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已有 4656 次阅读 2014-9-8 01:59 |系统分类:海外观察| 主席, 孙博华, 国际科学执行局, Daya, Reddy


孙博华 2014-09-06

今天接到南非科学院的新闻邮件,得知南非科学院院长Daya Reddy教授当选国际科学理事会主席(International Council for Science (ICSU),南非比勒陀利亚大学校长Cheryl de la Rey教授同时当选ICSU执行局。

Reddy教授是知名的应用数学和力学家,2014年当选南非科学院院长,曾任南非国家研究基金会Narional Research Foundation(NRF)主席。

本人于1993从德国做完Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship之后到南非开普敦大学工学院工作,成为第一位来自中国的由NRF前身FRD和开普敦大学联合资助的做博士后,跟随Daya Reddy 和 John Martin教授,度过了美好的时光。


得到这个新闻后,即给Daya发去了美好的祝贺,他回信表示感谢并非常高兴得知中国科学院副院长李静海当选ISCU副主席。【Date:07 Sept.2014    Dear Bohua, Thank you so much for your good wishes. You'll be interested to know that Prof. Jinghai Li, Vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has also been elected onto the ICSU Board。 With very best wishes, Daya 】




Professor Daya Reddy, an internationally recognized mathematician from South Africa, today became the new President-elect of the International Council for Science

Auckland, New Zealand (Sept 3) – At the conclusion of the organization’s 31st General Assembly in Auckland, Reddy today was named the future President of the International Council for Science (ICSU). He was elected by representatives from ICSU’s 120 National Members and 31 Scientific Unions attending the meeting.

Reddy will take over from the current ICSU President, Gordon McBean, in October 2017.

Reddy was born in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Cape Town, and a PhD degree from Cambridge University.

He was appointed professor of applied mathematics at the University of Cape Town in 1989, and served as dean of its science faculty from 1999 – 2005. He currently holds the South African Research Chair in Computational Mechanics. He is President of the Academy of Science of South Africa, and serves as Co-Chair of the InterAcademy Council, a body which produces reports on scientific, technological and health issues for governments and global organizations. He is an elected fellow of TWAS and the African Academy of Sciences. He is a recipient of the Order of Mapungubwe (Bronze), awarded by the President of South Africa for distinguished contributions to science, and of the Georg Forster Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany.

Daya Reddy’s research interests lie at the intersection of applied mathematics and engineering sciences. Much of his work is concerned with analysis and computational simulation in solid and fluid mechanics, and concerns the development of mathematical models of material behaviour, analysis of these models, and the construction and implementation of algorithms for their numerical solution. His work is motivated by applications in areas such as materials science and biomechanics.

He thanked Professor Lee for his contribution to the global science community, and said: “I am deeply honoured by the confidence that has been shown to me.”

Reddy said that “ICSU is in a special position to promote the values of science and to provide leadership in seeking scientific approaches to the world’s problems.” He added “I look forward very much to working with my colleagues in ICSU in the task of realising these goals. I am particularly keen to ensure that ICSU becomes as inclusive as possible, so that as the voice of science we are in fact able to involve the entire community worldwide.”

Other Members elected to the ICSU Executive Board


Vice-President for Scientific Planning and Review: Li Jinghai (chemical engineering/computational science/energy technology, China: CAST)

Vice-President for External Relations: Michael Clegg (plant biology, USA)

Secretary General: David Black (chemistry, Australia)

Treasurer: Barbara Erazmus (physics, France)

Ordinary Members:

From National Members:

John Ball (mathematics, UK)

Raghavendra Gadagkar (genetics and developmental biology, India)

Nicole Moreau (Chemistry/medicinal/chemistry/biochemistry/enzymology/bacteriology, France)

Kazuyuki Tatsumi (chemical engineering, Japan)

From Union Members:

Manuel de León (physical, chemical and mathematical sciences, Spain)

John Buckeridge (biological sciences, Australia)

Orhan Altan (earth and space sciences, Turkey)

Cheryl de la Rey (social sciences, South Africa)

Media enquiries

Denise Young, Head of Communications ICSU email: denise.young@icsu.org
Johannes Mengel, Communications Officer, ICSU email: johannes.mengel@icsu.org

About ICSU

The International Council for Science (ICSU) is a non-governmental organisation with a global membership of national scientific bodies (121 Members, representing 141 countries) and International Scientific Unions (31 Members). It mobilizes the knowledge and resources of the international scientific community to strengthen international science for the benefit of society.



 本报北京9月3日电 记者齐芳3日从中国科学院获悉,国际科学理事会(ICSU)第三十一届全体大会于8月31日至9月4日在新西兰奥克兰召开。在此次大会上,中国科学院副院长李静海当选ICSU副主席,主管科学计划与评估,任期为2014年至2017年。ICSU于1931年在比利时布鲁塞尔成立,是世界上最大的国际学术组织之一,也是科学界最权威的非政府国际组织之一,其主要宗旨是促进科学的国际交流、促进公众对科学的了解等。(原标题:李静海当选国际科学理事会副主席)


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