2015 | Roger Greenwald | Guarding the Air: Selected Poems of Gunnar Harding (1940年生,瑞典诗人) |
2014 | W. S. Merwin | Selected Translations(诗歌选译) |
2013 | Cynthia Hogue (共同译者) | Fortino Sámano (The Overflowing of the Poem) by Virginie Lalucq (1975- ,法国诗人)and Jean-Luc Nancy |
2013 | Sylvain Gallais (共同译者) | Fortino Sámano (The Overflowing of the Poem) by Virginie Lalucq and Jean-Luc Nancy |
2012 | Jen Hofer | Negro Marfil / Ivory Black by Myriam Moscona (1955- ,墨西哥诗人) |
2011 | Jeffrey Angles | Forest of Eyes: Selected Poems of Tada Chimako(1930- ,日本诗人) |
2010 | Stephen Kessler | Desolation of the Chimera by Luis Cernuda (1902-1963,西班牙诗人) |
2009 | Avi Sharon | C. P. Cavafy(1863-1933,埃及诗人): Selected Poems |
2008 | Clayton Eshleman | The Complete Poetry of Cesar Vallejo (巴列霍,1892-1938,秘鲁诗人) |
2007 | Robert Fagles | The Aeneid by Virgil(古罗马诗人维吉尔) |
2007 | Susanna Nied | it by Inger Christensen(1935-2009,丹麦诗人) |
2006 | Richard Zenith | Education by Stone: Selected Poems(诗选) |
2005 | Daryl Hine | Works of Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns 古希腊诗人赫西俄德和荷马的赞美诗 |
2004 | Charles Martin | Metamorphoses by Ovid,古罗马诗人奥维德的《变形记》 |
2004 | Anselm Hollo | Pentii Saarikoski(1937-1983,芬兰诗人)’s Trilogy (三部曲) |
2003 | W. S. Merwin | Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Anonymous, 英国14世纪无名氏的作品,将中古英语译为现代英语 也算“翻译”。 |
2002 | David Ferry | The Epistles of Horace(罗马帝国时期诗人霍拉斯的 《诗艺》) |
2001 | Clayton Eshleman | Trilce by César Vallejo(1892-1938,秘鲁诗人) |
2001 | Edward Snow | Duino Elegies by Rainer Maria Rilke(里尔克,奥地利诗人) |
2000 | Cola Franzen | Horses in the Air by Jorge Guillén(1892-1984,西班牙诗人) |
1999 | W. D. Snodgrass | Selected Translations(译诗选集) |
1998 | | Modern Poets of France: A Bilingual Anthology(法国现代诗人 双语诗歌选集) |
1997 | David Hinton(戴维.亨顿是20世纪第一位将中国古代最著名的四部哲学典籍《论语》《孟子》《道德经》和《庄子》独自全部译成英语的西方翻译家。) | Landscape Over Zero by Bei Dao, The Late Poems of Meng Chiao, The Selected Poems of Lí Po 北岛、孟郊和李白的诗 |
1996 | Guy Davenport | 7 Greeks(7位希腊人) |
1995 | Robert Pinsky | The Inferno of Dante: A New Verse Translation 但丁的《地狱篇》:新译本 |
1994 | Rosmarie Waldrop | The Book of Margins by Edmond Jabès(埃德蒙. 雅白,1912-1991, 法国犹太诗人) |
1993 | Charles Simic | The Horse Has: Six Legs: An Anthology of Serbian Poetry 这匹马有六条腿:塞尔维亚诗歌集 |
1992 | John DuVal | The Discovery of America by Cesare Pascarella (1858-1940,意大利方言诗人) |
1992 | Andrew Schelling | Dropping the Bow: Poems of Ancient India (古印度的诗歌) |
1991 | Robert Fagles | The Iliad by Homer(荷马的《伊利亚特》) |
1990 | Stephen Mitchell | Variable Directions by Dan Pagis (1930-1986,以色列诗人) |
1989 | Martin Greenberg | Heinrich von Kleist: Five Plays 海因希·冯·克莱斯特,1777-1811,德国诗人 |
1988 | Peter Hargitai | Perched on Nothing’s Branch by Attila József 1905-1937,匈牙利诗人 |
1987 | Mark Anderson | In the Storm of Roses by Ingeborg Bachmann 1926-1973,奥地利诗人 |
1986 | William Arrowsmith | The Storm and Other Things by Eugenio Montale 埃乌杰尼奥·蒙塔莱(1896~1981),意大利诗人 |
1985 | Edward Snow | New Poems [1907] by Rainer Maria Rilke 奥地利诗人里尔克1097年的诗集《新诗》 |
1984 | Robert Fitzgerald | The Odyssey by Homer,荷马的《奥德赛》 |
1984 | Stephen Mitchell | The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke 里尔克诗选 |
1982 | Rika Lesser | Guide to the Underworld by Gunnar Ekelöf 1907-1968,瑞典诗人 |
1980 | Saralyn R. Daly | The Book of True Love by Juan Ruis 1580-1639,西班牙诗人 |
1980 | Edmund Keeley | Ritsos in Parentheses Yiannis Ritsos,1909-1990,希腊诗人 |
1978 | Galway Kinnell | The Poems of François Villon 弗朗索瓦·维庸(约1431-1474),法国抒情诗人 |
1978 | Howard Norman | Swampy Cree印第安人的抒情诗 The Wishing Bone Cycle: Narrative Poems of the Swampy Cree Indians |
1976 | Robert Fitzgerald | The Iliad by Homer,荷马的《伊利亚特》 |