在2015年5月号的科学美国人(Scientific American)中提到一个测度惩罚代价的心理学实验。我们愿意自损多少来惩罚他人?作者为skeptic专栏的Michael Shermer。
原文如下:“A sense of justice and injustice-right and wrong-isan evolved moral emotion to signal to others that if exchanges are not fair there will be a price to pay. How high a price? In the Ultimatum Game, in which one person is given a sum of money to divide with another person-with the stipulation that if the offer is accepted both keep the money, but if the offer is rejected no one gets any money-offers less than 30 percent of the sum are typically rejected. That is, we are willing to pay 30 percent to punish an offender. This is called moralistic punishment.”
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