Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国(6):
中国结构植物学家王伏雄院士 (Wang Fu-Hsiung, 1913--1995)
Chinese structural botanist Wang Fu-Hsiung (王伏雄,1913--1995), a member or academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
A brief chronology of Chinese structural botanist Wang Fu-Hsiung (王伏雄, 1913--1995)--a member (or academician) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
--1913: Born in Lan-Xi County, Zhejiang Province, China (中国浙江省兰溪县);
--1932: Enrolled into the Department of Biology, Tsing-Hua University in Beijing;
--1936: Graduated from the Tsing-Hua University, obtained a Bachelor degree, and then became a graduate student of plant ecologist Li Tsi-Tung (李继侗, 1897--1961);
--1939: Transferred to study with plant morphologist Chang Ching–Yue (张景钺, 1895--1975), who was a professor of National Southwestern Associated University in Kunming [西南联合大学(昆明)];
—1941: Completed a thesis about the life cycle of Keteleeria evelyniana and obtained an M.S. degree;
--1941--1943: Worked with Professor Tang Pei-Sung (汤佩松,1903--2001) who was a professor of plant physiology of the Institute of Agronomy of Tsing-Hua University during the period of “National Southwestern Associated University” in Kunming; and worked on the cytological studies of polyploid of Hordeum as well as the palynological research of recent plants;
--1943--1946: Left China for USA and studied with plant morphologist and embryologist John Theodore Buchholz (1888--1951) in the Department of Botany, University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC);
--1946: Completed a doctoral thesis, entitled “Embryological development of inbred and hybrid Zea mays L.”, and obtained a Ph.D.degree;
Author: Wang, Fu-hsiung, 1913-1995
Title: Embryological development of inbred and hybrid Zea mays L.
Thesis/Dissertation: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1946.
Published: 1946.
PhysicalDescription:83 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm.
Includes: Includes bibliographicalreferences.
Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library
Location: Rare Bk & Manuscript Library-Oak St Facility [request only]
--1946--1948: Returned to China and worked at the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica in Shanghai [中央研究院植物研究所(上海)];
--1948: Served as guest professor in the Department of Botany, Taiwan University;
--1950--1951: Worked at the Institute of Experimental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences--CAS [中国科学院实验生物所(上海)];
--1951--1995: Moved to Beijing in the early 1951 and worked at the Institute of Plant Taxonomy, CAS [NB: This institution was renamed as “Institute of Botany, CAS” in 1953];
--1953—1958: Established a Research Group of Plant Morphology-Anatomy & Cytology, which operated till 1958;
--1958—1993: Founded a Lab of Plant Morphology in 1958, which operated till 1993;
--1980: Elected to be a member of CAS (academician) in 1980;
--1988--1993: Served as president of the Botanical Societ of China (中国植物学会理事长);
--1995: Died in Beijing at age of 82.
王伏雄(Fu-Hsiung Wang,1913—1995)是国际知名植物学家,主要研究植物胚胎学和孢粉学。1936年,王伏雄毕业于清华大学生物系获学士学位;1941年,在西南联合大学跟随著名植物形态学家张景钺教授(Chang Ching–Yue, 1895--1975)完成硕士学位论文。1946年,在著名植物形态学与胚胎学教授John Theodore Buchholz (1888--1951)指导下,王伏雄在美国伊利诺伊大学植物系(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign--UIUC)完成博士学位论文。
1953年,王伏雄在中国科学院北京植物研究所创建并主持“植物形态解剖及细胞组”。 1958年,他在该所创建“植物形态学研究室”。王伏雄为发展中国植物形态解剖学和胚胎学、为推动中国现代植物的孢粉学研究做出了杰出贡献。1980年当选为中国科学院生物学部委员(院士)。
--1913年: 出生于浙江省兰溪县;
--1932年: 就读于清华大学生物系;
--1936年: 毕业于清华大学生物系,获学士学位;同年,成为植物生态学家李继侗教授(Li Tsi-Tung, 1897--1961)的研究生;
--1939年: 在西南联合大学时期,转至张景钺教授(Chang Ching–Yue, 1895--1975)名下继续攻读硕士学位;
—1941年: 完成“云南油杉(Keteleeria evelyniana)生活史”的研究工作,获得硕士学位;
--1941--1943年: 在西南联合大学时期,跟随清华大学农业研究所植物生理室汤佩松教授(Pei-Sung Tang,1903--2001)从事大麦多倍体细胞学的研究,并开始孢粉学研究;
--1943--1946年: 在美国伊利诺伊大学植物系(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign--UIUC)跟随著名植物形态学与胚胎学教授John Theodore Buchholz(1888--1951)攻读博士学位,开展玉米杂交和自交胚发育的研究;
--1946年: 完成博士学位论文,英文题目是“Embryological development of inbred and hybrid Zea maysL.”,获得博士学位;
--1946--1948年: 1946年返回中国,供职于中央研究院植物研究所(上海);
--1948年: 担任台湾大学植物系客座教授;
--1950--1951年: 供职于中国科学院实验生物所(上海);
--1951--1995年: 供职于中国科学院植物分类研究所(北京)[注:1953年该所更名为“中科院植物研究所”];
--1953—1958年: 1953年创建并主持“植物形态解剖及细胞组”,该组运行至1958年;
--1958—1993年: 1958年创建“植物形态学研究室”,该研究室运行至1993年;
--1980年: 当选为中国科学院生物学部委员(院士);
--1988--1993年: 担任中国植物学会理事长;
--1995年: 在北京去世,享年82岁。
Lectures on Neobotany &Palaeobotany-28 (in total)
Structural Botany: Neobotany +Paleobotany (No.28 in total)
Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国 (6):
中国结构植物学家王伏雄院士 (Wang Fu-Hsiung, 1913--1995)
Chinese structural botanist Wang Fu-Hsiung (王伏雄,1913--1995), a member or academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
[by QSun, Nov. 2017]
Relevant links:
Lectures on Neobotany and palaeobotany: a teaching project and catalogue
http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1031964.html(2017-2-6 21:44)
Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国(1):
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Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国(3):
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Structural Botany: Neobotany + Paleobotany (No.25)
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Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国(4):
中国植物细胞生物学先驱人物--段续川 (Tuan Hsu-Chuan,1902--1989)
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Structural Botany: Neobotany + Paleobotany (No.26)
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中国杰出的植物细胞生物学家吴素萱 (WU Su-Hsuen, 1908--1979)
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Structural Botany: Neobotany + Paleobotany (No.27)
2017-11-16 08:55
Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国(6):
中国结构植物学家王伏雄院士 (Wang Fu-Hsiung, 1913--1995)
Chinese structural botanist Wang Fu-Hsiung (王伏雄, 1913--1995), a member or academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Structural Botany: Neobotany + Paleobotany (No.28)
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Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国(7):
中国植物细胞生物学家郑国锠院士 (Cheng Kuo-Chang / Zheng Guo-Chang, 1914--2012)
Chinese plant cell biologist Cheng Kuo-Chang or Zheng Guo-Chang (郑国锠, 1914—2012), a member (or academician) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Structural Botany: Neobotany + Paleobotany (No.29)
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Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国(8):
中国杰出的木材学家成俊卿 (Cheng Chün-Ch'ing,1915--1991)
成俊卿 (Cheng Chün-Ch'ing,1915--1991) : 为木材学而生!
Chinese wood scientist Cheng Chün-Ch'ing (成俊卿, 1915--1991) who was made for xylology!
Structural Botany: Neobotany + Paleobotany (No.30)
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Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国(9):
中国植物形态解剖学名师李正理教授(LEE Cheng-Lee, 1918--2009)
Distinguished Chinese structural botanist LEE Cheng-Lee (李正理, 1918--2009)
Structural Botany: Neobotany + Paleobotany (No.31)
2017-11-25 10:00
Structural Botany in China|结构植物学在中国(10):
中国植物解剖学家喻诚鸿 (Yü Ch'eng-Hung, 1922--1993)
Chinese plant anatomist Yü Ch'eng-Hung (喻诚鸿, 1922--1993)
Structural Botany: Neobotany + Paleobotany (No.32)
2017-11-29 21:16
(To be continued)
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