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好的窗帘可以降低65岁以下老人患老年痴呆症的风险 精选

已有 5361 次阅读 2024-9-11 19:18 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦




Fig. 1 (d3sign/Getty Images)


Fig. 2 Orlando, Florida at night. (rabbit75_cav/Canva)

据“科学警报”Science Alert)网站2024910日报道,“好的窗帘可以降低65岁以下老人患老年痴呆症的风险”(Lead Alzheimer's Risk For Under-65s Could Be Reduced With Good Curtains)。

近年来,研究发现饮食、压力、睡眠不足、肥胖和肠道炎症diet, stress, a lack of sleep, obesity, and gut inflammation都会增加某些人患阿尔茨海默病Alzheimer's disease)的风险。现在看来,夜间的室外人造光也可能是一个患病因素,尤其是对65岁以下的人来说。美国芝加哥拉什大学医学中心(Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, United States)研究人员的相关研究结果,于202496日已经在《神经科学前沿》(Frontiers in Neuroscience杂志网站在线发表——Robin M. Voigt, Bichun Ouyang, Ali Keshavarzian. Outdoor nighttime light exposure (light pollution) is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience (Sec. Neurodegeneration), 2024, 18: 1378498. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2024.1378498. Published: 06 September 2024. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2024.1378498

美国伊利诺斯州拉什大学医学中心(Rush University Medical Center in Illinois)的研究人员,将美国48个州的光污染地图与同一地区的医疗记录进行了比较,发现光污染与阿尔茨海默病之间存在统计学上的显著联系。

医学科学家罗宾·沃伊特-祖瓦拉(Robin Voigt-Zuwala)说:“我们发现,在美国,阿尔茨海默病的患病率与夜间暴露在光线下呈正相关,尤其是65岁以下的人。夜间光污染是一个可改变的环境因素,可能是阿尔茨海默病的一个重要风险因素。”

对于65岁以上的人来说,光污染排在酗酒、慢性肾病和抑郁症(depression等风险因素之前。然而,它仍然在包括糖尿病diabetes和高血压high blood pressure的其他风险因素之后


目前还不清楚这种联系背后的确切原因,也不能证明直接的因果关系,但我们已经知道睡眠和昼夜节律对身体健康to good health有多重要,以及人造光对这些日常活动的潜在破坏性有多大。


睡眠对大脑发育growing brains至关重要,并且与痴呆症linked to the risk of dementia和其他疾病other diseases的风险有关。

19世纪电灯问世以来,人造光的增加趋势只朝着一个方向发展(only gone in one direction),而且有明确的证据表明,人造光正在干扰我们的睡眠模式our sleeping patterns)。这些发现提醒我们现代生活方式的潜在成本,以平衡夜间灯光给我们带来的所有好处。据认为,世界上超过80%more than 80 percent的人口受到光污染的影响。


本研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院{National Institutes of Health (grants no. R01AG056653 and R24AA026801)}的支持。



Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prevalence has increased in the last century which can be attributed to increased lifespan, but environment is also important. Exposure to artificial light at night is one environmental factor that may influence AD.

Methods: This study evaluated the relationship between outdoor nighttime light exposure and AD prevalence in the United States using satellite acquired outdoor nighttime light intensity and Medicare data.

Results: Higher outdoor nighttime light was associated with higher prevalence of AD. While atrial fibrillation, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and stroke were associated more strongly with AD prevalence than nighttime light intensity, nighttime light was more strongly associated with AD prevalence than alcohol abuse, chronic kidney disease, depression, heart failure, and obesity. Startlingly, nighttime light exposure more strongly associated with AD prevalence in those under the age of 65 than any other disease factor examined.

Discussion: These data suggest light exposure at night may influence AD, but additional studies are needed.


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