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已有 6025 次阅读 2010-6-8 12:34 |个人分类:英语课堂素材 Materials from Classroom|系统分类:教学心得| 旅游, 知识与能力, 人生态度, 胸怀天下

Should College Students Take a Trip for the spare time







As the definition given by Steve Jobs that pursue your passions, venture where you have never ventured before, pace yourself, serve others, and have lots of fun is the essence of college life.(note: what kind of definition?) And deeply in our mind, we totally agree with him and we think travel is one way to fulfill it. So our team's opinion on the controversial debate, whether college students should go to travel or not, is yes, we should.

During the past few years, traveling has become a new fashion for many people, including us. And we really enjoy it for the following reasons.

First and foremost, travel provides us a new way to look at the world through different prisms: from the local people about the way how they live to the point of view that formed as a tourist. By this way, we can get a lot, such as the knowledge of geography, the understanding of different customs and maybe the enjoyment of local recipe.

What is equally important is that traveling converts the knowledge and theories that we have learned in our courses into practice.

Beside that, during your travelling, you will meet many different kinds of people and you may come up with the way to communicate with them which will enhance our interpersonal skill. And also you can make friends with them and learn something from them.

Last but not least, taking a trip for college students may help them stay health. It's good for us to build our body. It's also a good chance to relax. Bad moods sometimes is just inevitable in our daily life, thus to travel around is the way to release these bad feelings, and then we will get back to our work again with a good state that will do a lot benefits to our study.  

College time is a special period. We have series of vacations. So it gives us a good opportunity. And somebody may take money into consideration. But I think there has more and more travel agencies that will provide us an economical and safe way to enjoy our trip.

In a nutshell, travelling is a really wise choice for our college students.



Hello, everyone, just now, my fellow debater said that college students should take a trip their reasons can be conclude into 3 points :broaden our sight and enlarge our knowledge ,to get relax ,to get exercise and to strengthen the relationship with our friends and classmates .but I must say, first, without travelling we can also learn a lot especially in this modern society with so many convenient tools. Just like 老子said that" not going out, know the things happen in the world; not look out of the window, know the law of things "that is “不出户,知天下;不窥牖,见天道。

(不出户 Without going out of my door

知天下 I can know all things of earth

不窥牖 Without looking out of my window

见天道 I could know the ways of heaven)

for the second, i think to take a trip can't make us relax ,on the contrary ,it will make us more tired .we have to worry about the ticket, eating, accommodation ,for all the limitations, you have to travel in a hurry  so after the trip ,you just feel tired ,not relax. For the third, i believe that the result of spending 500 yuan to join a club for 3 months is much better than that of to take a trip for 3days and we hold that college students shouldn't take a trip .our reasons are as follow. First, we college students are consumers, we have no ability to earn money ,we live on our parents ,we have already put a hard burden on our parents to pay for our tuition and living expense ,how can we add more stress to our parents. Second ,college life is a good time to learn ,we must cherish the time .and 诸葛亮 said "To learn, you have to be ataraxia, to be intelligent ,you must learn .without learning we can't be knowledgeable, without willpower we can't learn well". that is 学须静也,才须学也;非学无以广才,非 志无以成学. And to take a trip can easily distract our attention and make us fickle that we can not concentrate on our study. Third , every year there are so many college students died during the trips and we college students who love challengers and have little awareness for our self safety can be easy become the victim of the unpredictable accidents. what's more, we can also easily get cheated for our inexperienced and innocent .

So we hold that college students shouldn't take a trip. thank you.




李佩蓉Taking a trip for college students may help them stay health. There are several reasons to support my standpoint.

First, taking a trip helps to build your body. One who likes taking a trip tends to strengthen his respiratory system as well as building a strong immune system. This may keep him away from the attack of illness. Taking going to the Great Wall as an example, how often we may hear such words like ‘You are not a hero unless you climb on the Great Wall.’ Apparently, it means climbing the Great Wall requires great energy. So, your body must become stronger if you can climb on the Great Wall. Second, the conception of health concerns not only physical health but also psychological one. To take a trip keep may one in a high spirit and good mood. People in modern society suffer from all kinds of stress from every aspect. Taking a trip makes people get far away from their trouble and provides them a good opportunity to relax. Being a beautiful tour site, with the broad sea, lofty mountains, flowing river, you will realize humans are so tiny before the great nature and you will consider all your problems with an open-minded. This is a good way contributing to the psychological health of a person.

朱翊葭:College students, they are better educated than any other people in our society, they are a special group, so, if they go out for a tour. they can enjoy the scenic spots more impressively and uniquely, they can have their own understandings and feelings, more importantly, through various of tours outside the campus, they can set up a positive attitude to others that people should form a suitable tourism idea which is beneficial not only for our mother nature, but also for the whole sustainable development

College students are well educated so as to have more appreciative and unique understandings about those spectacular scenic spots, they know much about the background knowledge, cultural, history and geography. Therefore, through various of tours, they'll make positive impacts on the people around them, even a whole society by conveying right attitude towards tourism.

Ps: This is my point of view. But actually, i didn't have any chance to show it. I just argued and refuted .

It's totally not a waste of time. We can learn something that we will never learn if we just focus on the academic work and stay on the campus. It's not like the information which you search through  Internet, the experience which experienced by ourselves would be much more impressive and easy-understanding. By the way, the cyber information may be unreliable.

Admittedly, we are college students. We are not independent individuals, we still need the financial support from our parents. But that could never be the reason to restrain our social activities. On the country, we should study hard, and try our best to save money rationally, or find some part-time jobs to create the opportunity to go out and have a trip.


贾如龙:Travelling is good for our health.

When we travel outside, we must walk a lot, so that we will take lots of exercises. We can also see many beautiful scenes in the places we travel. That is good for our eyes.

Moreover, travelling can broaden our views and provide us much knowledge that we can't get in the textbooks in class.

So travelling is useful and important for both body health and mind health.

People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help us expand our scope of knowledge, especially in the geographical and historical sense.

Travelling in my opinion, does well more than harm. Most important, it broaden our mind .We can get in touch with other civilizations, cultures, customs, economic methods and ideas.



黄雪春:College student going for a trip will make them form a habit of wasting money, and go after an attitude of luxurious. Just like somebody burn his house to warm his hand?

2College student going for a trip will make them form a habit of wasting money, and go after an attitude of luxurious. It is one hand, on the other hand, as we all know, broadening our vistas and enriching our knowledge need a long process, instead of once or twice tourism. Our parents have to afford us tuition and all kinds of expenses. But now, we call for student to have trips. Without doubt, it will hit the pockets of our parents.

3Calling for student to have trips may form a bad value-orientation that students no matter what kind of situation their family in will go for a trip. It shapes a bad social effect.

4During the trip, maybe you can gain some experience or some knowledge. But what is more important is that you can understand your parents, act in the best interests of your parents, watch your expenses and study speculative knowledge(理论知识). 

5Accumulating experience or local conditions and customs can be come true when we are independent. It is never too old to study. Why cannot we do this instead of burden our family?

6Student should practice more, it is right. While, there are various styles of practice, such as taking part in voluntary service, finding a part-time job and so on. Why we should choose having a trip which is high cost, and dangerous.

7Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. So, student should pay more attention on learning the speculative knowledge

8If we want to know more about our society, we can search the internet, read newspaper and more other ways. Can we truly know of our society by having a trip? Most of us may hold a attitude of playing. Does there exit someone who act as 徐霞客 after his tourism writing a book “徐霞客游记” and pass it generation to generation as 余秋雨 writing a book“行者无疆”and so on?

940.1% students meet security problems; 34.9% meet traffic problems; 26.6% the bed and board problems; 9.5% health problems.


范正鹏:Before I extend the debate, I’d like to ask you, my dear opponents, a simple question. What’s the purpose of travelling?

To entertainment, to broaden your horizons, to relaxation or many other unknown purposes all these could be a reason that forces you to travel so as to get first-hand experience. Taking all these into consideration, I think actual travel, let’s say first-hand experience, shouldn’t always be the option. Second-hand experience, I’ll give it definition later, can make a substitute. Definitely, I am not denying the positive effect of travelling. Yes, travel is a multi-sensory activity. Interacting with the locals, feeling the breath-taking beautiful sights, enjoying the local recipe, you immerse yourself totally in the regional customs. But, you know what, something about traveling afflicts me most is the changing atmosphere of tourist spots. It has become way too commercial. Under most circumstances, you are hardly to get what you want from travelling in these places. So here I’m glad to offer you another choice that is second-hand experience which means you can travel through books or internet. Compared with the traditional way of travelling, I mean first-hand experience; the second-hand experience really has a lot of advantages, especially for us college students. I am eager to ask you to do a choice. If there has two different things, by different I mean the appearance, but the same nature, more specific the same function. One will cost you nearly 100 Yuan; the other is cheap, affordable, say, 10 Yuan. Which will you choose? Many of us will choose the cheaper one without hesitation. Yes, it is a wise choice. And it’s very similar the same with the choice of travelling to determine which way to go, the first-hand experience or the second-hand experience. Books or internet could offer you the knowledge, the experience you want exactly the same like you travel by yourself, to some degrees, even better. For the most important part is this kind of travelling is money-saver and time-saver. On the contrast, first-hand experience is absolutely a killer. Do a little math. On one hand, image you have 3 days’ vacation, but somehow you goanna consume, like, one day on the way to the attractive spots, 800 Yuan flies away within three days. On the other hand, you even needn’t cast a coin then you get a lot of fun. Within a day, maybe, you have already traveled through north to the south of Europe, somewhere you’ll never reach in your whole life. You visit the Gothic style of church; pay your respect to the master pieces of work of Monet, Van Gogh and other shinning artists just by clicking the mouse or turning the page.


Just  as we have known, traveling has a great influence on atmospherewater, and also cause noise pollution. It has been testified that traveling has become an important source of pollution.

For example, many hotels and parking lots are built every year. This means a large area of grasses will be removed. What’s more, a lot of new earth would be moved there to meet the needs of these engineering. There is no doubt that it may lead the extinction of these grasses. At least, it will lead the decrease of them.

In the scenery spots, flowers beside the road are usually picked. Many travelers want to taste the fruits or want to take some of them home. Some tourists may not cautious enough about their behaviors, and a large number of fire disasters are caused by travelers. All there behaviors will lead to the decrease of forest coverage rate.

On the other hand, many animals’ habitats or shelters are destroyed because of the exploitations of tourist attractions. Wild animals’ life and multiply will be disturbed by these travel actions, and noise made by travelers. What’s worse, there are so many wild animals are ate by travelers every year. And just because of this, a large number of them have died out.

As we all know, people who travel to tourist attractions usually spite and throw trashes everywhere. And a lot of plants and animals greatly suffer from these actions, and many of them have died out of our planet. What’s worse, a great amount of antiques have been damaged greatly by travelers who travel there. For instance, people who travel to the terra-cotta Warriors make out a lot of CO2, and this gas would rot the surface of the Terra-Cottas. Every year pretty penny was spent on protecting these antiques.

As the college students of 21 century, we have the accountability to avoid these unnecessary phenomena occurring. So, it’s obvious that college students should not travel as the future of our country.




郭静雯First of all, travel can widen our knowledge of geography, the knowledge of customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries. Secondly, we can make friends and practice a foreign language through travelling. Finally, travel is the best way of pastime. We can enjoy eating various foods and seeing beautiful sceneries. In a word, we can benefit from travel in more than one way. It is worth spending the time




It becomes common for college students to go for a trip. But does that really do good to students? We hold the view that students inadequacy to go for a trip. And we offer so many reasons to support our opinion as you have just heard. In a word, the major and most important problem to travel contains these parts. First, it’s sometimes dangerous. Students travel individual or join in a tour group, but no matter which meathod you choose, you will come across some dangerous accidents. Many lives lost in their holidays. Then, it comes to the expense. You have to admit that go for a trip costs a lot. You must insure that you have enough money to afford a trip. The last is that go for a trip is not the best and not the only method to relieve stress or pressure. There are so many ways and platform for us to know the things in the world. You can chose another way that safe cheap and appropriate for you. So when you are in travel, please draw a little attention to you safety and capacity to go for a trip, you will find that travel is not so excellent a event, and support our opinion that students should not go for a trip.


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