已有 4925 次阅读2012-11-15 21:34|系统分类:观点评述|website, cancer, One, Where
Just saw a website, Inside Cancer, with lessons on various aspects of cancer, where there is one on Evolution and Cancer. It's said that one of the Common Misconceptions is that "Students may recognize that cancer involves uncontrolled cell division,
but they rarely understand that cancer cells have other characteristics
that affect their reproduction and survival. Students may think that in
the future scientists will discover a single cause for all types of
I do not like to dispute but I have to say something on this issue. Although the life history of cancer cells is co-determined by multiple factors while they may be different as per different types of cancer, the uncontrolled cell division is still the most basic feature of cancer cells and should be one of the most concentrated issue. There is no mistake to understand 1+1=2 before exploring what you get by adding an apple with an orange.