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已有 5495 次阅读 2010-4-29 23:25 |个人分类:英语课堂素材 Materials from Classroom|系统分类:教学心得| wild, animal, Technology, cloning, protect

Is it advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting



Recently , the issue of is it advantages to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting is a controversial one . And we firmly believe that it is disadvantages to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. There are four reasons to support my view.

1.The problem with experiment. Do you want to use wild animals to experiment cloning technology? Of course not .So how to deal with this problem.

2.Cloning does not increase species diversity. Survival of the fittest is a rule of nature. If the disappearance of wild animal is not because of human, it means this kind of animal does not fit for the nature.

3.The cloning technology isn't so mature. It is short of theory basics and practical conditions. People still have a long way to go.

4.We should protect wild animal rather than use cloning technology. One of the professor in IZ, CAS said , It is insignificant to use cloning technology to protect wild animal . We should have more World Natural Heritages site to protect wild animal , so it will promote the protecting of species diversity .

Nowadays , the habitat of the wild animal suffer a lot because of human's destruction . In order to gain more so called maximum benefit , human killed a lot of wild animal and force them into extremity . The main reason for wild animals 's near extinction is human .So the dominant measures to deal with this problem is protecting . If everyone thinks that use cloning to protect wild animal , the problem will become worse .It just like "Due to a wrong approach , success is impossible ."


One of important reasons why the wild animals are endangered is man-made, humans want to use cloning technology for his mistake to protect the wild animals. But wild animals in nature survive themselves in the competition and maintain the balance of nature. Cloning animals will not only break between the food chains,but also break the balance of nature, even cause greater disaster.


The definition of Cloning:

Cloning refers to a scientific technique that involves creating a genetic duplicate of an already existing animal or person. It can also mean making a genetic copy or duplicate of a DNA sequence, a cell, not just the entire organism.


i kind of sympathize with your point of view, but what we mustn’t overlook is the fact that the cloning technology will in all likelihood bring up some more complicated diseases 0f genes , and some balance of genes thereby be shattered., let me give you an example, in 2000, China cloned the first goat ,but it died from the abnormal lungs in 36 hours. And many cases like this kept occurring, then how can we call this method advantageous if the individual can’t be kept alive as normal ones?


another example, in 2003, Dolly ‘s lung was seriously infected ,finally ,the mercy killing was carried out on her . and her premature death posed a warn against the cloning research of deficiency and danger. So why we have to hang on this method?


So it's better to focus on the two effective measures , that are the local preserve and alien preserve ‘s measures , rather than investing countless fund and attention on the project of less prospects. And set on sth more meaning , just like YaoMing declared about  rejecting eating shark fins in the press conference .


Yes I can see the point of yours, but have you ever noticed that cloning will be bound to decline the genetic diversity. Try to imagine ,when some certain wild animals become endangered, cloning bring the identical individuals to earth , they will confront with the intermarriage as well . thus the genes can’t be optimized ,then eliminated by nature . in a word , we can’t protect wild animals either by this way.


I am opposed to Cloning technology in terms of many factors

Firstly , in the ecological aspect , Cloning technology will threat genetic diversity , which do a considerable harm to the survival of creatures .

Secondly, in the culture layer, animals cloning is an alternative to natural reproduction, which  break the biological evolution of self-regulation, with the typical nature of the anti-natural.


Yes , I wholeheartedly hope my deceased pet will be brought back to life ,and if I were the parent , I would also hope my kids to come back tome miraculously . but you have ignored the incidence of the sucessful outcome throughtout the way . after all , Dolly sucessfully befell on the earth after 276 failures. Besides ,although the product of cloning bear a incredible resemblence in the appearance , the blood type , the genes , their characters probably are quite the opposite , then I doubt you will the satisfied with the substitute.


I want to remind you that if you are inclined to protect ocean creatures by means of cloning , the difficulty of transplanting embryos into the uterus is huge compare with the land animals .


It was reported by reference news that among the 10 cows died 5, which demonstrated that to date , we can only turn to cloning technology when there is no other approach available , but never count on it to protect wild animals . It’s impractical  theoretically .


One of the continuing obstacles in the attempt to clone extinct species is the need for nearly perfect DNA. Cloning from a single specimen could not create a viable breeding population in sexually reproducing animals. Furthermore, even if males and females were to be cloned, the question would remain open whether they would be viable at all in the absence of parents that could teach or show them their natural behavior. Essentially, if cloning an extinct species were successful — it must be considered that cloning is still an experimental technology that succeeds only by chance — it is more likely than not that any resulting animals, even if they were healthy, would be little more than curios or museum pieces.


Cloning endangered species is a highly ideological issue. Many conservation biologists and environmentalists vehemently oppose cloning endangered species — mainly because they think it may deter donations to help preserve natural habitat and wild animal populations. The "rule-of-thumb" in animal conservation is that, if it is still feasible to conserve habitat and viable wild populations, breeding in captivity should not be undertaken in isolation.

In a 2006 review, David Ehrenfeld concluded that cloning in animal conservation is an experimental technology that, at its state in 2006, could not be expected to work except by pure chance and utterly failed a cost-benefit analysis.[32] Furthermore, he said, it is likely to siphon funds from established and working projects and does not address any of the issues underlying animal extinction (such as habitat destruction, hunting or other overexploitation, and an impoverished gene pool). While cloning technologies are well-established and used on a regular basis in plant conservation, care must be taken to ensure genetic diversity. He concluded:


Vertebrate cloning poses little risk to the environment, but it can consume scarce conservation resources, and its chances of success in preserving species seem poor. To date, the conservation benefits of transgenics and vertebrate cloning remain entirely theoretical, but many of the risks are known and documented. Conservation biologists should devote their research and energies to the established methods of conservation, none of which require transgenics or vertebrate cloning.



It’s not advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting

Our group holds the view that it’s not advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting.

  Firstly, natural selection is a process in which the proper exists, unwell eliminated. Thousands of years have proved it to be a process which is benefit for natural evolution .However ,we have learned from our high-school biology that cloning technology is not helpful for the diversity of genes .For example ,if a group of wild animals are infected with a disease ,cloning technology will not be helpful for the producing of disease-resistant genes .And then there is no doubt that it will also be harmful for the diversity of science .So we should not encourage cloning technology for the benefit of science evolution.

Secondly, we all know that there exists food chains in science .Wild animals can live properly only when food chains are proper .Clone technology just clone the same more wild animals .It can’t change the present situation that natural environment has been seriously damaged, food chains have been destroyed .So protecting wild animals, what we need to do is protecting food chains instead of using cloning technology.

Thirdly, although cloning technology clones an amount of individuals, add to the numbers of wild animals. As we have learnt from high-school biology, we all know that these animals cloned are all close relatives .So they can’t copulate and produce generations of high quality .So cloning technology is not useful at all.

Last but not least, it’s said that animals cloned are easily to die .They happen to grow unhealthy, hard to live and hard to produce .The survival rate of wild animals cloned is low .Some cloned animals die as soon as they are produced .So we should not encourage clone .More often, what we chase should be quality but not quantity, shouldn’t we?

Jiangzhigang, the researcher of animals said in a forum that cloning technology is difficult to create a colorful colony. It’s not useful and meaningful for protecting wild animals .Our country should have more worldwide natural animal-protecting terries to promote the protections of wild animals diversity .It’s an original words of an animal expert .How can we deny that?


Is it advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting

  Today’s technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true—— the cloning technology is the example.

  Scientists have been cloning animals for many years. This most commonly involves a technique known as somatic cell体细胞  nucleus transfer (SCNT).In 1952, the first animal, a tadpole蝌蚪, was cloned. Before the creation of Dolly, the first mammal哺乳动物 cloned from the cell of an adult animal, clones were created from embryonic胚胎的 cells. Since Dolly, researchers have cloned a number of large and small animals including sheep, goats山羊, cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur野牛.

See Cloned Animals above. All these clones were created using nuclear transfer technology.

What is cloning?cloning is a way of makingon exact copy of another animal or plant.Different from the common propagate, cloning need only one cell and without sex.Animal cloning is about producing an animal that is essentially a copy of the original. Reproductive cloning could be used to repopulate endangered animals or animals that are difficult to breed.

    But it raised arguments.

In my own opinion I disagree to clone the endangered animal. Although the cloning technology should be respected,cloning still has some problems.

First, animal clones may develop the illnesses of older animals.Cloning represents a loss of genetic diversity. A major loss in genetic diversity can cause a species to be less disease resistant. The scientists found that the cloning animal’s  has a little different from the common animal. If the clone comes from a breed that is free from certain diseases, the disease may be eliminated from the breed. Also, the best breeds and the highest quality meat and other products could be produced consistently. Potential benefits, however, have to be weighed against any possible risks.


    Second, animal clones may die younger than the donor animals.The fact proved that, the cloning sheep Dolly has died. It only has the half life of the common sheep.So the life will shorter than the real life.


    Third, Clones are not always exact replicas of the original. Randomness can cause genetic variations, even amongst clone offspring. It destroy the diversity of animals of the globe. Hundreds of cloned animals exist today, but the number of different species is limited. Attempts at cloning certain species such as monkeys, chickens, horses, and dogs, have been unsuccessful.

    In the end, I think cloning is new technology, it should be accepted. But it isn't advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. We should know the effect of cloning for the animals.


    The most important thing we can do for protecting the wild animals is to build enough nature reserves and give the animals a comfortable space to live in. 


    The easiest way to protecting wild animals is to make laws to reduce and stop people from hunting, buying and selling wild animals.


    We are supposed to refuse to eat wildlife animals and trying our best to plant some trees that can protect their environment.


    It is useful to achieve our dreams by telling more and more people why and how to protect the animals. Only in this way can we call on people from all over the world to protect the wildlife.


    One other useful thing is to  punish anyone who hunts animals illegally by using poisoning chemical and other illegal hunting and buys and sells wild animals.                       



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