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电子结构之ELF的计算-from my best friend Xinxin Zhang

已有 24860 次阅读 2013-10-25 04:13 |个人分类:电子结构计算|系统分类:科研笔记| 电子, friend


1) ELF的定义;

2) 计算原理及流程。


     相逢是一种缘。旅途中,有一种人,当你不经意间想起,总是满怀感激......XinXin Zhang 和 Meiguang Zhang即属于这种人。


EXEC=/db/home/yexq/software/vasp533/vasp.5.4.1/vasp.5.4.1/bin/vasp_std  可快速成功计算ELF的VASP版本

一般设置0.5 为起点

isosurface value of 0.5 and 0.7,

SYSTEM=Static- self-consistent

PREC = Accurate

ENCUT = 600

EDIFF = 1e-6


POTIM = 0.1

ISMEAR =1; SIGMA = 0.2


正确的INCAR设置-from  Shichang Li

SYSTEM=Static- self-consistent

PREC = Accurate

ENCUT = 400

EDIFF = 1e-6


POTIM = 0.1

ISMEAR =1; SIGMA = 0.2






IBRION=-1for NSW=0 or NSW=1

IBRION=2 A conjugate-gradient algorithm (a simple discussion of this algorithm can be found for instance in [28]) is used to relax the ions into their instantaneous groundstate


KSPACING-tag and KGAMMA-tag KSPACING = [real]
KGAMMA = [logical]


The tag KSPACING determines the number of k-points if the KPOINTS file is not present (see Sec. 5.5). KSPACING is the smallest allowed spacing between k-points in units of Å$ ^{-1}$\. The number of k-points increases when the spacing is decreased. The number of k-points in the direction of the first, second and third reciprocal lattice vector is determined by the equations


These values are rounded to the next integer. The generated grid is either centred at the \"$ point (e.g. includes the \"$ point) (KGAMMA=.TRUE.) or is shifted away from the \"$ point, as usually done for Monkhorst Pack grids (KGAMMA=.FALSE.) (compare Sec. 5.5.3). Per default, the grids include the \"$ point.

哪一种方法设置的K点更密:KSPACING or KPOINTS?  可通过查看IBZKPT中k点个数,来看哪一种更密

The three qualities of k-point separation for CASTEP (1/Angstrom) >>>

          coarse.le..08 & medium.le..05 & fine.le..04

Please input the quality of Monkhorst-Pack grid (Default is .035) >>>


Reciprocal lattice parameters >>>

      0.84446874   2.56760472   2.41391726

Mesh parameters of Monkhorst-Pack grid >>>

1. “Electronlocalization function”,电子局域化函数。用来描述以某个位置处的电子为参考,在其附近找到与他同自旋的电子的概率,可以表征这个作为参考的电子的局域化程度,也是一种描述在多电子体系中的电子对概率的方法。

2. 一些公式:


    0ELF≤1 , ELF=1 对应完全局域化,ELF=1/2,对应类电子气型的成对概率。




  :在r位置,s半径内找到两个同自旋的电子的几率,做Taylor 展开,中括号中的项就是上边的D ,  这个值越小,说明在上述区域找到相同自旋的电子的几率越小,那么这个电子的局域性越高。

3. 这个函数是由AxelD. BeckeK. E.Edgecombe1990年定义的[1].细的定义和公式请看参考文献和下面给出的链接。





SYSTEM=Static- self-consistent

PREC = Accurate

ENCUT =800

EDIFF = 1e-6


POTIM = 0.1

ISMEAR =1; SIGMA = 0.2





xcrysden软件的使用大家一般比较熟悉,它可以画xy, xz, yz二维平面图,也可以画三维空间图Vaspview同样可以画二维和三维两种图。




我的计算流程: geo-opt---->scf---->elf and bader
scf 后, mkdir elf bader
cp scf/*  elf/.
#MAGMOM = *  * *
cp scf/* bader/.
#MAGMOM=* * *

附-from 上述网站的介绍

Original definition of ELF

The electron localization function (ELF) was introduced by Becke and Edgecombe as a "simple measure of electron localization in atomic and molecular systems" [BECKE1990]. The original formula is based on the Taylor expansion of the spherically averaged conditional same-spin pair probability density to find an electron close to a same-spin reference electron. The main aspect of this formulation is that thus defined ELF is a property of the same-spin pair density.

The same-spin pair probability density  P2(r, r') is the probability density to simulaneously find two like-spin electrons at positions r and r'. In Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation:

P2(r, r')  =   &rho(r) ρ(r')  −    |ρ1(r, r')|2

The conditional same-spin pair probability density  Pcond(r, r') is the probability density to find an electron at some position r' if a like-spin reference electron is located with certainty at position r. In Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation:

Pcond(r, r')  =   ρ(r')  −    |ρ1(r, r')|2 ⁄ ρ(r)

with the electron densities  ρ(r) and  ρ(r'), and the σ-spin one-particle density matrix  ρ1(r, r') of the HF determinant:

ρ1(r, r')  =   ∑iσ ψi*(r'i(r)

where the summation runs over all occupied  σ-spin (i.e. either up or down spin) orbitals  ψi(r).

The probability density to find a like-spin electron at a distance s from the reference point  r can be found by a Taylor expansion of the spherically averaged conditional same-spin probability density  Pcond(r, s) (the spherical average is on a shell of radius s around the reference point  r). The first (s independent) term of the Taylor expansion vanishes, because the conditional probability density to find two like-spin electrons at the same position  r is, as a direct consequence of the Pauli principle, equal to zero. The linear term is dependent on the gradient of the HF Fermi hole at  r - thus it vanishes as well. The leading (quadratical) term of the Taylor expansion of the spherically averaged conditional same-spin probability density is [BECKE1990]:

Pcond(r, s)  =   1⁄3 [iσ |∇ψi(r)|2   −   ¼ |∇ρ(r)|2 ⁄ ρ(r)] s2   +   ...

The expression in the brackets is besides a ρ factor proportional to the Fermi hole mobility function of Luken and Culberson [LUKEN1982] and is related to the curvature of the HF Fermi hole at  r as shown by Dobson[DOBSON1991].

Becke and Edgecombe associated the localization of an electron with the probability density to find a second like-spin electron near the reference point. The smaller this probability density, i.e. the smaller the expression

D(r)   =   ∑iσ |∇ψi(r)|2   −   ¼ |∇ρ(r)|2 ⁄ ρ(r)

of the quadratic term, the higher localized an electron is. Thus, the Pauli repulsion between two like-spin electrons, described by the smallness of  D(r), is taken as a measure of the electron localization. Using the corresponding factor found for uniform electron gas  Dh(r) Becke and Edgecombe defined ELF as follows:

η(r)  =   1 ⁄ [1 + χ2BE(r)]


χBE(r)  =   D(r) ⁄ Dh(r)


Dh(r)  =   3/5 (6π2)2/3 ρ(r)5/3

Given by the definition, ELF values are bound between 0 and 1.

In the seminal paper of Becke and Edgecombe the ratio  χBE(r) was attributed to a dimensionless localization index calibrated with respect to the uniform electron gas as a reference. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that this reference was chosen arbitrarily (originally, Luken and Culberson had defined a function similar to χBE(r), but instead of a division they preferred a subtraction, again arbitrarily choosing the uniform electron gas as a reference). The only measure of the electron localization, as described by the two authors, is the expression  D(r). However, ELF cannot yield the value of  D(r) - i.e. the actual measure of the electron localization - because it depends, through  Dh(r), on the electron density as well. In this sense, ELF is a relative measure of the electron localization.

High ELF values show that at the examined position the electrons are more localized than in a uniform electron gas of the same density.  η(r) = 1⁄2 indicates that the effect of the Pauli repulsion is the same as in the uniform electron gas of the same density. Of course, it cannot be compared with the uniform electron gas with respect to other properties (it is obvious that the electron density gradient in an atom, molecule or solid differs from zero almost everywhere). See also section How to interpret.

ELF for density functionals

In density functional theory the pair density is not explicitly defined. Thus, the original formulation of ELF derived from the pair density is not applicable. Searching for a possibility to use ELF in density functional calculations, Savin et al. [SAVIN1992A] utilized the observation that the Kohn-Sham orbital representation of the Pauli kinetic energy density has the same formal structure as the expression  D(r) of Becke and Edgecombe. The main aspect of Savin's formulation is that thus defined ELF is a property based on the diagonal elements of the one-particle density matrix, i.e. the electron density.

In the Kohn-Sham method the kinetic energy of  N noninteracting electrons is:

Ts   =   ½ iN |∇ψi(r)|2 dv

with the Kohn-Sham orbitals  ψi(r). The positive definite kinetic energy density  t(r) = ½ ∑iN |∇ψi(r)|2  is bounded by a minimum value:

t(r)  ≥   1⁄8 |∇ρ(r)|2 ⁄ ρ(r)

when all orbitals are proportional to  √ρ (i.e. like in a bosonic system) . The Pauli kinetic energy is the energy due to the redistribution of the electrons in accordance with the Pauli principle. It is the integral of the Pauli kinetic energy density:

tP(r)   =   t(r)   −   1⁄8 |∇ρ(r)|2 ⁄ ρ(r)

The Pauli kinetic energy density itself does not resolve the bonding situation. It is the more or less arbitrary division of  tP(r) by the kinetic energy density of a uniform electron gas of the same electron density (with the Fermi constant  cF = 3⁄10 (3π2)2/3)

th(r)  =   cF ρ(r)5/3

that yields all the information. For a closed shell system the ratio

χS(r)  =   tP(r) ⁄ th(r)

is formally identical with the ratio χBE(r) in the HF approximation. This identity holds also for an open shell system, when the kinetic energy densities are computed for the corresponding spin part only. Then also the ELF formulas based on χBE(r) and χS(r) respectively, are identical. In the interpretation of Savin et al. ELF is a measure of the influence of Pauli principle as given by the Pauli kinetic energy density, relative to a uniform electron gas of the same density. Similarly to the original definition, ELF does not mirror  tP(r).

An expression equivalent to χS(r) of Savin et al. was found already 1983 by Deb and Ghosh [DEB1983]. Deb and Ghosh were searching for a "proper local description" of the kinetic energy density. They proposed the following formulation of the kinetic energy density:

t(r)  =   −¼ ∇2ρ(r)   +   1⁄8 |∇ρ(r)|2 ⁄ ρ(r)   +   cF f(r) ρ(r)5/3

The right hand side of the above equation consists, besides the density Laplacian that vanishes by an integration over the whole space, of the full Weizsäcker term 1⁄8 |∇ρ(r)|2 ⁄ ρ(r) and a modified Thomas-Fermi term with a correction factor f(r). Substituting for the left hand side the Hartree-Fock expression for the kinetic energy density:

t(r)  =   ½ ∑i |∇ψi(r)|2   −   ¼ ∇2ρ(r)

unveils the correction factor f(r)  of Deb and Ghosh as the ratio  χS(r) of Savin. Besides calculating  f(r)  for noble gas atoms (revealing the atomic shell structure) Deb and Ghosh did not further exploit this function.


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