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Our Bi-annual visits to NewYork City during the holiday time

已有 4838 次阅读 2021-12-13 16:40 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

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Two new things we have noticed:

There were many more Chinese Uber drivers. We took four Uber rides in NYC. It turns out that three of the drivers were illegal immigrants from China. They freely admitted this since now they have become legal residents and/or citizens with family in the US. They used to work long and brutal hours in Chinese restaurants. But with GPS and smart phones, they need not speak much English nor know the NYC streets well to be Uber drivers which are more pleasant work with better pay.

The last time we took in a Radio City Musical featuring the famed Rockettes was some six/seven years ago. However, this year we found the show really impressive because of the Computer Graphics interfaces. I don't know how they do it. But the entire theater walls as well as the stage literally seem to be filled with thousands of projectors that lit up the entire theater with fancy computer controlled images that moved and danced amid live performers, the Rockettes. It was a visual feast.

We returned home after four days and enjoyed our visits as well as excellent Chinese foods https://wap.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-13664.html?mobile=1 . However, the amount of "walking" are beginning to be a burden. At our age, we do not know how many more years we can keep on doing this.  


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下一篇:So Far, So Good
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4 张鹰 王亚非 王启云 黄河宁

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