费加罗的咏叹调 wiki
《费加罗的婚礼》(Le Nozze di Figaro)是莫扎特最杰出的三部歌剧中的一部喜歌剧,完成于1786年,意大利语脚本由洛伦佐·达·彭特(Lorenzo da Ponte)根据法国戏剧家博马舍(Beaumarchais)的同名喜剧改编而成。
Non più andrai wiki
"Non più andrai" (You shall go no more) is an aria for bass from Mozart's 1786 opera The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492. The Italian libretto was written by Lorenzo Da Ponte based on a stage comedy by Pierre Beaumarchais, La folle journée, ou le Mariage de Figaro (1784). It is sung by Figaro at the end of the first act.
The libretto 剧本 of Le Nozze di Figaro was written by librettist编剧 Lorenzo Da Ponte
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Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso,
You will no longer go, love butterfly /You won't go any more, amorous butterfly/andrai=will go.
notte e giorno d'intorno girando;
night and day of around turning; /shooting 打猎/Fluttering around inside night and day
delle belle turbando il riposo
some beautiful upsetting the rest / Disturbing the sleep of beauties,
Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor. *2
A little Narcissus and Adonis of love..n--水仙;Adonis,王室美男子 ,
Delle belle turbando il riposo,Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor
Non più avrai questi bei pennacchini,
No longer will you have these beautiful feathers, You won't have those fine feathers any more,
quel cappello leggero e galante,
That light, romantic cap, /gallant,华丽,英勇 That light and jaunty hat,(活泼 得意)
quella chioma, quell'aria brillante,
That hair, that glowing countenance 面容, /aria=air,/ That hair, that shining aspect,
quel vermiglio donnesco color. Quel vermiglio donnes color!
That red, womanly complexion./vermilion-朱红色 /womens/That womanish red color [in your face]!
Non piu avrai quei penacchini,Quel cappello Quella chioma, quell'aria brillante
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso,Notte e giorno d'intorno girando,
Delle belle turbando il riposo,Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor. *2
Tra guerrieri, poffar Bacco!
Among soldiers, by Jove! /poffar-swearing by /Among soldiers, by Bacchus!
Gran mustacchi, stretto sacco.
A big moustache, a little kit. (tight lot). /A huge moustache, a little knapsack
Schioppo in spalla, sciabla al fianco, /Gun on your back, sword at your side,
With a rifle on your shoulder, and a sabre 军刀 on your flank 侧面=side,
collo dritto, muso franco
neck straight, hard faced /Your neck straight, your nose exposed,
un gran casco, o un gran turbante,
A big helmet, or a big turban,头巾;无檐帽
molto onor, poco contante! Poco contante Poco contante
Plenty of honour, little pay!
Ed invece del fandango, una marcia per il fango
And instead of dancing the fandango, A march through the mud.
Per montagne, per valloni,
Through mountains, through valleys,
con le nevi e i sollioni.
With snow and with the sun beating down/With snow, and heat-stroke,
Al concerto di tromboni, di bombarde, di cannoni,
To the beat of the bugle, Of bombs, of cannons, /To the music of trumpets
che le palle in tutti i tuoni ,all'orecchio fan fischiar.*
Whose thunderous report Makes your ears ring. /tutti=all. *whistling.呼啸 ,
Which, at every boom,Will make bullets whistle past your ear.
Non piu avrai quei penacchini,Non piu avrai quel cappello
No more you have those feathers ,... that hat
Non piu avrai quella chioma(hair) Non piu avrai quell'aria brillante. (面容 )
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso, Notte e giorno d'intorno girando,
Delle belle turbando il riposo,Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor.
Cherubino alla vittoria: alla gloria militar! Alla gloria militar! .
Cherubino, to victory: To glory in battle!//go to victory!To military glory!
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso, | You shall frolic嬉戏 no more, lustful好色 butterfly, |
The meter of the verse is anapestic trimeter 抑抑扬格 三音步 for the first two stanzas 小节, trochaic tetrameter 扬抑格四音步 for the remainder.
The intricate rhyme 错综复杂的韵律 scheme is [ABAC] [DEEC] [FF GG HH II] [JJJJJK LK], where the long series of -oni rhymes ([J]) supports the patter song describing the soldier's miseries.
中文 vocal more vocals
现在你再不要去做情郎, 如今你论年纪也不算小。
男子汉大丈夫应该当兵, 再不要一天天谈爱情。
再不要梳油头、洒香水, 再不要满脑袋风流艳事。
小夜曲、写情书都要忘掉, 红绒帽、花围巾也都扔掉。
腰挎军刀,肩扛火枪, 抬起头来,挺起胸膛,
全身盔甲你威风凛凛, 军饷虽少但是很光荣。
虽然不能再去跳舞, 但是将要万里行军。
翻山越岭跨过草原, 没有音乐为你伴奏,
只有军号声音嘹亮, 枪林弹雨炮声隆隆,一声令下勇往直前你就冲!
现在你虽受到惩罚, 但对过去不必惋惜。
凯鲁比诺你很勇敢, 你的前途很远大!
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