschule)的聘用标准主要是博士学位、商业实践经验和教学经验,不需要授权许可”(大学任教资格证书或教学许可证,如你提到的)

ISM is a ’Fachhochschule’ (University of Applied Sciences), which is within the German educational system distinct from a ‘Universität’ (Research University). Appointment criteria for a ‘Fachhochschule’ as compared to a ‘Universität’ are primarily a PhD degree, experience in business practice and experience in teaching. A ‘Habilitation’ (Venia Legendi or Teaching License, as you referred to) is not required at a ‘Fachhochschule’.

Ulrich Lichtenthaler博士的新任命引起了一些反响;在一个关于经济工作的网站上,一位评论者写道: 天哪,这是假的还是真的?holy s**t… wtf… fake or real?

当美国加州克莱蒙特市凯克研究生院(Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, Calif.)的乔尔·韦斯特(Joel West) 教授在推特(Twitter)上宣布这一任命时,一位读者说他目瞪口呆了。 乔尔·韦斯特诉我们,因为他了解Lichtenthaler的任命,他已经听到了同行的一些反应。如有人认为,这真是让人大跌眼镜,即使你有一系列学术欺诈的不良记录在案,也不会剥夺你在学术界另谋一个职位的资格。

It’s just really frustrating. Even when you have a well document case of serial academic fraud, that it’s not disqualifying for another position in academia.

Ulrich Lichtenthaler博士过去的经历造成了一些附带的损害:2015年,他的一位经常合作的作者,也是奥托贝森管理学院(WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management)的系主任,被指控有严重的科学不端行为,因为尚未发现他与Ulrich Lichtenthaler博士合作研究成果也存在违规问题。更多信息可以浏览《撤稿瞭望》(Retraction Watch)网站的相关报道。


Management researcher with 16 retractions has new professorship. August 14, 2018

After 16 retractions, management professor Lichtenthaler resigns post October 10, 2014 In "germany retractions"

German dep't head reprimanded for not catching mistakes of co-author Lichtenthaler September 29, 2015 In "germany retractions"

Management prof with 12 retractions loses his license to teach September 16, 2013 In "business"


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