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已有 5008 次阅读 2017-2-10 16:33 |系统分类:海外观察| 学术出版, 伦敦书展

2017年雄鸡报晓, 浙江大学出版社期刊中心所属的《浙江大学学报英文版》(JZUS)接到一份来自英国伦敦书展官方的通知,“很高兴通知Journal of Zhejiang University-Science (JZUS) 被提名为国际出版卓越奖项中的‘学术与专业出版奖’”。至2月8日晚接到正式通知,JZUS与澳大利亚科学出版集团(CSIRO Publishing, Australia)、法国世界经合组织出版社(OECD Publishing, France)同时入围“学术与专业出版卓越奖”项。浙江大学出版社期刊中心JZUS也成为自伦敦书展2014年开设“国际出版卓越奖”以来首家入围的学术期刊,也是国际学术出版业界对中国学术期刊的认可!

英国伦敦图书博览会于2014年开设的“国际出版卓越奖” 意在褒奖整个出版产业链上成就非凡的从业者,也是英国对国际出版市场上杰出企业与个人,及各种创新项目的认可。国际出版卓越奖共有16个类别,包括学术与专业出版、儿童出版、文学翻译和数字创新等。其每个单项的评审小组均由该领域的国际专家组成。十六个奖项中10个面向英国以外的国际出版市场公开评选, 3个仅颁给波兰市场,另外 3个给包括英国在内的所有国家。

伦敦书展总监Jacks Thomas表示:“很高兴2017年国际出版卓越奖入围名单来自五大洲,代表全球性。这份名单里的竞赛者其力度和广度令人印象深刻,证实了所有出版,销售和把书籍献给广大读者的从业热情,承诺和创造力。伦敦的全球化,多元文化和创新中心,将所有才华横溢的出版者和鼓舞人心的企业聚集在一起,我非常期待3月14日,欢迎所有入围名单的来者,共同庆祝你们的成功!”




· The Academic and Professional Publisher Award, supported by Research Information

o CSIRO Publishing (Australia)

o Journal of Zhejiang University-Science (JZUS) (China)

o OECD Publishing (France)

· The Educational Initiatives Award

o Book Aid International (Africa)

o Caramel Tree (Canada)

o Foreign Language Teaching and Research Publishing Co., Ltd (China)

· The Educational Learning Resources Award, supported by China Publishing & Media Journal

o Eduexpert (Poland)

o EssayJack Inc. (Canada)

o Lithuanian Free Market Institute (Lithuania)

· The Literary Translation Initiative Award

o Arabic Literature (in English) (USA)

o The Short Story Project (Israel)

o The Select Centre (Singapore)

o World Literature Today (USA)

· The Literary Agent Award

o Anna Soler-Pont, Pontas Literary & Film Agency (Spain)

o Nermin Mollaoglu, Kalem Agency (Turkey)

o Pierre Astier, Astier-Pecher Literary Agency (France)

· The Literary Festival Award, supported by The International Literary Showcase

o Bookaroo Trust – Festival of Children’s Literature (India)

o George Town Literary Festival (Malaysia)

o Open Book Festival (South Africa)

· The Bookstore of the Year Award sponsored by Gardners Books Ltd

o Exclusive Books (South Africa)

o Shakespeare and Company (France)

o Time Out Bookstore (New Zealand)

· The Rights Professional Award

o Hui Hou, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Publishing Co., Ltd (China)

o Heidi Warneke, Editions Grasset (France)

o Rose Janssens, Clavis Publishing (Belgium)


Eligible for entries from Market Focus Poland only:

· The Market Focus Poland Adult Trade Publisher Award

o SIW ZNAK sp. z.o.o (Poland)

o Wydawnictwo Literackie (Poland)

o Wydawnictwo Czarne (Poland)

· The Market Focus Poland Trade Children’s and Young Adult Publisher Award

o Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry (Poland)

o Wydawnictwo Widnokrag (Poland)

o Wydawnictwo Otwarte Sp. z o.o. (Poland)


Eligible for entries from all countries, including the UK:

· The Brand Licensing Award

o Kaiken Publishing (Angry Birds) (Finland)

o The Roald Dahl Literary Estate (UK)

o Walker Books (UK)

· The Quantum Publishing Innovation Award, supported by Copyright Clearance Center and Ixxus  

o Cambridge Core (UK)

o Cartoon Abstracts (UK)

o Lost my name (UK)

o NearSt (UK)

o Wattpad (Canada)

· Accessible Books Consortium International Excellence Award: Publisher

o Picsterbooks (South Africa)

o SAGE Publishing (UK)

o VitalSource Technologies (USA)

· Accessible Books Consortium International Excellence Award: Initiative


o Tata Consultancy Services (India)

o Tiflonexos (Argentina)


Eligible for entries from the UK only:

· Inclusivity in Publishing Award, supported by Equip

o Cassava Republic Press (UK)

o HarperCollins Publishers (UK)

o Team Angelica Publishing (UK)

The winners of several other Awards will also be presented on the night including: The Simon Master’s Chairman Award, The Association for Publishing Education (APE) Student Awards and The LBF Trailblazer Awards.

The London Book Fair Lifetime Achievement Award will also be presented at the ceremony.

The LBF International Excellence Awards is an invitation-only event, and takes place on Tuesday 14 March 2017 in The Conference Centre, Olympia, London.


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3 李伟钢 蔡庆华 杨正瓴

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