也可通过句子长度的变化等方式在段落中突出重点。长句之后的短句(特别是位于段尾的短句),因为用词不多,少有修辞,通俗易懂,所以语法简单,让人一目了然, 会吸引更多的关注。
Photo annotation, a tedious manual task, is a labour of love towards future generations or a nostalgic revisiting of the past. For paper photos in albums or shoeboxes, annotations are either implicit (event-, time-, or subject-based) or explicit (scribbles underneath or on the back of a photo). For digital photos, annotations like time, date, and sometimes location (GPS coordinates) are automatically embedded in the file format by the camera. Could major life events (e.g. birthdays, weddings) or familiar scenery (e.g. beaches, mountains) also be automatically annotated? For a given culture, they can. (随着句子的逐渐展开,节奏也在不断加快:21个词,27个词,22个词,17个词,6个词)
总结,是另外一种重复,即从不同角度简明扼要地对段落的主要内容进行重点阐述。不仅可以给读者二次理解的机会,也可以让作者确保读者与他步调一致。如:to summarise, in summary, in other words, see Fig. X, in conclusion, in short, 和briefly put 都能起到吸引读者注意力的作用,可以维持兴趣,起到巩固知识的作用。
表达“重要性”的词语可以引导注意力。使用得当,它们如同指路的手指一样有效。如:more importantly, significantly, notably, in particular, particularly, especially, even, nevertheless 都能指引读者关注重点。
摘编自《科技英语写作进阶》(任胜利, 莫京, 安瑞 译. 科学出版社, 2009年出版)
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