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加州理工学院应用物理学家Amnon Yariv的论著被引用情况

已有 11304 次阅读 2010-10-18 16:39 |个人分类:引证分析|系统分类:论文交流| 加州理工学院, 引证分析, 应用物理学家, Amnon, Yariv




[PDF] from snu.ac.krA Yariv, P Yeh - 1984 - mipd.snu.ac.kr
... 2009. Spring: Electro-Optics (Prof. Sin-Doo Lee, Rm. 301-1109, http://mipd.snu.ac.kr) Optical
Waves in Crystals A. Yariv and P. Yeh (John Wiley, New Jersey, 2003) Page 2. Interatomic
separation, r + Attra c tio n Re pu ls io n 0 FA = Attractive force FR = Repulsive force ...
Cited by 2269 - Related articles - View as HTML - Find in ChinaCat


O Painter, RK Lee, A Scherer, A Yariv, JD O'brien, PD … - Science, 1999 - sciencemag.org
This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. ... . clicking here colleagues,
clients, or customers by ... , you can order high-quality copies for your ... If you wish to distribute
this article to others ... Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles
Cited by 1063 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 12 versions


[CITATION] Optical electronics

A Yariv - 1985 - slac.stanford.edu
... Title: Optical electronics. Author(s): Amnon Yariv. Date: 1985. Edition: 3rd. Publisher: Holt, Rinehart
and Winston. Pages: 552. Subject: Quantum Electronics , Lasers , Optoelectronics. Call #:
QC447:Y31:1985 Take a Virtual Look at the Shelves. Availability: OUT Request a Copy. ...
Cited by 1257 - Related articles - Cached - All 3 versions


A Yariv, Y Xu, RK Lee, A Scherer - Optics Letters, 1999 - opticsinfobase.org
Received February 22, 1999 We propose a new type of optical waveguide that consists of a sequence
of coupled high-Q resonators. Unlike other types of optical waveguide, waveguiding in the
coupled-resonator optical waveguide (CROW) is achieved through weak coupling ...
Cited by 712 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 15 versions


A Yariv, P Yeh - 2006 - portal.acm.org
... n/a, Citation Count: 1. Additional Information: ... Tools and Actions: ... CITED BY, Assaf Shacham , Keren
Bergman, Building Ultralow-Latency Interconnection Networks Using Photonic Integration, IEEE
Micro, v.27 n.4, p.6-20, July 2007. Collaborative Colleagues: Amnon Yariv: ...
Cited by 1028 - Related articles - All 4 versions


[PDF] from technion.ac.ilM Segev, B Crosignani, A Yariv, B Fischer - Physical review letters, 1992 - APS
We show that photorefractive media can support a new type of spatial soliton, in which the diffraction
is balanced by the self-scattering (two-wave mixing) of the beam spatial frequency
components. This photorefractive soliton possessses some unique properties, such as ...
Cited by 486 - Related articles - All 10 versions


A Yariv - IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1973 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
I. INTRODUCTION A GROWING BODY of theoretical and experimental work has been recently
building up in the area of guided-wave optics, which may be defined as the study and utilization
of optical phenomena in thin dielectric waveguides [l], [2]. Some of this activity is due to ...
Cited by 633 - Related articles - All 5 versions


A Yariv, P Yeh - 1983 - osti.gov
As a text for a course in electro-optics for electrical engineering and applied physics
students, it presents the propagation of laser radiation in various optical media and instructs
in the analysis and design of electro-optical devices. The content of the book ...
Cited by 513 - Related articles - Cached - All 6 versions


M Segev, GC Valley, B Crosignani, P Diporto, A Yariv - Physical review letters, 1994 - APS
Steady-state dark (bright) planar spatial solitons are predicted for photorefractive materials when
the diffraction of an optical beam is exactly compensated by nonlinear self-defocusing
(focusing), due to the screening field set up around a dark notch (or a bright beam) in a ...
Cited by 432 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


A Yariv, DM Pepper - Optics Letters, 1977 - opticsinfobase.org
The purpose of this Letter is to examine briefly the consequences of a certain class of four-wave
mixing. This mixing involves two intense pun-p waves E1 and EB of the same frequency w traveling
in opposite di- rections and two "weak" waves E 3 and E4 of the same frequency w, which ...
Cited by 379 - Related articles - All 11 versions
[PDF] from uncc.eduP Yeh, A Yariv, CS Hong - J. Opt. Soc. Am, 1977 - opticsinfobase.org
Recent developments in the crystal-growing field, es- peciallyin molecularbeam technology,7
make is pos- sible to grow multilayer media with well-controlled periodicities and with layer thicknesses
down to 10 A. We may thus well consider the periodic optical struc- ture as a new optical ...
Cited by 513 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 29 versions


P Yeh, A Yariv, E Marom - JOSA, 1978 - opticsinfobase.org
By reciprocity, it appears possible to utilize such a conically tapered fiber as a means of coupling
light from sources with high numerical apertures into a fiber of a relatively small numerical aperture
by entering through the tapered zone. Of course, no improvement of intrinsic source ...
Cited by 396 - Related articles - All 32 versions


… Shultz, GJ Salamo, M Segev, A Yariv, B Crosignani, P … - Physical review letters, 1993 - APS
We report on the first observation of self-trapping of an optical beam due to the photorefractive
effect. The self-trapping occurs at microwatt light power levels, is intensity independent, and results
in significant spatial pulse reshaping. ... (Some reference links may require a separate ...
Cited by 337 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


[PDF] from mit.eduA Yariv - Electronics Letters, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The manipulation of coupling between optical waveguides and micro-resonators is shaping up
as an important area of research and development [ 1, 23. To analyse the exchange of optical
power between a waveguide and a resonator we consider the basic geom- etry of Fig. 1. ...
Cited by 325 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions


GA Rakuljic, V Leyva, A Yariv - Optics letters, 1992 - opticsinfobase.org
... instructed by using wavelength multiplexing. 15. A. Yariv, Optical Electronics, 3rd ed. (CBS College
lographic cross talk between wavelength ... 13.8-7, p. 438. s is shown to be less than that obtained
with 16. GA Rakuljic, A. Yariv, and V. Leyva, in Digest Tonal angular multiplexing. ...
Cited by 288 - Related articles - All 11 versions


… , M Cronin‐Golomb, B Fischer, A Yariv - Applied Physics …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
OSCILLATION / Д t 5 / PUMP A, / / • a-' '"/' CRYSTAL / AXIS /OSCILLATION / A, FIG. 2. Expanded
view of the interaction region common to each of the oscillators, showing the pumping beams
(solid), oscillation beams (dashed), and the relative orientation of the с axis of the crystal. ...
Cited by 200 - Related articles - All 10 versions


A Yariv, D Fekete, DM Pepper - Optics Letters, 1979 - OSA
It is proposed that the process of nonlinear optical phase conjugation can be utilized to compensate
for channel dis- persion and hence to correct for temporal pulse broadening. Specifically, a
four-wave nonlinear interaction is shown to achieve pulse renarrowing. Spectral ...
Cited by 188 - Related articles - All 10 versions


WH Louisell, A Yariv, AE Siegman - Physical Review, 1961 - APS
A quantum mechanical model for parametric interactions is used to evaluate the effect of the
measuring (amplifying) process on the statistical properties of radiation. Parametric amplification
is shown to be ideal in the sense that it allows a simultaneous determination of the phase ...
Cited by 208 - Related articles - All 4 versions


E Kapon, J Katz, A Yariv - Optics letters, 1984 - opticsinfobase.org
... J. Katz Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California 91109 A. Yariv
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 ... Phys. Lett. 43, 1096 (1983). 7.
J. Katz, E. Kapon, C. Lindsey, S. Margalit, U. Shreter, and A. Yariv, Appl. Phys. Lett. ...
Cited by 155 - Related articles - All 14 versions


… -Golomb, B Fischer, J White, A Yariv - … , IEEE Journal of, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Abstract-The development of a theory of four-wave mixing in photo- refractive crystals is
described. This theory is solved in the undepleted pumps approximation with linear absorption
and without using the undepleted pumps approximation for negligible absorption. Both ...
Cited by 212 - Related articles - All 11 versions
JO White, A Yariv - Applied Physics Letters, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
TABLE I. Measurements of output wavefront radius of curvature when lenses are used as
inputs. /(cm) Lens at input Lens at input Output Radius of plane 1 plane 4 wavefront curvature
(cm) 33.3 50.0 diverging 33.3 -9.5 converging 41.4 33.3 -50.5 converging 81.0 33.3 20.0 ...
Cited by 134 - Related articles - All 9 versions


Y Arakawa, A Yariv - Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Y. ARAKAWA, MEMBER, IEEE, AND A. YARIV, FELLOW, IEEE ... Abstract-We discuss a number
of theoretical and experimental is- sues in quantum well lasers with emphasis on the ...
Cited by 176 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions


A Yariv, M Nakamura - Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
[lo] W. K. Burns, private communication. [ll] G. B. Hocker and W. K. Burns, “Modes in Diffused
Optical Waveguides of Arbitrary Index Profile,” ZEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. QE-11, p.
270,1975. [12] T. Wojeck, private communication. [13] D. Marcuse, Light Transmission ...
Cited by 160 - Related articles - All 6 versions


[PDF] from stanford.edu… Valley, M Segev, B Crosignani, A Yariv, MM Fejer, MC … - Physical Review A, 1994 - APS
Dark (bright) planar spatial solitons are predicted for photovoltaic photorefractive materials when
the diffraction of an optical beam is exactly compensated by nonlinear self-defocusing
(focusing) due to the photovoltaic field and electro-optic effect. These solitons may have ...
Cited by 117 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions


P Yeh, A Yariv - Optics Communications, 1976 - Elsevier
WAVEGUIDES* Pochi YEH and Amnon YARIV California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125, USA Received 24 September 1976 The possibility of using Bragg ...
Cited by 113 - Related articles - All 2 versions


[PDF] from google.com… , S Mookherjea, G Paloczi, Y Huang, A Yariv - Optics …, 2004 - opticsinfobase.org
Abstract: We use the coupling matrix formalism to investigate continuous- wave and pulse propagation
through microring coupled-resonator optical waveguides (CROWs). The dispersion relation agrees
with that derived using the tight-binding model in the limit of weak inter-resonator cou- ...
Cited by 143 - Related articles - All 14 versions


A Yariv - Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
RECENTLY, we have been witnessing an ever-increasing pace of activity in the area of coupling
between optical waveguides and ring or micro resonators [1]–[3]. Devices based on this coupling
hold the promise of a new modality of light switching, amplification, and modulation. ...
Cited by 121 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


A Yariv - Applied Physics Letters, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Scaling laws ând minimum threshold currents for quantum-confined semiconductor lasers Amnon
Yariv California institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 (Received 3 May 1988;
accepted for publication 1 i July 1988) Basic scaling laws are derived for bulk, two- ...
Cited by 110 - Related articles - All 6 versions


A Yariv - JOSA, 1976 - opticsinfobase.org
The paper considers two questions. The first one is: Is it possible to transmit three-dimensional
pictorial information through transparent glass (or other dielectric) fibers? We find that due to
modal dispersion, pictorial information is invariably “smeared” in transmission. The ...
Cited by 93 - Related articles - All 9 versions


C Harder, K Vahala, A Yariv - Applied Physics Letters, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Measurement of the linewidth enhancement factor a of semiconductor lasers Christoph
Harder, Kerry Vahala, and Amnon Yariv California Institute of Technology, Watson 128-95,
Pasadena, California 91125 (Received 15 October 1982; accepted for publication 23 ...
Cited by 109 - Related articles - All 9 versions
W Liang, Y Huang, Y Xu, RK Lee, A Yariv - Applied Physics Letters, 2005 - link.aip.org
We combine fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technology with a wet chemical etch-erosion procedure
and demonstrate two types of refractive index sensors using single-mode optical fibers. The first
index sensor device is an etch-eroded single FBG with a radius of , which is used to ...
Cited by 112 - Related articles - All 7 versions


DM Pepper, D Fekete, A Yariv - Applied Physics Letters, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... c) and Amnon Yariv California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 (Received
10 February 1978; accepted for publication 19 April 1978) We report on the observation of
amplified reflection and optical parametric oscillation via degenerate four- wave mixing in a ...
Cited by 94 - Related articles - All 7 versions


AS Kewitsch, A Yariv - Optics letters, 1996 - OSA
Received October 2, 1995 We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that optical beams
are self-focused and self-trapped upon initiating photopolymerization. This unique nonlinear
optical phenomenon is dependent on the optical exposure and produces permanent ...
Cited by 109 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions


… , M Segev, B Crosignani, P Di Porto, E Sharp, A Yariv - Physical review letters, 1995 - APS
We report on the first experimental observations of dark, planar, spatial photorefractive
solitons, and photorefractive vortex solitons that are trapped in a bulk (three-dimensional) photorefractive
media. Both the dark and vortex solitons possess the “signatures” of the photorefractive ...
Cited by 106 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


Y Arakawa, K Vahala, A Yariv - Applied Physics Letters, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
QUANTUM WIRE LASER 40 IGO 180 200 Eg (meV) FIG. 1. Differential gain envelope g'[n,E)
of a DH laser, a quantum well laser, and a quantum wire laser under the condition that peak
gain is equal to 100 cm"1. The lasing photon energy (ie, the location of peak gain) E¡, ...
Cited by 94 - Related articles - All 12 versions


A Yariv - Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
I. INTRODUCTION P HASE conjugate optics (PCO) is the name which seems to attach itself to
a new and exciting area in coherent optics. This area involves the use of nonlinear optical techniques
for real-time processing of electromagnetic fields. The name, phase conjugate optics, is ...
Cited by 118 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions


RE Dietz, H Kamimura, MD Sturge, A Yariv - Physical Review, 1963 - APS
GW Ludwig and HH Woodbury, in Solid State Physics, edited by F. Seitz and D. Turnbull (Academic
Press Inc., New York, 1962), Vol. 13, 223. ... R. Pappalardo, J. Mol. Spectry. 6, 554 (1961)
[ADS][CAS]. ... R. Pappalardo and RE Dietz, Phys. Rev. 123, 1188 (1961) [CAS].
Cited by 116 - Related articles - All 4 versions


B Fischer, M Cronin-Golomb, JO White, A Yariv - Optics Letters, 1981 - opticsinfobase.org
Received July 20, 1961 A theory of phase conjugation in asymmetric materials that allow a phase
shift between the grating and the light- interference pattern is developed. We find that when this
phase is nonzero, maximum phase-conjugate reflectivity occurs for unequal pump ...
Cited by 95 - Related articles - All 10 versions


K Lau, A Yariv - Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
S I. INTRODUCTION EMlCONDUCTOR lasers are devices of great importance for optical communication
systems due to their small size, high efficiency, and high speed for direct modulation. The direct
modulation of semiconductor lasers has been a subject of active research for the past 20 ...
Cited by 121 - Related articles - All 7 versions


S Somekh, E Garmire, A Yariv, HL Garvin, RG … - Applied Physics …, 1973 - link.aip.org
Channel optical waveguide directional couplers. [Applied Physics Letters 22, 46 (1973)].
S. Somekh, E. Garmire, A. Yariv, HL Garvin, RG Hunsperger. Abstract. We report the first
demonstration of channel optical waveguide directional couplers. ...
Cited by 122 - Related articles - All 5 versions

HF Taylor, A Yariv - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
I. INTRODUCTION T HE TRANSMISSION and manipulation of optical power has long been the
basis of a considerable industry as well as of substantial academic endeavor. The advent of
the laser in 1960 stimulated a great deal of interest in the study of the properties of ...
Cited by 123 - Related articles - All 6 versions


JK Poon, L Zhu, GA DeRose, A Yariv - Optics letters, 2006 - opticsinfobase.org
Coupled-resonator optical waveguides (CROWs) are chains of weakly coupled resonators in
which light propagates as a result of the coupling between the resonators.1,2 Arising from the
coupling between the resonators are dispersive properties unique to CROWs.3–5 One of ...
Cited by 85 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 17 versions


A Yariv, P Yeh - Phys. Lett, 1976 - opticsinfobase.org
The matrix M which transforms the ABCD matrix into a diagonal matrix can be constructed from
the eigenvec- tors (B6) of the ABCD matrix. M and its inverse M' are given by ... The two columns
in (B11) are simply the eigenvectors of the ABCD matrix. It can be easily seen by simple ...
Cited by 107 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions


P Yeh, A Yariv, AY Cho - Applied Physics Letters, 1978 - link.aip.org
A generalized analysis of wave propagation in periodic layered media is applied to the special
case of optical surface waves. These waves, confined to the interface between a periodic layered
medium and a homogeneous medium, are formally analogous to electronic surface states ...
Cited by 100 - Related articles - All 7 versions


A Yariv, SK Kwong - Optics letters, 1986 - opticsinfobase.org
Received September 30, 1985; accepted January 6, 1986 We describe in generic terms a class
of associative memory that is based on (1) an oscillating message-bearing optical mode in a
resonator containing a multimessage hologram, (2) image-selective (discriminatory) ...
Cited by 84 - Related articles - All 12 versions


Y Xu, RK Lee, A Yariv - Journal of the Optical Society of America …, 2000 - opticsinfobase.org
Received June 11 1999; revised manuscript received October 18 1999 Using both the tight-binding
approximation and the finite-difference time domain method, we analyze two types of
coupled-resonator optical waveguide (CROW), a coupled-microdisks waveguide and a ...
Cited by 92 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 13 versions


JKS Poon, J Scheuer, Y Xu, A Yariv - JOSA B, 2004 - opticsinfobase.org
Received December 18, 2003; revised manuscript received April 15, 2004; accepted April
30, 2004 We address the trade-offs among delay, loss, and bandwidth in the design of
coupled-resonator optical wave- guide (CROW) delay lines. We begin by showing the ...
Cited by 100 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 12 versions


S Somekh, A Yariv - Optics Communications, 1972 - Elsevier
YARIV California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109, USA Received 5 ...
Cited by 78 - Related articles - All 2 versions


Y Xu, RK Lee, A Yariv - Optics Letters, 2000 - opticsinfobase.org
Received July 31, 2000 Using an asymptotic analysis, we obtain an eigenvalue equation for
the general mode dispersion in Bragg fibers. The asymptotic analysis is applied to calculate
the dispersion relation and the field distribution of TE modes in a Bragg fiber. We ...
Cited by 87 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


GA Rakuljic, A Yariv, V Leyva, K Sayano, CE … - US Patent …, 1997 - Google Patents
5,691,989 Page 2 US PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,094,575 6/1978 Kdlie . 4,111,524 9/1978
Tomlinson, in . 4,153,330 5/1979 Tomlinson, IH . 4,198,117 4/1980 Kobayashi . 4,336,976
6/1982 Rodemann et al. . 4,362,359 12/1982 Dammann et al. . 4,420,217 12/1983 ...
Cited by 102 - Related articles - All 4 versions











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