《科学之社会研究》杂志2013年第6期发表了美国亚利桑那大学社会学系两位女学者Erin Leakey和Cindy L. Cain的文章,Straight from the source:Accounting for scientific success(直溯源头:科学成功之解释),原文见http://sss.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/05/30/0306312713484820.full.pdf+html。
这里的“源头”,指的是一些“引文经典”(高被引文献)的作者的自述,他们讲述了自己的科研历程的故事。1970年代中期到1990年代中期,SCI创始人加菲尔德亲自邀请“引文经典”文献的作者简要讲述自己的科研故事,讨论一下他们自己如何看待本人研究主题的重要性。这些故事陆续发表在1977至1993年的Current Contents杂志上(加菲尔德为该杂志主编)。
本项研究采用美国加大欧文分校社会学教授C. C. Ragin先生2008年提出的“质性比较分析”方法,通过分析高被引作者的这些自述,先是归纳出8个变量(关系,新理论,新结果,正确性,有用性,挑战,未决的问题,机遇)。最后发现,科学成功(如果以高被引来测度)主要是三个要素导致的。
How do highly cited scientists account for their success? Anumber of approaches have been used to explain scientific success, but noneincorporates scientists' own understandings, which are critical to a complete,process-oriented explanation. We remedy this oversight by incorporatingscientists' own descriptions of the value of their work, as reflected in essayswritten by authors of highly cited articles (Citation Classics'). As culturalobjects, these essays reveal not only factors perceived to be associated withsuccess but also reflect narrative conventions, and thereby elucidate theculture surrounding success. We enlist Charles Ragin's Qualitative ComparativeAnalysis to analyze how factors mentioned in these accounts work inconjunction. Our results show that three ingredients - relationships,usefulness to others, and overcoming challenges - are found in a large majorityof scientific success stories.
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