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Every Woman Trends to Marry a "Son"

已有 3039 次阅读 2010-4-1 06:45 |个人分类:生活小记|系统分类:生活其它

I once came to a sentence that "every woman would finally marry a 'son' no matter she will to or not" when I was a single. It was just a extrame view to call for attentions-----I believed at that moment.

However, as a wife today, I realize it is truth. Even if the man you marry is much older and taller and stronger than you are, you will come to a conclusion that you do marry a "son" other than anybody else. I have to allege that I am surly not a "virtuous wife" . I used to be taken care by others, parents, tutors and intimate friends for my ignorance of many actual aspects in life. No matter how lazy I am and to be unconcerned about the tatty desk, I have the limit to tolerate. Oppositely, he doesn't. I yield every time and star to clear the house firstly which means I have to conduct the work. I have to ask for his help if I want his associated work and have to make him know what to do. 

There is still a classic example to support my idea. I tidy up his socks after I comed and lived together with him, slept in his bedroom. I followed the method my sister taught me to seperate each double socks from the sock-hill and bond them together, since it faciliate the usage. He went into the habit to find his socks in double in the regular place quickly. And then yesterday, we washed the clothes. I didn't bond the only one double socks for him, as he had to wear them today. To my great surprise, he did not wear the loosed socks in his eyes  this morning, and continued to find his doubled socks in the old place.



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