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美国华人生物学家19篇 JBC 论文作假被撤

已有 14397 次阅读 2016-10-22 10:47 |个人分类:生物|系统分类:海外观察


另外,有人计算出在过去30天内,NATURE COMMUNICATIONS发了371篇文章,以每篇文章 5200美金计算,Springer Nature 公司收入了 193万美金。

对此,闻名中国的澳洲 BURGIO 教授惊呼,WOW!我们应该在免费的预印版服务器上发论文,用不着发给期刊。

附件:华人 JIN CHENG 撤稿 JBC论文列表

Activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway by androgen through interaction of p85α, androgen receptor, and Src.

VOLUME 278 (2003) PAGES 42992–43000

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically,lanes 1–3 of the H2B panel of Fig. 4B were reused in lanes 1–3 of the H2B panel from Fig. 6B. Lanes 1 and 6 of the phospho-Akt panel from Fig. 4C were duplicated. Lanes 3 and 4 of the lower FLAG panel in Fig. 4C were reused in lanes 7 and 8 of the lower FLAG panel in Fig. 5A. The PI(3,4)P2 spots from lanes 1 and 2 from Fig. 7 were reused inlanes 7 and 8 of the same panel. Additionally, some PI(4)P1 spots were pasted in. The authors state that the overall conclusions of this work are not affected.

Identification of Aurora-A as a direct target of E2F3 during G2/M cell cycle progression.

VOLUME 283 (2008) PAGES 31012–31020

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, lane 6 from the E2F3 panel in Fig. 1A was reused in lane 8 of the same panel. Lane 1 from the E2F3 panel from Fig. 4A was reused as lane 3of the same panel. The authors state that the image reuse does not affect the overall conclusions of the study.

Akt attenuation of the serine protease activity of HtrA2/Omi through phosphorylation of serine 212.

VOLUME 282 (2007) PAGES 10981–10987

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, the Myc-M-HtrA2 panel from Fig. 3B was reused as actin in Figs. 5A and 6C. The HtrA2-P panel from mitochondria in Fig. 3E was reused as Akt in the same set of panels. In Fig. 5A, a band was pasted into the PARP immunoblot. The authors state that they stand by the overall conclusions of the work.

Molecular cloning and characterization of the human AKT1promoter uncovers its up-regulation by the Src/Stat3 pathway.

VOLUME 280 (2005) PAGES 38932–38941

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. A band was pasted in the p-STAT3 panel in Fig. 2F. The authors state that this error does not affect the overall conclusions of this work.

ArgBP2γ interacts with Akt and p21-activated kinase-1 and promotes cell survival.

VOLUME 280 (2005) PAGES 21483–21490

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, parts of the GST-BAD panel from Fig. 6A were reused in the GST-BAD panel from Fig. 6B. Additionally, portions of the p-BAD-S112, p-BAD-S136, and HA-BAD panels from Fig. 6C were reused in Fig. 6D. The authors state that the reuse of images does not affect the overall conclusions of this work.

Akt phosphorylation and stabilization of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP).

VOLUME 279 (2004) PAGES 5405–5412

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The actin panel from Fig. 2D was reused in Fig. 6, A and C. The authors state that the overall conclusions of the article are not affected.

AKT2 inhibition of cisplatin-induced JNK/p38 and Bax activation by phosphorylation of ASK1.IMPLICATION OF AKT2 IN CHEMORESISTANCE.

VOLUME 278 (2003) PAGES 23432–23440

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, portions of the total and cleaved caspase-3 immunoblots from Fig. 1Bwere reused in Fig. 7D. The HA-Ask1 immunoblot from Fig. 2B was reused in Fig. 2C. Lanes 4 and 5 of the HA-AKT2 immunoblot from Fig. 2B were reused in lanes 4 and 5 of the HA-AKT2 immunoblot from Fig. 2C. Lanes 4 and 5 from the total BAX immunoblot in Fig. 6A were reused in lanes 5 and 6 of the total BAX immunoblot from Fig. 6C. In Fig. 7B, lanes 1 and 2 from the cleaved caspase-3 immunoblot from A2780S-pcDNA3 were reused in lanes 1 and 2 for A2780S-pcDNA3+LY and A2780S-DN-AKT2. The authors state that they stand by the overall conclusions that were supported by the rest of the data in this work.

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway regulates tuberous sclerosis tumor suppressor complex by phosphorylation of tuberin.

VOLUME 277 (2002) PAGES 35364–35370

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, the tuberin panel from transfection of pcDNA3 from Fig. 3C was reused as the hamartin panel from transfection of TSC2–7A from Fig. 3D, and the tuberin panel from transfection of Myr-Akt from Fig. 3C was reused as the TSC2–7D panel from transfection of TSC2–7D-Xpress in Fig. 3D. The authors state that the overall conclusions of this work are not affected.

Inhibition of JNK by cellular stress- and tumor necrosis factor α-induced AKT2 through activation of the NFκB pathway in human epithelial cells.

VOLUME 277 (2002) PAGES 29973–29982

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically,lanes 3 and 4 from the PI3K assay shown in Fig. 2A were reused inlanes 5 and 6 of the same panel. The P-JNK panel from Fig. 3A, left, was reused as the p-JNK panel from Fig. 6, right. The total JNK immunoblot from Fig. 6, left, was reused as the total JNK immunoblot from Fig. 6, middle. The authors state that the overall conclusions are supported by the rest of the data.

Positive feedback regulation between Akt2 and MyoD during muscle differentiation. CLONING OF Akt2 PROMOTER.

VOLUME 277 (2002) PAGES 23230–23235

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically,lanes 2 and 3 from the RNA panel from 10T1/2 were reused in lanes 1and 2 from the RNA panel from MyoD-10T1/2 in Fig. 2C. The authors state that they stand by the overall conclusions of the study.

MicroRNA MiR-214 regulates ovarian cancer cell stemness by targeting p53/Nanog.

VOLUME 287 (2012) PAGES 34970–34978

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, the Nanog mRNA bands from A2780S cells in Fig. 2B were reused as Nanog from OV429 cells in Fig. 6E. The actin mRNA bands from Fig. 4C, left (A2780 cells), were reused as actin in Fig. 6E, right (OV429 cells). The p53 mRNA bands from supplemental Fig. S8, right (OV10 cells), were reused as p53 in supplemental Fig. S10, right (A2780CP cells). The authors state that the overall conclusions of the study are not affected.

Identification of Akt interaction protein PHF20/TZP that transcriptionally regulates p53.

VOLUME 287 (2012) PAGES 11151–11163

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, the p53 panel from HCT116 cells in Fig. 4F was reused in the p53 panel from Fig. 5C. The authors state that the overall conclusions of the study are not affected.

IKBKE protein activates Akt independent of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/PDK1/mTORC2 and the pleckstrin homology domain to sustain malignant transformation.

VOLUME 286 (2011) PAGES 37389–37398

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, the Myc-IKBKE immunoblot from Fig. 4B was reused as the Myc-IKBKE immunoblot in Fig. 4C. The IKBKE immunoblot from Ikbke−/− MEFs treated with EGF was reused in the IKBKE panel from Ikbke−/− MEFs treated with insulin in supplemental Fig. S5A. In supplemental Fig. S5B, the pAkt-T308 immunoblot from Ikbke−/− MEFs treated with glucose was reused in the pAkt-T308 panel from wild type MEFs treated with amino acid. The authors state that the overall conclusions of the study are not affected.

Phosphorylation and activation of androgen receptor by Aurora-A.

VOLUME 285 (2010) PAGES 33045–33053

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically,lanes 1–3 of the actin panel from Fig. 2D were reused in lanes 2–4 of the Flag-AR panel in Fig. 7A. The actin panel from Fig. 4B was reused as AR in Fig. 7C. Additionally, the actin panel from Fig. 3C was plagiarized from the actin panel from supplemental Fig. S2A of Chenget al. (2008) (Cheng, G. Z., Zhang, W.-Z., Sun, M., Wang, Q., Coppola, D., Mansour, M., Xu, L.-M., Costanzo, C., Cheng, J. Q., and Wang, L.-H. (2008) Twist is transcriptionally induced by activation of STAT3 and mediates STAT3 oncogenic function. J. Biol. Chem. 283, 14665–14673).Lanes 3–6 from the actin panel from Fig. 7B were plagiarized from the tubulin panel from Fig. 1C, also from Cheng et al. (2008). The authors state that the overall conclusions of the study are supported by the rest of the data.

MicroRNA-155 regulates cell survival, growth, and chemosensitivity by targetingFOXO3a in breast cancer.

VOLUME 285 (2010) PAGES 17869–17879

This article has been withdrawn by all the authors except for William Kong. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, the U6 panel from Fig. 1B was reused in Figs. 2B and 5B. The U6 panel from Fig. 1C was reused in Fig. 5B. The miR-155 band in lane 2 from BT-474 cells in Fig. 2B was reused as the miR-155 band from HS578T cells in Fig. 5A. The actin panel in Fig. 3A was reused as the actin panel in Fig. 3C. The authors state that they stand by the findings and overall conclusions.

A small molecule inhibits Akt through direct binding to Akt and preventing Akt membrane translocation.

VOLUME 285 (2010) PAGES 8383–8394

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, part of the p-PKA immunoblot from Fig. 4D was reused as part of the p-Akt-T308 immunoblot from the same figure. The authors state that this image reuse does not affect the overall conclusions of the study.

IKKϵ phosphorylation of estrogen receptor α Ser-167 and contribution to tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer.

VOLUME 285 (2010) PAGES 3676–3684

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, the CCND1 band from lane 3 of Fig. 4B was reused as lane 5 from the same figure panel. The authors state that they stand by the overall conclusions of the study.

Phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt inhibits MST1-mediated pro-apoptotic signaling through phosphorylation of threonine 120.

VOLUME 285 (2010) PAGES 3815–3824

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, the HA-Akt1 immunoblot from Fig. 2E was reused as the FLAG-MST1 immunoblot from Fig. 4C. The authors state that they stand by the overall conclusions of the study.

MicroRNA-221/222 negatively regulates estrogen receptor α and is associated with tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer.

VOLUME 283 (2008) PAGES 31079–31086

This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The same data were used to represent different experimental conditions. Specifically, the ERα mRNA band from MCF7 cells in Fig. 4A was duplicated in the BT474 lane of the same panel. The authors stand by the overall conclusions of the study.


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