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Infant\'s Journey of Discovering Gauss\'s Formula(初学者版)

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Infant's Journey of Discovering Gauss's Formula

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


From a young age, I was fascinated by numbers and patterns. The world around me was full of quantities—objects to count, steps to take, and rhythms to observe. Through playful exploration and innate curiosity, I began to notice relationships between numbers and sought to understand them more deeply.

In this narrative, I will detail how, starting from basic experiences as an infant, I independently observed, experimented, and logically deduced what is known as Gauss's Formula for the sum of the first nnn natural numbers:

S=1+2+3+⋯+n=n(n+1)2S = 1 + 2 + 3 + \dots + n = \frac{n(n + 1)}{2}S=1+2+3++n=2n(n+1)

This journey illustrates how a fundamental mathematical concept can emerge from simple observations and reasoning, without relying on subjective definitions or prior formal education.

Chapter 1: Discovering Numbers and Counting1.1 Early Encounters with QuantityCounting Objects

As I played with toys—blocks, balls, and stuffed animals—I began to associate numbers with quantities.

  • Observation: When I had one ball, I could hold it in one hand. Adding another ball meant I had two.

  • Reflection: Each additional object corresponded to an increase in count.

Understanding the Number Sequence
  • Counting Out Loud: I learned to recite numbers in order: one, two, three, four, five...

  • Semantics: Numbers represent specific quantities, and the sequence reflects increasing amounts.

1.2 Recognizing Patterns in CountingConsistent Increments
  • Observation: Each successive number corresponds to adding one more item.

  • Example: Counting blocks placed in a line: the count increases by one with each block added.

Visualization of Quantity
  • Using Fingers: I would count on my fingers, associating each finger raised with a number.

  • Semantics: Physical representation of numbers helps internalize the concept of quantity.

Chapter 2: Summing Numbers Through Play2.1 Arranging ObjectsCreating Rows of Objects

I enjoyed arranging objects in rows and counting them.

  • Activity: Lining up marbles or toy cars and counting the total.

  • Observation: The total count equals the number of objects lined up.

Grouping Objects
  • Experiment: Creating groups of objects—pairs, triplets.

  • Reflection: Grouping changes how I perceive the total quantity but not the total count.

2.2 Adding NumbersSimple Addition
  • Example: Combining two groups:

    • Group A: 2 apples.

    • Group B: 3 apples.

    • Total: 2+3=52 + 3 = 52+3=5 apples.

Observing Cumulative Sums
  • Activity: Stacking blocks and counting the total after each addition.

  • Observation: The total increases by one with each block added.

Chapter 3: Exploring the Sum of Sequential Numbers3.1 Counting StepsWalking and Counting
  • Activity: Counting the number of steps from one place to another.

  • Observation: The number of steps is always the same for a given path.

Accumulating Steps Over Multiple Trips
  • Experiment: Making multiple trips and keeping a running total of steps.

  • Reflection: Summing sequential numbers of steps for each trip.

3.2 Recording Daily CountsKeeping Track
  • Idea: Recording the number of toys I played with each day.

  • Data Collection: Day 1: 1 toy, Day 2: 2 toys, Day 3: 3 toys, etc.

Calculating the Total
  • Goal: Find the total number of toys played with over several days.

  • Method: Adding the counts for each day.

Chapter 4: Observing Patterns in Sums4.1 Summing Small SequencesCalculating Small Totals
  • Example: Sum of the first 5 numbers:S=1+2+3+4+5=15S = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15S=1+2+3+4+5=15

Noticing Patterns
  • Observation: The total sum increases rapidly as more numbers are added.

  • Reflection: There might be a pattern or formula to calculate the sum without adding each number individually.

4.2 Comparing SumsDifferent Sequences
  • Experiment: Comparing sums of different lengths:

    • Sum of first 3 numbers: 1+2+3=61 + 2 + 3 = 61+2+3=6

    • Sum of first 4 numbers: 1+2+3+4=101 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 101+2+3+4=10

    • Sum of first 5 numbers: 1+2+3+4+5=151 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 151+2+3+4+5=15

Observing Increments
  • Observation: The difference between consecutive sums increases by the next number in the sequence.

    • 10−6=410 - 6 = 4106=4 (which is the 4th number)

    • 15−10=515 - 10 = 51510=5 (which is the 5th number)

Chapter 5: Seeking a General Formula5.1 Hypothesizing a RelationshipLooking for Patterns
  • Question: Is there a way to calculate the total sum for any number nnn without adding each term?

  • Approach: Analyze the sums and look for relationships.

Tabulating Sums
nnnSum SSS
5.2 Exploring Potential FormulasTesting Simple Formulas
  • Option 1: S=n2S = n^2S=n2

    • Test: For n=4n = 4n=4, S=42=16S = 4^2 = 16S=42=16 (but actual sum is 10)

  • Conclusion: n2n^2n2 is too large.

Option 2: S=n(n+1)/2S = n(n + 1)/2S=n(n+1)/2
  • Test: For n=4n = 4n=4,S=4(4+1)2=4×52=202=10S = \frac{4(4 + 1)}{2} = \frac{4 \times 5}{2} = \frac{20}{2} = 10S=24(4+1)=24×5=220=10

  • Test for n=5n = 5n=5:S=5(5+1)2=5×62=302=15S = \frac{5(5 + 1)}{2} = \frac{5 \times 6}{2} = \frac{30}{2} = 15S=25(5+1)=25×6=230=15

  • Observation: This formula matches the calculated sums.

Chapter 6: Deriving the Formula6.1 Pairing NumbersVisualizing the Sequence
  • Idea: Arrange the sequence of numbers in a way that reveals a pattern.

  • Sequence: 1,2,3,...,n1, 2, 3, ..., n1,2,3,...,n

Creating Pairs
  • Method: Pair the first and last numbers, second and second-to-last, etc.

  • Example for n=5n = 5n=5:

    • 1+5=61 + 5 = 61+5=6

    • 2+4=62 + 4 = 62+4=6

    • Middle number: 333 (since nnn is odd, it remains unpaired)

    • Pairs:

  • Observation: Each pair sums to the same value.

6.2 Calculating the Total SumEven Number of Terms
  • When nnn is even:

    • Number of pairs: n2\frac{n}{2}2n

    • Sum of each pair: n+1n + 1n+1

    • Total sum:S=Number of pairs×Sum of each pair=n2(n+1)S = \text{Number of pairs} \times \text{Sum of each pair} = \frac{n}{2} (n + 1)S=Number of pairs×Sum of each pair=2n(n+1)

Odd Number of Terms
  • When nnn is odd:

    • Number of pairs: n−12\frac{n - 1}{2}2n1

    • Middle term: n+12\frac{n + 1}{2}2n+1

    • Total sum:S=(n−12×(n+1))+Middle termS = \left( \frac{n - 1}{2} \times (n + 1) \right) + \text{Middle term}S=(2n1×(n+1))+Middle termS=(n−1)(n+1)2+n+12S = \frac{(n - 1)(n + 1)}{2} + \frac{n + 1}{2}S=2(n1)(n+1)+2n+1S=(n2−1)+(n+1)2S = \frac{(n^2 - 1) + (n + 1)}{2}S=2(n21)+(n+1)S=n2+n2=n(n+1)2S = \frac{n^2 + n}{2} = \frac{n(n + 1)}{2}S=2n2+n=2n(n+1)

  • Observation: The formula S=n(n+1)2S = \frac{n(n + 1)}{2}S=2n(n+1) holds for both even and odd nnn.

Chapter 7: Verifying the Formula7.1 Testing with Known SumsTest Case 1: n=7n = 7n=7
  • Calculation:S=1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28S = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28S=1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28

  • Using Formula:S=7(7+1)2=7×82=562=28S = \frac{7(7 + 1)}{2} = \frac{7 \times 8}{2} = \frac{56}{2} = 28S=27(7+1)=27×8=256=28

  • Result: Matches the calculated sum.

Test Case 2: n=10n = 10n=10
  • Calculation:S=1+2+⋯+10=55S = 1 + 2 + \dots + 10 = 55S=1+2++10=55

  • Using Formula:S=10(10+1)2=10×112=1102=55S = \frac{10(10 + 1)}{2} = \frac{10 \times 11}{2} = \frac{110}{2} = 55S=210(10+1)=210×11=2110=55

  • Result: Matches the calculated sum.

7.2 General Validation
  • Conclusion: The formula S=n(n+1)2S = \frac{n(n + 1)}{2}S=2n(n+1) accurately calculates the sum of the first nnn natural numbers for any positive integer nnn.

Chapter 8: Reflecting on the Discovery8.1 Understanding the SignificanceEfficiency in Calculation
  • Benefit: The formula allows for quick calculation of large sums without adding each term individually.

  • Example: Calculating the sum up to n=100n = 100n=100:S=100(100+1)2=100×1012=5050S = \frac{100(100 + 1)}{2} = \frac{100 \times 101}{2} = 5050S=2100(100+1)=2100×101=5050

Appreciating Mathematical Patterns
  • Insight: Mathematics is full of elegant relationships that can simplify complex problems.

  • Semantics: Recognizing patterns leads to deeper understanding and discovery.

8.2 Applying the Formula in Various ContextsReal-Life Applications
  • Example 1: Calculating the total number of handshakes in a group of nnn people (using combinatorics).

  • Example 2: Determining the total number of items in a pyramid stacking arrangement.

Extension to Other Sequences
  • Idea: Explore similar formulas for summing squares, cubes, or other sequences.

Chapter 9: Connecting to Historical Context9.1 Learning About GaussHistorical Anecdote
  • Story: As a schoolchild, Carl Friedrich Gauss quickly found the sum of the numbers from 1 to 100 by using this formula.

  • Reflection: My independent discovery parallels Gauss's insight.

9.2 Appreciating Mathematical Legacy
  • Understanding: Many mathematical concepts have been discovered and rediscovered throughout history.

  • Inspiration: My journey highlights the universality of mathematical reasoning.


Through playful exploration and logical reasoning, I was able to discover and derive Gauss's formula for the sum of the first nnn natural numbers. Starting from simple counting and observation of patterns, I sought to find a general relationship that would simplify the calculation of these sums.

This journey demonstrates that fundamental mathematical concepts can emerge naturally from basic experiences. By evolving the semantics of each concept explicitly and grounding them in reality, complex ideas become accessible without the need for subjective definitions or advanced prior knowledge.

Mathematics, at its core, is about recognizing patterns and finding elegant solutions to problems. This discovery not only provided me with a powerful tool for calculation but also deepened my appreciation for the beauty and coherence of mathematical thought.

Epilogue: Implications for Learning and AI

This narrative illustrates how foundational mathematical principles can be understood through direct interaction with the environment and logical reasoning. In the context of artificial intelligence and cognitive development, it emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and the evolution of semantics from core experiences.

By enabling AI systems to recognize patterns, formulate hypotheses, and test them against observations, we can foster the development of intuitive understanding similar to human learning. This approach avoids reliance on predefined definitions and promotes the natural discovery of mathematical relationships.

Note: This detailed narrative presents the conceptualization of Gauss's formula as if I, an infant, independently observed and reasoned it out. Each concept is derived from basic experiences, emphasizing the natural progression from simple counting to the understanding of a fundamental mathematical formula. This approach demonstrates that with curiosity and logical thinking, foundational knowledge about mathematics can be accessed and understood without relying on subjective definitions.


上一篇:An Infant Reasons outthe Fourier Transform with DIKWP(初学者版)
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