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已有 5070 次阅读 2017-5-26 16:34 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯| 石墨烯, 磁开关, 贝里相位(, phase)



据美国国家标准与技术研究院National Institute of Standards and Technology2017525日提供的信息,由美国国家标准与技术研究院美国马兰兰大学(University of Maryland)、麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)、哈佛大学(Harvard University)、中国南方科技大学(South University of Science and Technology of China)、瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne以及日本国立材料科学研究院(National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba的研究人员合作,开发出一种磁开关,可以打开或者关闭一种奇怪的量子属性。相关研究结果于2017526日在《科学》(Science)杂志最新一期发表——F. Ghahari, D. Walkup, C. Gutiérrez, J. F. Rodriguez-Nieva, Y. Zhao, J. Wyrick, F. D. Natterer, W. G. Cullen, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L. S. Levitov, N. B. Zhitenev, J. A. Stroscio. An on/off Berry phase switch in circular graphene resonators. Science, 26 May 2017, 356(6340): 845-849. DOI: 10.1126/science.aal0212.1就是在环形石墨烯谐振器电子轨迹三维透视图及其在水平面投影图示一个弱磁场经典类型的原子轨道(图所示)扭曲成具有侧环路的(图所示)因为石墨烯中电子的波函数是生俱来的拓扑贝里相(topological Berry phase,它们之间的过渡是涉及到在量子力学的能量水平突然跳

Fig. 1 Three-dimensional renderings of electron trajectories in circular graphene resonators, and their projections on the horizontal plane. A weak magnetic field warps the classic type of atomic orbit (left) into the skipping type with outer loops (right). Because of the topological Berry phase inherent to electron’s wavefunctions in graphene, the transition between them involves a sudden jump in the quantum-mechanical level energy. Credit: Christopher Gutiérrez, Jon Wyrick, CNST/NIST



为了研究量子性质,NIST的物理学家和研究员 Joseph A. Stroscio和他的同事研究了电子驱赶到石墨烯纳米级范围内的特殊轨道电子围绕石墨烯样品中心的轨道运行,就像电子围绕原子中心的轨道运行一样石墨烯中电子运行一周之后,在其轨道上运行的电子通常持其相同的物理性质但是,当一个应用磁场达到某个临界值时,的作用就像是一个开关,使电子运行一周之后,不仅轨道的形状发生变化,而且会导致电子具有不同的物理特性。


Flicking the Berry phase switch

When an electron completes a cycle around the Dirac point (a particular location in graphene's electronic structure), the phase of its wave function changes by π. This so-called Berry phase is tricky to observe directly in solid-state measurements. Ghahari et al. built a graphene nanostructure consisting of a central region doped with positive carriers surrounded by a negatively doped background. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy revealed sudden jumps in conductivity as the external magnetic field was increased past a threshold value. The jumps occurred when electron orbits started encompassing the Dirac point, reflecting the switch of the Berry phase from zero to π. The tunability of conductivity by such minute changes in magnetic field is promising for future applications.

Science, this issue p. 845


The phase of a quantum state may not return to its original value after the system’s parameters cycle around a closed path; instead, the wave function may acquire a measurable phase difference called the Berry phase. Berry phases typically have been accessed through interference experiments. Here, we demonstrate an unusual Berry phase–induced spectroscopic feature: a sudden and large increase in the energy of angular-momentum states in circular graphene p-n junction resonators when a relatively small critical magnetic field is reached. This behavior results from turning on a π Berry phase associated with the topological properties of Dirac fermions in graphene. The Berry phase can be switched on and off with small magnetic field changes on the order of 10 millitesla, potentially enabling a variety of optoelectronic graphene device applications.

The newly developed quantum switch relies on a geometric property called the Berry , named after English physicist Sir Michael Berry who developed the theory of this quantum phenomenon in 1983. The Berry phase is associated with the wave function of a particle, which in quantum theory describes a particle's physical state. The wave function—think of an ocean wave—has both an amplitude (the height of the wave) and a phase—the location of a peak or trough relative to the start of the wave cycle.

Researchers develop magnetic switch to turn on and off a strange quantum property

      These images show the orbital paths of electrons trapped within a circular region within graphene. In the classical orbit (top image), an electron that travels in a complete circuit has the same physical state as when it started on the path. However, when an applied magnetic field reaches a critical value, (bottom image), an electron completing a circuit has a different physical state its original one. The change is called a Berry phase and the magnetic field acts as a switch to turn on the Berry phase. The result is that the electron is raised to a higher energy level. Credit: Christopher Gutiérrez, Daniel Walkup/NIST    

When an electron makes a complete circuit around a closed loop so that it returns to its initial location, the phase of its wave function may shift instead of returning to its original value. This phase shift, the Berry phase, is a kind of memory of a quantum system's travel and does not depend on time, only on the geometry of the system—the shape of the path. Moreover, the shift has observable consequences in a wide range of quantum systems.

Although the Berry phase is a purely quantum phenomenon, it has an analog in non-quantum systems. Consider the motion of a Foucault pendulum, which was used to demonstrate Earth's rotation in the 19th century. The suspended pendulum simply swings back and forth in the same vertical plane, but appears to slowly rotate during each swing—a kind of —due to the rotation of Earth beneath it.

Since the mid-1980s, experiments have shown that several types of quantum systems have a Berry phase associated with them. But until the current study, no one had constructed a switch that could turn the Berry phase on and off at will. The switch developed by the team, controlled by a tiny change in an applied magnetic field, gives electrons a sudden and large increase in energy.

Several members of the current research team—based at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University—developed the theory for the Berry phase switch.

To study the Berry phase and create the switch, NIST team member Fereshte Ghahari built a high-quality graphene device to study the energy levels and the Berry phase of electrons corralled within the graphene.

Researchers develop magnetic switch to turn on and off a strange quantum property

       Three-dimensional renderings of electron trajectories in circular graphene resonators, and their projections on the honeycomb lattice (shadows). A weak magnetic field warps the classic type of atomic orbit (left) into the skipping type with outer loops (right). Because of the topological Berry phase inherent to electron’s wavefunctions in graphene, the transition between them involves a sudden jump in the quantum-mechanical level energy. Credit: Christopher Gutiérrez, Jon Wyrick, CNST/NIST    

First, the team confined the electrons to occupy certain orbits and energy levels. To keep the electrons penned in, team member Daniel Walkup created a quantum version of an electric fence by using ionized impurities in the insulating layer beneath the graphene. This enabled a scanning tunneling microscope at NIST's nanotechnology user facility, the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, to probe the quantum and Berry phase of the confined electrons.

The team then applied a weak magnetic field directed into the graphene sheet. For electrons moving in the clockwise direction, the magnetic field created tighter, more compact orbits. But for electrons moving in counterclockwise orbits, the magnetic field had the opposite effect, pulling the electrons into wider orbits. At a critical magnetic field strength, the field acted as a Berry phase switch. It twisted the counterclockwise orbits of the electrons, causing the charged particles to execute clockwise pirouettes near the boundary of the electric fence.

Ordinarily, these pirouettes would have little consequence. However, says team member Christopher Gutiérrez, "the electrons in graphene possess a special Berry phase, which switches on when these magneticallyinduced pirouettes are triggered."

When the Berry phase is switched on, orbiting abruptly jump to a higher energy level. The provides a rich scientific tool box that will help scientists exploit ideas for new devices, which have no analog in conventional semiconductor systems, says Stroscio.


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