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数理思维对生物学的奠基性贡献 精选

已有 6519 次阅读 2016-7-9 14:11 |个人分类:科学史|系统分类:科普集锦




薛定谔著名的是他的量子波动力学方程。在《生命是什么?》一书中,他对生物学从物理的角度进行了分析。当时生物学界认为蛋白质是遗传的载体。薛定谔根据物理原理做出下列判断:生物个体的发育及功能都是由染色体中的代码 (CODE)决定,细胞分裂时,代码被复制,在突变体中代码不再相同,而是在一处出现差异,用原子来编写这个代码就像摩尔斯电码(二进制),染色体内的代码纤维可以称为非周期性的有机晶体,这是生命的物质载体(“It is these chromosomes, or probably only an axial skeleton fibre of what we actually see under the microscope as the chromosome, that contain in some kind of code-script the entire pattern of the individual's future development and of its functioning in the mature state. ” “How do the chromosomes behave on mitosis? They duplicate -both sets, both copies of the code, duplicate.“ In the mutant the two copies of the code-script are no longer identical; they present two different 'readings' or 'versions', at any rate in that one place.” A well ordered association of atoms, endowed with sufficient resistivity to keep its order permanently, appears to be the only conceivable material structure that offers a variety of possible ('isomeric') arrangements, sufficiently large to embody a complicated system of ‘determinations' within a small spatial boundary.” “Indeed, the number of atoms in such a structure need not be very large to produce an almost unlimited number of possible arrangements. For illustration, think of the Morse code. The two different signs of dot and dash in well-ordered groups of not more than four allow thirty different specifications. ” “To give the statement life and colour, let me anticipate what will be explained in much more detail later, namely, that the most essential part of a living cell-the chromosome fibre may suitably be called an aperiodic crystal.” “Organic chemistry, indeed, in investigating more and more complicated molecules, has come very much nearer to that 'aperiodic crystal' which, in my opinion, is the material carrier of life. ” “We might quite properly call that an aperiodic crystal or solid and express our hypothesis by saying: We believe a gene -or perhaps the whole chromosome fibre -to be an aperiodic solid.”)。

薛定谔这个描述虽然纯粹是从物理角度进行推测,但已经给出了非常明确的探索方向。 这使不少本来研究物理的转向生物,包括Francis Crick 与 Maurice Wilkins。比这二人年青10来岁的 James Watson 在读了薛定谔的书后则是直接选择了生物专业。这三人在1953年发现了 DNA 的双螺旋结构。薛定谔的非周期性有机晶体终于被发现。



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