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已有 984 次阅读 2023-5-4 09:07 |个人分类:个人所思所想(2017--)|系统分类:科研笔记


黄安年文  黄安年202354日发布(第32616篇)



*晚上看借来的录像片《Jackie Chan,介绍称:“He mixes the blazing action of Bruce Lee with comedy  touched by his idols, Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd. And it’s made him one of the biggest movie stars in the world! Jaackie Chan broke through in America in 1996 with Rumble in the Bronx, but the rest of the world has enjoyed his unique, brand of moviemaking for decades. Producer, Writer, actor, director and stuntman, Chan does it all-with style. JACKIE CHAN traces his struggle to stardom, from his childhood in an ultra-strict Peking Opera school to international fame. See out-takes stunts ever performed. Interviews with film critics, costars, friends and Chan himself offer a privileged glimpse at the private side of the engaging action star.Jackie Chan is a winning portrait of the man who brought comedy to kung-fu to become a movie legend.”。


2000517 (星期三) 阴历四月十四,White Plains,C9-C22,主要多云

今天是来美国的第208,离预定74日返回北京的日子还有49天;离移民局同意我们延期居留美国的签证期限(822日)还有3个月另5天。雅虎天气预报北京C12-C25,上海C16-C24,哈尔滨C8—C22, NYC C12-C22,晴,明天C15-C22,阵雨。6:40-7:15am,晨练时我去westchester County Center Station看去F. D. Roosevelt State Park的公共交通路线。鉴于去F. D. Roosevelt State Park班车两小时一趟,所以有一定的风险,当然对于野游来说,正是好机会。

    今天可以预料股市要下滑,原因在于昨天格林斯潘宣布调高利率0.50%,这是预料中的事。今天他们没有从股市中逃脱,损失了584.62$也在情理之中,如故按照做Day Trade的思路,似乎应该全部抛出才是。

                     Yesterday        17/5 11:34am               4:31pm         5:25pm  

Daij                 10934.57         10807.78 _126.79   10769.74 _164.83      10769.74 _164.83

Nasdaq               3715.57           3660.52 _57.05    3644.95 _72.62     .   3644.96 _72.61

Real Cash Balance       $73,607.83       $77,147.71        $77,147.71            $77,147.71

Available Cash Balance   $73,607.83       $77,147.71        $77,147.71            $77,147.71

Stock Value            $18862.50        $14,900.00        $14,700.00            $14,737.50

Account Value          $92470.33        $92,047.71        $91,847.71            $91885.21

Quantity Stock Symbol Company Change    17/5 1:20pm  Yesterday's      4:31pm          5:25pm

200 CSCO Cisco Systems Inc    -2.1/8      58.3/8      60 .5/16        58.00            58.1/16

400 EXLN Excelon Corporation  +1/16       8 1/8        8 1/8         7.3/4             7.13/16

200 RAZF Razorfish Inc       + 3/4      16 11/16      17 3/4    5/16, 19:37 Sold 17 3/4


   上午和唐林通了电话,她问我什么时候去她那里,这次她暂时不回北京,她的大车已经买好,27-28日准备去Cape Cod(在波士顿东北,37英里路程),下月17-21日去新奥尔良。她欢迎我们四人都去她那里住上一两天。


    回家后去Rose处问她在罗得岛的行车线路。原来她那天提供的线路错将138号公路当作123号公路,从NYCNew Port183英里,她家在走向Middletown, Portsmouth的途中。但是从地图上我还是没有找到她所说的Mraman Line究竟靠近那里。


晚上看借来的录像片《Jackie Chan,介绍称:“He mixes the blazing action of Bruce Lee with comedy  touched by his idols, Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd. And it’s made him one of the biggest movie stars in the world! Jaackie Chan broke through in America in 1996 with Rumble in the Bronx, but the rest of the world has enjoyed his unique, brand of moviemaking for decades. Producer, Writer, actor, director and stuntman, Chan does it all-with style. JACKIE CHAN traces his struggle to stardom, from his childhood in an ultra-strict Peking Opera school to international fame. See out-takes stunts ever performed. Interviews with film critics, costars, friends and Chan himself offer a privileged glimpse at the private side of the engaging action star.Jackie Chan is a winning portrait of the man who brought comedy to kung-fu to become a movie legend.”。鉴于这是一部传记片,对话和回忆较多,故事情节少,不甚吸引人。



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