1. 我去 (某地) 出差5天刚回来。
I am just back from a 5-day business trip to (some place).
2. My conscience bothered me about this.
3. 世界名曲
World music hits
4. (某运动员)获得与当年同样辉煌成绩的希望很小。
His chances of a repeat are slight.
5. 我估计,我方开局时的阵容不会有任何变化。
I don’t believe that anybody in the starting lineup of ours will be touched.
6. 有意无意地
Either inadvertently or by design
7. 我乘火车旅行的经历确实很愉快。
The time I spent of the train was very enjoyable indeed.
8. Buggins turn
9. 戏剧小品
Drama sketches
10. As it happens, the operation is successful, but the patient is dead.
11. Forty acres and a mule
12. 全场紧逼
Full-court press
13. Get one’s chin up and one’s chest out
14. 雨靴
Canvas-and-rubber boots
15. 拦路虎
Battering ram
16. 这件事我们决不可忽视。
This is something we cannot offer to ignore.
17. 根据 (考虑到)中国国情
In the light of the realities in China
18. 旗帜鲜明地反对
Take a clear-cut stand against
19. 劝其退党
Someone was persuaded to quit the Party.
20. 坏人很嚣张。
Bad people go wild.
( 这是我们常看到的现实呀!)
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