科学边缘人罗德海教授分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ldh 中国科学院大气物理研究所研究员,四川人.研究方向:气候动力学,大气动力学



已有 7482 次阅读 2010-10-23 16:12 |个人分类:科研心得|系统分类:科研笔记| 学习, 青年学者

今天我上AMS网站上去查J. Climate接收而待发表文章的情况,发现大气所的宋洁博士和海洋大学吴立新教授指导的博士生马浩分别撰写的论文被J.Climate在线发布,等待刊出。这两位青年学者在科研上很踏实,也富有钻研精神,同时也很努力。对于他们所取得的成绩,在此我向他们表示热烈祝贺!我也希望我自己和我的学生向他们学习。

近一段时期我们国家的学术风气不太好,比较浮躁,但仍还是有一大批的青年学者始终奋战在科研的第一线,尽管他们中的很多收入低,也买不起房。例如,近几年来我们国家从事大气科学和海洋科学的青年学者在J. Climate发表的文章迅猛增加就是一个明证。

 自己从事科研工作这么多年,由于研究方向的关系,还未有第一作者的文章在J. Climate发表过,甚是遗憾。因此我的目标是通过拓宽自己的研究领域,使自己的研究能符合我们国家的科研需求,争取在未来几年内能有一篇第一作者的文章在J. Climate上发表。

Early Online Releases

Journal of Climate

Climate research concerned with large-scale variability of the atmosphere, oceans, and land surface, including the cryosphere; past, present and projected future changes in the climate system (including those caused by human activities); climate simulation and prediction. Occasionally the Journal of Climate will publish review articles on particularly topical areas. Such reviews must be approved by the Chief Editor prior to submission.

Table of Contents

The following published papers are now available online as preprints (i.e., prior to their appearance in an issue of the print journal).


Oct 22, 2010 full access
Climatology of Anticyclonic and Cyclonic Rossby Wave Breaking on the Dynamical Tropopause in the Southern Hemisphere
Jie Song,Chongyin Li,Jing Pan, Wen Zhou
Abstract . PDF (3379 KB) 
Oct 22, 2010 full access
The North Pacific climate transitions of the winters of 1976–77 and 1988–89
Sang-Wook Yeh, Yune-Jung Kang, Yign Noh, Arthur J. Miller
Abstract . PDF (2059 KB) 
Oct 22, 2010 full access
Critical Evaluation of the ISCCP Simulator Using Ground-Based Remote Sensing Data
Gerald G. Mace, Stephanie Houser, Sally Benson, Stephen A. Klein, Qilong Min
Abstract . PDF (2318 KB) 
Oct 22, 2010 full access
The role of regional SST warming variations in the drying of Meso-America in future climate projections
Sara A. Rauscher, Fred Kucharski, David B. Enfield
Abstract . PDF (9266 KB) 
Oct 22, 2010 full access
Global Teleconnections in Response to Freshening Over the Antarctic Ocean
Hao Ma, Lixin Wu
Abstract . PDF (13536 KB) 
Oct 22, 2010 full access
An Estimate of Low Cloud Feedbacks from Variations of Cloud Radiative and Physical Properties with Sea Surface Temperature on Interannual Time Scales
Zachary A. Eitzen,Kuan-Man Xu, and, Takmeng Wong



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