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已有 4766 次阅读 2014-6-15 04:35 |个人分类:文献计量理论基础|系统分类:科研笔记| 科研合作, 计量, 科研产出, 共作者, 合作率


1. Co-authorship as ameasure of scientific collaboration

Kretschmer, 1992年将科研合作定义为科学内的社会分层。The publishedresults of intra- and extramural collaboration have been compared at theinstitutional level, and the strongly intensifying domestic and international collaborationhas served as a base of several bibliometric macro studies.

Co-authorship as a measure of scientific collaboration

Laudel(2002) has shown on the basis of a sample of interviewedscientists that a major part of collaboration is not acknowledged eitherthrough a proper acknowledgement or through co-authorship.However, this ratherapplies to so-called intramural collaboration, that is, to collaborationwithina department, research group or institute. Laudel发现大部分的intramural合作关系没有通过共作者的形式确认下来。而extramural合作关系,尤其是国际间的合作都非常好的通过共作者形式得到确认。

Besides the economic and political factors, manyintra-scientific factors (see, for example, studies by deB. BeaverandRosen1978, 1979, Luukkonenet al., 1992, 1993), especially changingcommunication patterns and increasing mobility of scientists, are alsoinfluencing collaboration.


DeB. Beaver(2001)列出了18个科学家合作的理由

1.  Access to expertise.

2.  Access to equipment, resources, or “stuff” one doesn’t have.

3.  Improve access tofunds.

4.  To obtain prestigeor visibility; for professional advancement.

5.  Efficiency:multiplies hands and minds; easier to learn the tacit knowledge that goes witha technique.

6.  To make progressmore rapidly.

7.  To tackle “bigger”problems [more important, more comprehensive, more difficult, global].

8.  To enhanceproductivity.

9.  To get to knowpeople, to create a network, like an “invisible college”.

10. To retool, learn new skills or techniques, usually tobreak into a new field, subfield, or problem.

11. To satisfy curiosity, intellectual interest.

12. To share the excitement of an area with other people.

13. To find flaws more efficiently, reduce errors andmistakes

14. To keep one more focussed on research, because othersare counting on one to do so.

15. To reduce isolation, and to recharge one’s energy andexcitement.

16. To educate [a student, graduate student, or, oneself]

17. To advance knowledge and learning.

18. For fun, amusement, and pleasure.

Kretschmer(e.g., 1994)发现extramural合作中作者的社会地位相当,而intramural合作中,作者社会地位相差较大。(机构内机构间的作者合作)

Glänzel, 2002年研究了Biomedical research and Mathematics两个科学领域共作者数量的分布情况及变化趋势



Glänzel (2002)analyzed the relationship between average productivity and average co-operativity in three selected fields in 1996. inbiomedical research the maximum productivity is reached for teams with 6 co-authors, whereas in mathematics, mean publication activity takes its maximumvalue in case of 1-2 co-authors. Braunet al. (2001) have shown a similar effectin the field of neuroscience.

Glänzel, 2001, The positive effect of collaboration andespecially of international collaboration on citation impact has been shown,although international collaboration does not always pay for all partnersinvolved.共作者数与平均被引频次有正相关性R2={0.772,0.912,0.947}.

2.Indicators of co-operativity and co-publication networks

co-operativitythe number and share of co-authoredpapers of a unit, of joint publications of different units, of the strength of co-authorshiplinks and the profile and citation impact of co-publications.

The first comprehensive study on international collaborationusing co-operativity measures has been published by Schubert and Braun in 1990.

Schubert and Braun(1990) and Glanzel(2011a) have shown thatthe share of internationally coauthored papers in most countries dramaticallyincreased during the last two decades.


Schubert and Braun have analysed the international collaboration of 36 countries in the sciencesin the period 1981–1985 and Glänzel has compared collaboration patterns of themost active 50 countries in 1985/1986 with those in1995/1996.




Germany and the USA can be considered the most importantpartners for the East European countries in the period around 1990. Interestingis the great share of Romanian–French co-authorship and the almost outstanding roleof German co-operation in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia.

德国和美国是东欧国家最主要的科研合作国家。与Glänzel and Winterhager, 1992的发现相吻合。







Share ofinternational co-publications

International collaboration depends on the country’s ‘size’(cf.,for instance, Schubertand Braun, 1990). This result has recently been confirmedby Katz (2000). 国际合作与国家大小存在潜在幂律关系。


Research profiles of domestic and international papers

Relative Specialisation Index (RSI), indicates whether acountry has a relatively higher or lower share in world publications in aparticular field of science than its overall share in world total publications.

RSI has been defined in REIST-2 (1997), and is closelyrelated to the Activity Index (AI) originally introduced by Frame(1977). Glänzel(2000)对该指标进行过分析。

I. the  ‘westernmodel’ with clinical medicine and biomedical research as dominating fields,

II. the characteristic pattern of the former socialistcountries with excessive activity in chemistry and physics,

III. the ‘bio-environmental model’ with biology and earthand space sciences in the main focus,

IV. the ‘Japanese model’ with engineering and chemistrybeing predominant.


Mapping mutual co-authorship links

Salton’s measure will be used as an indicator ofinternational collaboration strength. It is defined as the number of joint publicationsdivided by the square root of the product of the number (i.e., the geometricmean) of total publication outputs of the two countries.采用Salton系数计算每两个国家之间的合作强度,采用“两国合作文章”/“两国所有文章产出总量的平方根”作为矩阵中的数值。


"Publication strategy" of domestic vs.international papers

The relative expected citation index ofinternational co-publications is a relativeindicator designed to measure thedeviation of a country’s mean expected citation rateof internationalpublications from domestic papers with respect to the world standard.Theindicator is defined in similar manner as the Relative Specialisation Index, inparticular,

where MECRint (MECRdom) is the mean expected citation rateof international(domestic) publications of a selected country in a given fieldand WS is the correspondingworldstandard’of this ratio. The index takes values in the interval [-1, 1] and itsneutral value is 0.



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