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已有 9258 次阅读 2012-3-7 21:35 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约








Article 63 Term of the European  patent

(1)The term of the European patent shall be20 years from the date of filing of the application.

(2)Nothing in the preceding paragraph shalllimit the right of a Contracting State to extend the term of a European patent,or to grant corresponding protection which follows immediately on expiry of theterm of the patent, under the same conditions as those applying to nationalpatents:

(a)in order to take account of a state ofwar or similar emergency conditions affecting that State;

(b)if the subject‑matter of the Europeanpatent is a product or a process for manufacturing a product or a use of aproduct which has to undergo an administrative authorisation procedure requiredby law before it can be put on the market in that State.

(3)Paragraph 2 shallapply mutatis mutandis to European patents granted jointly for a group ofContracting States in accordance with Article 142.

(4)A Contracting State which makes provisionfor extension of the term or corresponding protection under paragraph 2(b) may,in accordance with an agreement concluded with the Organisation, entrust to theEuropean Patent Office tasks associated with implementation of the relevantprovisions.





Article 64 Rights conferred by a  European patent

(1)A European patent shall, subject to the provisionsof paragraph 2,confer on its proprietor from the date on which the mention of its grant ispublished in the European Patent Bulletin, in each Contracting State in respectof which it is granted, the same rights as would be conferred by a nationalpatent granted in that State.

(2)If the subject‑matter of the Europeanpatent is a process, the protection conferred by the patent shall extend to theproducts directly obtained by such process.

(3)Any infringement of a European patentshall be dealt with by national law.





Article 65  Translation of the European patent

(1)Any Contracting State may, if the Europeanpatent as granted, amended or limited by the European Patent Office is notdrawn up in one of its official languages, prescribe that the proprietor of thepatent shall supply to its central industrial property office a translation ofthe patent as granted, amended or limited in one of its official languages athis option or, where that State has prescribed the use of one specific officiallanguage, in that language. The period for supplying the translation shall endthree months after the date on which the mention of the grant, maintenance inamended form or limitation of the European patent is published in the EuropeanPatent Bulletin, unless the State concerned prescribes a longer period.

(2)Any Contracting State which has adoptedprovisions pursuant to paragraph 1 mayprescribe that the proprietor of the patent must pay all or part of the costsof publication of such translation within a period laid down by that State.

(3)Any Contracting State may prescribe thatin the event of failure to observe the provisions adopted in accordancewith paragraphs 1 and 2,the European patent shall be deemed to be void ab initio in that State.



Article 66 Equivalence of European  filing with national filing

A European patent application which has been accorded a date offiling shall, in the designated Contracting States, be equivalent to a regularnational filing, where appropriate with the priority claimed for the Europeanpatent application.








Article 67

Rights conferred by a European patent application after  publication

(1)A European patent application shall, fromthe date of its publication, provisionally confer upon the applicant theprotection provided for by Article 64,in the Contracting States designated in the application.

(2)Any Contracting State may prescribe that aEuropean patent application shall not confer such protection as is conferredby Article 64.However, the protection attached to the publication of the European patentapplication may not be less than that which the laws of the State concernedattach to the compulsory publication of unexamined national patentapplications. In any event, each State shall ensure at least that, from thedate of publication of a European patent application, the applicant can claimcompensation reasonable in the circumstances from any person who has used theinvention in that State in circumstances where that person would be liableunder national law for infringement of a national patent.

(3)Any Contracting State which does not haveas an official language the language of the proceedings may prescribe thatprovisional protection in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 aboveshall not be effective until such time as a translation of the claims in one ofits official languages at the option of the applicant or, where that State hasprescribed the use of one specific official language, in that language:

(a)has been made available to the public inthe manner prescribed by national law, or

(b)has been communicated to the personusing the invention in the said State.

(4)The European patent application shall bedeemed never to have had the effects set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 whenit has been withdrawn, deemed to be withdrawn or finally refused. The sameshall apply in respect of the effects of the European patent application in aContracting State the designation of which is withdrawn or deemed to bewithdrawn.



Article 68 Effect of revocation or  limitation of the European patent

The European patent application and the resulting European patentshall be deemed not to have had, from the outset, the effects specifiedin Articles 64 and 67,to the extent that the patent has been revoked or limited in opposition,limitation or revocation proceedings.




Article 69  Extent of protection

(1)The extent of the protection conferred bya European patent or a European patent application shall be determined by theclaims. Nevertheless, the description and drawings shall be used to interpretthe claims.

(2)For the period up to grant of the Europeanpatent, the extent of the protection conferred by the European patentapplication shall be determined by the claims contained in the application aspublished. However, the European patent as granted or as amended in opposition,limitation or revocation proceedings shall determine retroactively theprotection conferred by the application, in so far as such protection is notthereby extended.








Article 70 Authentic text of a  European patent application or European patent

(1)The text of a European patent applicationor a European patent in the language of the proceedings shall be the authentictext in any proceedings before the European Patent Office and in anyContracting State.

(2)If, however, the European patentapplication has been filed in a language which is not an official language ofthe European Patent Office, that text shall be the application as filed withinthe meaning of this Convention.

(3)Any Contracting State may provide that atranslation into one of its official languages, as prescribed by it accordingto this Convention, shall in that State be regarded as authentic, except forrevocation proceedings, in the event of the European patent application orEuropean patent in the language of the translation conferring protection whichis narrower than that conferred by it in the language of the proceedings.

(4)Any Contracting State which adopts aprovision under paragraph 3:

(a)shall allow the applicant for orproprietor of the patent to file a corrected translation of the European patentapplication or European patent. Such corrected translation shall not have anylegal effect until any conditions established by the Contracting Stateunder Article 65,paragraph 2, orArticle 67,paragraph 3, have been complied with;

(b)may prescribe that any person who, inthat State, in good faith has used or has made effective and seriouspreparations for using an invention the use of which would not constituteinfringement of the application or patent in the original translation, may,after the corrected translation takes effect, continue such use in the courseof his business or for the needs thereof without payment.


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