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保罗萨巴蒂尔(Paul A. Sabatier 1944-)是美国政策科学教授,现供职于加州大学戴维斯分校的环境科学与政策系。

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这老先生1974年从芝加哥大学政治科学系获得博士学位(Ph.D. University of Chicago, Department of Political Science, 1971-74);1972年开始到加州大学戴维斯分校工作(Division of Environmental Studies, University of California, Davis),从事政策研究的教学与科研工作,到如今已经整整50年了。这五十年萨巴蒂尔教授取得的学术成就还是很棒的,不妨看看下面的数据:






1) July 1974-June 1975: $20,000 from the CASE Council at U.C. Davis (with T. Foin and S.

Schwartz) on "Environmental Planning on the Northern California Coast."

2) March 1977-January 1978: $l5,000 from the Kellogg Foundation and the Institute for

Governmental Affairs,U.C. Davis, on "Improving the Use of Scientific Information by the

California Legislature."

3) July 1977-December 1978: $l43,000 from NSF-RANN (with Daniel Mazmanian) on

"Implementation of State Land Use Policy."

4) July 1978-March 1979: Supplemental grant of $39,000 from NSF-RANN (with Daniel

Mazmanian) on "Implementation of State Land Use Policy."

5) September 1979-June 1980: $3,500 from the Institute of European Environmental Policy on

"Coastal Zone Planning in France, the U.K., and the Netherlands."

6) September 1979-June 1980: $12,000 NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science.

7) July 1982-June 1984: $12,000 in Seed grants from Institute of Governmental Affairs, U.C. Davis,

to study land use and water quality at Lake Tahoe;

8) July 1984-December 1985: $69,800 from N.S.F. on "Legal and Political Mechanisms of External

Control: Their Role in an Advocacy Coalition Model of Agency Policy-Making over Time."

9) January 1985-December 1985: $l0,000 from the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, Cambridge,

Mass., to study "Possible Counterproductive Effects of Environmental Controls in the Lake

Tahoe Basin, 1960-79."

10) July 1985-June 1986: $20,000 from the U.C. Water Resources Center on "The Effect of

Scientific Information on Environmental Policy-Making at Lake Tahoe, 1960-84."

11) April 1986-June 1987: $13,000 from the PSRDP, UC Davis, on "Land Development at Lake


12) July 1988-July 1989 (with John Loomis): $13,700 from PSRDP, UC Davis, on "An Evaluation

of Competing Hypotheses in National Forest Planning."

13) March 1990-June 1991 (with John Loomis): $6500 from the California Department of Forestry,

"US Forest Service NFMA Planning in California.

14) July 1992-June 1993: $19,000 from Dept. of Water Resources, "Longitudinal Analysis of Policy

Participants Regarding the SF Bay/Delta, 1984-91."

15) August 1993-July 1996: $51,732 + 40,649 from the University of California Transportation

Center, "Automotive Pollution Control in the U.S.: Multiple Lenses on Four Puzzles."

16) June 1995-June 1997: $158,226 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Coalition

Formation and Stability in Environmental Policy."

17) November 1996-September 2000 (with 7 Co-PIs) $1,292,627 from the U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency and NSF, “An Integrated Approach to Assessing Water Management

Options in Major Watersheds: Expanding a Hydrodynamic-Water Quality Model to Include

Biologic and Politico-Economic Components.”

18) October 1998-September 1999 (with Jim Quinn) $150,683 from NSF Program in Decision,

Risk, and Management Science (and U.S. EPA), “When Do Watershed Stakeholder

Negotiations Work:? A Multiple Lens Approach.”

19) January 1999-December 2000 (with Jim Quinn), $149,935 from EPA STAR Program,

When Do Stakeholder Negotiations Work? A Multiple Lens Analysis of Watershed

Restoration in California and Washington.”

20) July 2000-June 2002 (with Jim Quinn), $199,558 from the David and Lucile Packard

Foundation, “When Do Watershed Partnerships Work?”

21) July 2001-June 2002 (with Mark Nechodom), $24,638 from the U.S. Forest Service,

Institutional and Political Dispositions in the Lake Tahoe Basin.”


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1、Winner (with Dan Mazmanian) of the 1997 Aaron Wildavsky Award from the Public Policy

2Section of the American Political Science Association for Enduring Contribution to Policy

Studies: D. Mazmanian and P. Sabatier, Implementation and Public Policy (Scott, Foresman, 1983).


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