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国际农业与生物工程学会会刊CIGR Journal即将落户中国

已有 5799 次阅读 2010-4-5 01:13 |个人分类:国际英文刊IJABE|系统分类:博客资讯| 会议, 国际英文刊, 主编, CIGR



Beijing, China



国际农业与生物工程学会会刊CIGR Journal即将落户中国



经过前一段时间的联系和我与CIGR即任主席Fedro教授之间多次视频会议,终于确定了CIGR期刊移交中国承办的具体事项。经过商议,拟准备于201047日上午9-11点在中国农业机械化科学研究院(CAAMSA606会议室举行CIGR期刊落户中国移交启动仪式。会议将邀请的外宾包括国际农业与生物工程学会(CIGR)主席团(主席、当选主席、上任主席和秘书长)、7个专业技术分会主席、CIGR会刊栏目主编和特邀嘉宾等20余人。国内参会代表包括中国农业工程学会和农机学会的名誉理事长汪懋华院士、CIGR专业技术分会的委员中国代表,中国农业工程学会领导及代表、中国农业机械学会领导及代表和CAAMS国际合作部成员、CIGR会刊编辑部全体工作人员等20余人。会议的语言为英语。所邀请的CIGR主席团成员、各分会主席、栏目主编等外宾将通过网络视频(Video Conference)形式参加会议。国内参会代表全部到现场开会。启动仪式之后,王应宽博士将接任CIGR会刊主编,CIGR期刊正式移交落户中国。会议中英文议程附后。欢迎关注,期待支持。





国际农业与生物系统工程学会会刊CIGR Journal落户





时间:201047,星期三,上午9:00-11:00 A.M.





        CAAE, CIGR Ejournal新任主编王应宽博士



CIGR当选主席、CIGR期刊现任主编Fedro Zazueta教授

CIGR前任主席、CIGR期刊创始人及前任主编Bill Stout教授

CIGR执委,UFL教授辛建农博士;USDA-ARS, TAMU教授兰玉彬博士





CIGR EJournal期刊编辑部兼职编辑Rabi Rasaily, Lingyan Iris Zhang







1 CIGR当选主席、CIGR期刊现任主编Fedro Zazueta教授致辞(网络视频)

2 汪懋华院士致辞

3 CIGR前任主席、CIGR期刊创始人及前任主编Bill Stout教授致辞(网络视频)

4 中国农业机械学会副理事长、中国农业机械化科学院院长李树君研究员致辞


6 新任主编王应宽博士致辞

7 CAAMS国际合作部张兰芳研究员介绍CIGR会刊编辑部前期筹备情况

8 CIGR主席Soren Pedersen教授宣布CIGR会刊正式落户中国(网络视频)




9 中国农业机械学会领导李树君和中国农业工程学会理事长朱明联合为CIGR期刊编辑部新址揭牌


10 仪式结束,合影留念。共进午餐。启动仪式将全程录像,影像资料将在6月份魁北克举行的2010 CIGR World Congress期间播放。



2 英文议程


Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Journal Handover to China




Time: 9:00-11:00 A.M, April 7, 2010, Wednesday

Venue: Meeting Room A606, Office Building, CAAMS


Prof. Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR

Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CAAE & CSAE, Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, Vice Standing Chairman of IJABE International Editorial Board

Master of Ceremony (Emcee):

Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department, CAAMS

Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, CAAE


CIGR Presidium:

President: Prof. Søren Pedersen

Past President: Prof. Irenilza de Alencar Nääs

Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal: Prof. Fedro Zazueta

Secretary-General: Prof. Toshinori Kimura

Invited Guests:

·         Prof. Bill Stout, Honorary President of CIGR, Former Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Founder of CIGR Ejournal, USA

·         Prof Jiannong Xin, Member of Executive Board of CIGR, University of Forida, USA

·         Prof Yubin Lan, Agricultural Engineer and Professor, USDA-ARS at Texas A&M University, College Station, USA.


Section Chairs and Section Editors of CIGR Ejournal:

Jose Tarjuelo-Section I Chair

Daniel Berkmans-Section II Chair

John K. Schueller-Section III Chair

Mikio Umeda-Section IV Chair

Pietro Piccarolo-Section V Chair

Jozef Grochowicz-Section VI Chair

Antonio M Saraiva-Section VII Chair

Andre Aarnink

Thomas M. Banhazi

Laszlo Baranyai

Remigio Berruto

William Joseph Chancellor (resigned)

Antonio Brasa Ramos

Richard Love (resigned)

Milan Martinov

Neil McLaughlin

Soren Pedersen (included)

Fedro S. Zazueta Ranahan (included)

Bill A Stout (included)

Guanhua Huang (included)

Chinese Representatives of CIGR Technical Sections:  

·         Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Member of CIGR Technical Section VII, Honorary President of the CSAE & CSAM, Editor-in-Chief of IJABE, China Agricultural University(CAU), China

·         Prof. Li Baoming, Member of CIGR Technical Section II, Vice Dean of College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, China

·         Prof. Huang Guanhua, Secretary of CIGR Technical Section I, Section Editor of CIGR Ejournal, Director of Chinese-Israeli International Center for Training in Agriculture (CIICTA), CAU, China

Leaders and Representatives from Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM)

·         Prof. Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR

·         Dr. Zhao Xiaopeng, Director, International Cooperation Department of CSAM

·         Prof. Liu Ruiwen, Deputy Secretary-General of CASM

·         Prof. Zhang Zhenxin, Deputy Secretary-General of CASM

·         Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department of CSAM

·         Mrs. Li Qing, International Cooperation Department of CSAM

·         Mrs. Wang Jin, International Cooperation Department of CSAM

·         Ms. Zhang Pengzi, International Cooperation Department of CSAM

Leaders and Representatives from Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE)

·         Prof Zhu Ming, President of CAAE & CSAE, Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, Vice Standing Chairman of IJABE International Editorial Board

·         Prof Qin Jingguang, Secretary General, CSAE

·         Jin Peizhen, Director of Information Center, CAAE

·         Prof Guan Xiaodong, Vice Standing Secretary General, Vice Director, CSAE

·         Prof. Wei Xiuju, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, CAAE

·         Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Managing Editor of IJABE, Incoming Editor of CIGR Ejournal


All staff from the CIGR Editorial Office including part-time editors Rabi Rasaily, Lingyan Zhang




Master of Ceremony (Emcee) introduces all the attendees


1 Address by Prof. Fedro Zazueta (Via Video Conference)


2 Address by Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering


3 Address by Prof. Bill Stout (Via Video Conference)


4 Address by Prof. Li Shujun, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Executive President of CAAMS.


5 Address by Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CSAE and CAAE


6 Address by Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief


7 Report on the preparation work for the CIGR Ejournal Editorial Office by Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department of CAAMS.


8 Formal announcement by Prof. Søren Pedersen, President of the CIGR Ejournal Handover to China


Farewell to the foreign guests and End of Video conference

Proceed to the second floor of the Office Building of CAAMS, where the CIGR Editorial office and Editor-in-Chief Office locate, to hold the Opening Ceremony.


9 Prof. Li Shujun, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, and Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CAAE & CSAE, jointly unveil the nameplates of the Editorial Office and the Editor-in-Chief office of the CIGR Ejournal.


10 Closing the ceremony. Taking group photos. The Inaugural Ceremony of the CIGR Journal Handover will be recorded and the video clip will be played during the 2010 CIGR World Congress at Quebec, Canada, in June 2010.







下一篇:关于组团赴加拿大魁北克参加2010 CIGR第17届世界农业工程大会通知
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