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已有 9333 次阅读 2011-6-8 12:11 |个人分类:开源软件项目研究与分析|系统分类:科研笔记| 串口调试

Welcome to CuteCom

CuteCom is a graphical serial terminal, like minicom (or Hyperterminal on Windows, but I don't want to compare CuteCom to it, since Hyperterminal is really one of the worst applications I know).
Currently it runs on Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X.
It is aimed mainly at hardware developers or other people who need a terminal to talk to their devices. It is free software and distributed under the GNU General Public License Version 2, which can find in the file COPYING. It is written using the Qt library by Trolltech. Follow this link to visit the sourceforge project page.
CuteCom doesn't use the autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool, etc.) Instead "configure" is simply a wrapper script which calls qmake. To uninstall CuteCom simply delete the file "cutecom" and the file "cutecom.desktop" and you're done. The config file is ~/.config/CuteCom/CuteCom.conf (was ~/.qt/cutecomrc in the Qt3-based versions).

  • easy to use GUI
  • no cryptic keyboard shortcuts
  • lineoriented interface instead of character-oriented
  • Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Q and Ctrl+S control sequences work
  • input history
  • a cute GUI ;-)
  • xmodem, ymodem, zmodem support (requires the sz tools)
  • easy to differentiate between typed text and echoed text
  • select between read/write, read-only and write-only open mode
  • open the device without changing its settings
  • hexadecimal input and output
  • configurable line end characters (LF, CR, LFCR)
  • configurable delay between characters
Requirements for Building:
  • CuteCom 0.22.0: Qt 4.1, CMake >= 2.4.3
  • CuteCom 0.14.2: Qt 3, qmake or CMake >= 2.4.3

Current version (uses Qt4): cutecom-0.22.0.tar.gz, , June 27th, 2009
(yes, it's really only 22kb). Now also works on Mac OSX and supports more baud rates.
Here is the complete Changelog.

You can also browse the cvs repository online.

Current state: stable

  • font selection via the context menu of the output view
  • searching in the output view via context menu and Ctrl+F shortcut
  • get rid of Qt3Support
  • translations
Patches are welcome ! :-)

Previous versions: 我的屏幕截图:


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2 杨华磊 陈儒军

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