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已有 4775 次阅读 2011-8-29 08:28 |个人分类:翻译|系统分类:人文社科


那天开会,随便从桌上拿了一本小书,却是GrahameThe Wind in the Willows,胡乱看几行,发现一个问题,琢磨了好久,还没“通解”,于是写来下,存疑。

第三章说,鼹鼠想结识著名的獾大侠,河鼠说,他总会来的,来了就给你引介。“But you must not only take him AS you find him, but WHEN you find him.”我的疑问就在这一句。这是第一段的末句,与下文关系不大——原文是


The Mole had long wanted to make the acquaintance of the Badger. He seemed, by all accounts, to be such an important personage and, though rarely visible, to make his unseen influence felt by everybody about the place. But whenever the Mole mentioned his wish to the Water Rat he always found himself put off. “It's all right,” the Rat would say, “Badger'll turn up some day or other--he's always turning up--and then I'll introduce you. The best of fellows! But you must not only take him AS you find him, but WHEN you find him.”


疑惑为什么要突出ASWHEN?有的翻译是,“可你决不能以为他是你所想象的样子,那得等见了面才知道。”是把take …as…作为搭配了,意思好像过得去,句子也顺溜,但这样一来,aswhen在句中的角色就不“对等”了,而我想它们应该是并列的

何况,若是翻译的意思,似乎应该说You must not just take him as WHAT you find him…










原来,take him AS you find him是一句俗语,经常能见到的。英译《基督山伯爵》就接着两次用这句话(第53章):

……One must take the world as one finds it.



“But I don't know him," said the countess; "I have a great mind to return it.”

“Do no such thing, I beg of you; he would only send you another, formed of a magnificent sapphire, or hollowed out of a gigantic ruby. It is his way, and you must take him as you find him.



      英国大牧师司布真(C. H. Spurgeon1834-1892)的布道文The Simplicity and Sublimity of Salvation也用过那句话:

You are to believe on the Christ as he is revealed in the Scriptures. You are to take him as you find him here; not as Renan, not as Strauss, or anybody else, pictures of him; but as you find him here.


这儿的语境,简直和小鼹鼠的情形一模一样,那句话的意思也就很显然了。那么,抱歉得很,前面列举的那些翻译,没有一个是对的——更甭说小朋友的语言味道了。不过,最后那半句but WHEN…我还是不知道怎么译才好。








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