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已有 9151 次阅读 2015-4-24 20:41 |系统分类:观点评述



希波克拉底认为,人类正如宇宙中的其他部分一样,是由四种元素——土、气、水、火组成的,这四种元素和人体中的四种液体相对应,认为人体由血液(blood)、粘液(phlegm)、黄胆(yellow bile)和黑胆(black bile)四种体液组成,这四种体液的不同配合使人们有不同的体质。这四种液体处于平衡时,人就是健康的;失衡时,人就会得病。这种理论几乎一直延续到19世纪。







希波克拉底的学说是西方传统医学的学说,已经被抛弃,已经被现代医学所取代。但希波克拉底的临床方法,观察的方法等被现代医学所继承。因此,被尊为世界医学之父。西方国家没有人做弘扬西方传统医学的努力。印度政府也没有在拯救阿育吠陀医学。[转载]阿育吠陀医学 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-626289-717060.html 。为什么中国要做这种毫无意义的向全世界推广中医的努力?




Timaieos 古希腊哲学家柏拉图后期唯一的一篇讨论自然哲学 的对话。是柏拉图对话中最晦涩难解的一篇。它借主要 对话者蒂迈欧之口,在理念论的基础上,结合毕达哥拉 学派(见毕达哥拉和毕达哥拉学派)的数的理论,提出了唯心主义的创世说即宇宙论。   

书中认为,德米奥格是宇宙的灵魂和创造者,宇宙灵魂是“存在”、“同”、“异”的混合,是不变的理念和可变的事物之间的居间物。它以永恒不变的理念为模型,把处于运动中的无定形的混沌物质,接纳到作为容器的空间中,并按照几何形体组合成不同的正方体的土元素、正四面体的火元素、正八面体的气元素和正二十面体的水元素。由这4种元素的平衡、不平衡及转化, 产生运动和静止。首先形成地、日、月和其他5个行星,以地为中心进行圆周运动,这时候才出现时间。所以时间并不是永恒的。地上出现生物,其中人是最先出现的,其他生物是人退化的结果。整个宇宙系统是一个有生命的生物,不过,它是一个没有四肢的圆形的球体。宇宙灵魂根据理念的秩序安排了这现实世界的合理的种种秩序。   


Timaieos the latter part of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato's only a discussion of the natural philosophy of dialogue. Is a Platonic dialogue, one of the most arcane. It is through the main interlocutor Di Maiou the mouth, in the theory of ideas, based on the combination of the Pythagoreans (see Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans) and number theory, the creation of the idealism that namely cosmology. The book that Demiaoge the soul of the universe and creator of the universe, the soul is the "existence", "same" "different" mix, is the concept of constant and variable intermediary between the material things. It immutable idea as a model to in the movement of the chaotic amorphous material, to accept that as a container space, and in accordance with geometry of the cube into different combinations of the elements of the Fire Elemental regular tetrahedron, is eight gas Icosahedron Icosahedron elements and the water element. By these four kinds of elements in a balanced, unbalanced and transformation, resulting in movement and rest. First of all form, the day, month, and the other five planets, in order for the center circle, which only appeared when the time. So time is not eternal. Ground appears organisms, which were the first to appear, other species of human degradation results. The entire universe is a living system, biological, but it is a round sphere without limbs. The soul of the universe an orderly manner according to this idea of a reasonable variety of real-world order. Religion, creationism says that God never created the world, and Plato's creation that is not never, but from an eternal unchanging and eternal movement of the material in the creation of the world. Godfather medieval Christian philosophy to use this idea to make a theoretical argument. Dialogue discussed in the eternal ideas and amorphous material, is Aristotle's ideas on the form and material sources. (Fan Health)


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