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从药学“国家杰青”教授评判“高温超导”论文谈起 精选

已有 29607 次阅读 2016-6-20 14:40 |系统分类:观点评述

三个月前,笔者有一篇高温超导论文[1]发表在Nature出版集团的《Scientific Reports》上,该文推导出超导临界转变温度Tc与材料(临界温度以上)强关联区霍尔电阻率p之间的标度关系。此文发表后,笔者对于在实验上证实这一标度关系非常有兴趣,所以迫切期望得到超导实验界同行的反馈。基于这个目的,笔者联系了美国布鲁克海文国家实验室和MIT相关实验室主管,并得到他们的积极回应(当然他们现在是否在做这个实验我还是不知道,美国人说话总是比较客气的)。

在此期间,笔者倒从未得到国内物理同行的回馈。由于有其它研究工作要做,精力有限,笔者对超导论文后续实验的关注也就暂时冷了一段时间。不过,让人意外的是,后来笔者居然收到一位药学“国家杰青”教授对笔者论文的“评价”。事情的起因是,笔者这篇《Scientific Reports》上的论文在学校主页上打了一个科技新闻。当时笔者内心倒是觉得该标度定律是首次面世,也值得打一个广告,相比于那些“不痛不痒”的广告论文,笔者对自己的成果倒是很有信心的(中国有句古话:不是猛龙不过江)。在笔者看来,它是笔者最得意的四个原创工作之一(见博文《我写在祖国的四篇代表性论文》:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1253715-984083.html)。


该药学“国家杰青”教授的批评意见是:Scientific Reports》是交1万块人民币就可以发论文的烂期刊,所以笔者的研究成果太差

笔者有兴趣查了一下该教授的研究领域:化学及生物医药分析。一位可能连“朗道-金兹堡方程”与“重整化群分析”都不知道的教授,居然可以评判一篇高度专业的超导场论论文。而他依赖的凭据就是“《Scientific Reports》是烂期刊”,仅此而已!笔者认为这一案例已经极大的反映出了国内科研评价的某种“偏执”(只看期刊不看文):以至于一位“生物医药”教授可以评判一篇“高温超导”专业论文的优劣。

借此博客,笔者也想回应一下那位药学“国家杰青”教授的批评:要是《Scientific Reports》真是交1万块人民币就可以发论文的期刊,那笔者最得意的工作之一“量子本性”[2]就不会发表在《ScienceOpen Research》这一非SCI期刊上了。


1个多月前美国科学媒体《超导周刊》(Superconductor Week)的主编Klaus Neumann注意到了笔者发表在《Scientific Reports》上的“标度定律”在超导工业制备中的潜在应用价值,所以希望采访一下笔者。笔者内心当然是很希望“标度定律”可以被用于制备高温超导的,所以接受了采访,而且笔者也有一些想法希望与“微观超导领域”的学者分享。《超导周刊》(Superconductor Week)对笔者的访谈出版在201667号刊。下面贴出全文(笔者仅翻译出希望与“微观超导领域”学者一起分享的想法):

Southwest University Models Competition Between Disorder and SC

Yong Tao, Researcher at Southwest University in Chongqing, China, has proposed the use of a Lagrangian function, which combines the Landau-Ginzburg and Chern-Simons term, for describing the competition between disorder and superconductivity. Tao applied Wilson’s renormalization group methods to the Lagrangian function to describe the normal-to-superconducting transition in superconducting thin films.

Tao also obtained a scaling law between Tc, film thickness, sheet resistance of the film in the normal state, and number density of the electrons at the normal state. The scaling law is in agreement with recent experimental investigations [Ivry, Y. et al, Physical Review B 90, 214515 (2014)]. Tao said that the findings may help raise Tc in HTS materials.

Goal to Understand Physical Laws Around SC/Disorder Transition

“The main purpose of this research is not to give a response to the difficulties of describing the competition between disorder and superconductivity,” commented Tao. “ In fact, this research mainly investigates what physical laws will occur around the transition point between disorder and superconductivity.  


“In the past, many condensed matter physicists paid more attentions to micro-mechanisms that trigger HTS. They believed that the Tc could be substantially raised if and only if the underlying micro-mechanisms could be clarified.  Physicists have proposed many theories involving different sorts of micro-mechanisms for explaining HTS, but so far concrete advances that raise the Tc have only slowly been realized.


“Instead of analyzing different sorts of micro-mechanisms, my research is merely a phenomenological work. I have no interest in clarifying micro-mechanisms, but want to know what physical laws will occur around the transition point. If these physical laws exist, they must be the necessary conditions for HTS, and by utilizing them one should be able to manufacture HTS.  

“This case resembles the invention of steam engine. As is well known, macroscopic thermodynamics is a phenomenological work, but it has provided all the necessary conditions for materializing a working steam engine. Because of their understanding of thermodynamics, eighteenth-century engineers didn’t have to wait until Boltzmann clarified the micro-mechanisms of macroscopic thermodynamics to manufacture a working steam engine.”



First Study to use Lagrangian Function to Describe HTS

Tao added that he believed he was the first to suggest the use of a Lagrangian function to describe HTS: “Chern-Simons theory has been used to describe the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE) when considering a 2+1 dimensional space-time. Different from FQHE, my model is established in a 3D space, and the Chern-Simons gauge field is considered as the electromagnetic field. Nevertheless, in FQHE the Chern-Simons gauge field is considered an imaginary field.      

The Lagrangian function in my model can only describe a superconductor which is a strongly correlated electron system. HTS is such a system. Unlike LTS, HTS has a characteristic temperature T* which is larger than the Tc: when the temperature lies in between Tc and T*, electron pairing has materialized.

“In my opinion, such a temperature interval implies a strongly correlated electron system, which will induce the emergence of the Chern-Simons gauge field. My model thus mainly describes the temperature interval [Tc, T*], where T*>Tc. However, if T*=Tc, then my model is unnecessary.”

Scaling Law to Help in Search for HTS

Tao also touched on the importance of his proposed scaling law: “To the best of my knowledge, the scaling law in this study is the first such scaling law proposed for HTS. It emphasizes that the Tc will be inversely proportional to Hall resistivity in a temperature interval [Tc, T*]. By contrast, the existing experimental investigations only confirm a similar scaling law wherein Tc is inversely proportional to the resistivity at the normal state.

“The scaling law in this research indicates that the Tc will be inversely proportional to Hall resistivity in a temperature interval [Tc, T*]. This means that the search for HTS should be concentrated on materials whose Hall resistivity in the temperature interval [Tc, T*] is sufficiently small. Unlike the theories of micro-mechanisms, my scaling law describes macroscopic physical variables and will therefore be easier to test or use in industrial production.

“In my opinion, the next step in this line of research is to test if the Chern-Simons gauge field emerges in the temperature interval [Tc, T*]. If the Chern-Simons gauge field indeed exists at such a temperature interval, my model has the potential to become a basic theory for describing HTS.”

尽管笔者的超导工作被学校的新闻网下架,但是它最终还是出现在了美国科学媒体《超导周刊》上,这不能不说是一件有意思的事情。任何的科研成果最终都是服务于社会的,我想在这一点上美国《超导周刊》做的非常好:Superconductor Week is the newsletter of record for the superconductor industry, covering technical advances, commercialization, and business in every sector and every country developing superconductor technologies. Superconductor Week is delivered to the desks of leading executives, investors, researchers, and policy-makers around the world, 24 times a year.






[1] Yong Tao, Scaling Laws for Thin Films near the Superconducting-to-Insulating Transition, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 23863

[2] Yong Tao, Testing for Wilson's quantum field theory in less than 4 dimensions, ScienceOpen Research (2015)


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