笔者是因为爱因斯坦而喜欢上物理学,所以少时一直有一个愿望,那就是在美国《物理评论》(Physical Review)和德国《物理学年鉴》(Annalen der Physik)上发表论文。这是因为爱因斯坦曾经被美国《物理评论》拒稿,而他最重要的论文几乎都发表在德国《物理学年鉴》——1905年奇迹年。
2010年在笔者做硕士研究生的时候就在《物理评论E》上发表了论文[1],算是完成了半个愿望。2016年的时候笔者有机会投了一篇论文[2]《3D Chern-Simons Term breaks Meissner Effect》到德国《物理学年鉴》,但是不幸被拒稿了,见《论文审稿之殇:能仅仅依靠“直觉”来否定物理学论文吗?》。论文[2]是笔者所设想的一个理论工作,探讨宇称破坏的超导体作为赝能隙区域图像的可能性。但是被审稿人以直觉否定了,并且认为论文[2]数学上就是错的。后来笔者由于有更重要的工作要做,就把论文[2]挂在arXiv上,没想到这一放就是8年。
今年8月,笔者从互联网上看到诺奖得主Frank Wilczek与其合作者发表了一篇论文[3],主要结果与我的论文[2]中的结果几乎完全一样,只是使用的字母符号不同。仔细一看,原来Weyl半金属-超导成为了热点,这种超导体允许宇称破坏的情形。
Reviewer #1: The manuscripts explores the consequences of adding spatial Chern-Simons interactions to the Landau-Ginzburg action of superconductors. The analysis seems correct, the paper clearly explains the physics for the most part. What I found confusing (and potentially problematic) is that many (most or even all?) the results have already appeared in Ref. 23 [M. Stalhammar et al., Emergent Chern-Simons interactions in 3+1 dimensions. Physical Review B 109, 064514 (2024) ] published earlier this year. If this is incorrect the manuscript needs to be revised to clearly articulate the differences with Ref. 23.
审稿意见翻译【这篇手稿探讨了在超导体的朗道-金兹堡作用中加入空间Chern-Simons相互作用的后果。分析似乎是正确的,大部分情况下论文清晰地解释了物理现象。我发现令人困惑(可能还有问题)的是,许多(大多数甚至全部?)结果已经在今年的早些时候发表的参考文献23中出现[M. Stalhammar等人,3+1维中涌现的Chern-Simons相互作用。物理评论B 109, 064514 (2024)]。如果这不正确,手稿需要修订以明确阐述与参考文献23的区别。】
审稿人1所说的参考文献23就是诺奖得主Frank Wilczek的论文[3],他说我的结果与论文[3]几乎完全一样,要我说明两者的区别。
Reviewer #2: Although the calculations in this manuscript are correct, they are not new and are presented in a rather trivial way. No consequences of the complex penetration depth are discussed, beyond the ones already known in the literature. Mere correctness does not warrant the publication of a scientific work. The author would have to substantially revise the manuscript in order to make it publishable in this (and actually in any) journal. A second chance is warranted because the author has an arXiv preprint with similar results already in 2016 (Ref. 25 in this manuscript) which, as far as I can tell, has not been published in any journal (incidentally, that manuscript too contains serious problems). This was ahead of Refs. 23 and 24 cited by the authors. It is unfortunate that the author noticed something potentially interesting, but was not able to extract any useful information from it. An in-depth analysis of the problem is unfortunately lacking both in this manuscript and the one posted on the arXiv in 2016. Instead of making trivial statements, I recommend the author to considerably revise the manuscript and obtain some results that could be relevant to the field...
PS: 其实笔者对Weyl半金属-超导这一领域并不熟悉,只不过恰好论文[2]的结果可以用到这里。
[1]. Yong Tao. Competitive market for multiple firms and economic crisis. Physical Review E 82, 036118 (2010)
[2]. Yong Tao. 3D Chern-Simons Term breaks Meissner Effect. arXiv:1610.07414v2 (2016)
[3]. M. Stålhammar, M., Rudneva, D., Hansson, T. H., and Wilczek, F.: Emergent Chern-Simons interactions in 3+1 dimensions. Physical Review B 109, 064514 (2024)
[4]. V. Shyta et al., Chiral Meissner state in time-reversal invariant Weyl superconductors. Physical Review Research 6, 013240 (2024)
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