I have mentioned earlier about three of my works/papers that has stood the test of time according to my own definition, namely, still being referenced/cited 50 years after publication http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-1240521.html . Research Gate just informed me that a fourth paper of mine just made the list.
It is Differential game and optimal Pursuit-Evasion Strategies, Y.C.Ho, A.E. Bryson, and S,. Baron, IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, Nov 1965.
This paper actually is the leading in to a collection of papers on differential games and information structure in the early 1970s that are continuously being referenced. They are at the 45+ year mark. With luck I may live to see them add to the list. Finally , my paper that give a simple explanation of the “No Free Lunch Theorem” and my book on “Ordinal Optimization” which are continuously being cited are near their 30+ year mark. I am confident that they will be added to the list. But it is doubtful I’ll live long enough to see it happen.
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