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已有 5452 次阅读 2016-10-30 13:14 |系统分类:论文交流| 征稿, FITEE, 工程院院刊








FITEE Special Issue on

"5G Wireless Communication Systems and Technologies"


Recently, the explosive growth of data traffic due to ubiquitous smart devices has accelerated the current 4G systems towards yet more technological evolution. Indeed, we are now moving into the 5G era as we reach towards 2020 and beyond. Compared with 4G mobilecommunications, 5G needs to meet extremely high performance requirements in more diverse scenarios. Specifically, the requirements of 5G systems include: a user-experienced data rate over 0.1-1 Gbps, a connection density of 1 million/km2, traffic volume density at tens of Tbps/km2, E2E latency at ms level, peak data rates at tens of Gbps, and a mobility of 500 km/h. These requirements are challenging and may even be conflicting, and need the design of new network architectures, new radio access techniques, and new transmission waveforms.

In recent years, both academia and industry have shown a lot of interest in the key techniques of 5G systems, such as massive MIMO, cloud radio access, mm-wave communications, non-orthogonal multiple access, and network function virtualization. However, there are still many technical challenges to overcome before the deployment of 5G. Hence, the objective of this special issue is to attract contributions from both academia and industry to motivate discussions on advanced and innovative techniques for 5G.  

Authors are encouraged to submit different types of articles, e.g., perspective articles, communications articles, review articles, and research articles, on recent advances of key techniques for 5G, including but not limited to the following topics:

- mm-wave communication techniques for 5G

- Massive MIMO techniques

- Spectrum sharing and aggregation techniques for 5G

- Security and privacy issues in 5G

- Heterogeneous networks for 5G

- Interference cancellation in full-duplex communications

- Resource allocation in ultra-dense/multi-tier networks

- Interference-mitigation techniques for 5G

- Massive access techniques for 5G

- Ultra-reliable and low-latency coding and modulationtechniques for 5G

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (FITEE), is an international peer-reviewed journal launched by Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and Zhejiang University, and co-published by Springer & Zhejiang University Press. FITEE aims to publish the latest implementation of applications, principles, and algorithms in the broad area of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Allarticles published in this special issue will be indexed by SCI-E and will be available from Springerlink (http://www.springer.com/computer/journal/11714), www.zju.edu.cn/jzus,  as well as http://engineering.cae.cn/fitee.  Please note that, however, before acceptance all articles must undergo the international peer reviews and cross check processes, to ensure a high quality and original special issue.

We would be delighted if you could confirm your contribution to this special issue. Please send your paper via http://www.editorialmanager.com/zusc/ based on the following schedule:

Manuscript submission: Jan. 10, 2017

Acceptance notification: Apr. 10, 2017

Publication date: June, 2017

Guest Editors

Prof. Ping Zhang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Prof. Shuguang Cui, University of California, Davis

Prof. Kai-Kit Wong, University College London

Prof. Zhaoyang Zhang, Zhejiang University

Dr. Nan Yang, Australian National University

Dr. Himal A. Suraweera, University of Peradeniya


Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (FITEE) 前身为Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCEC (Computers & Electronics)SCI-E收录。2015年改为现名,由中国工程院与浙江大学共同主办,浙江大学出版社与Springer合作出版,为中国工程院院刊。出版计算机、信息、电力、电子领域原创研究论文、综述、科学快报、个人视点、新技术/方法,等。欢迎国内外学者赐稿,网投地址为http://www.editorialmanager.com/zusc


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