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加大对年青学者的科研投入,提升社会创新基础研究长期动力 精选

已有 8049 次阅读 2016-8-4 07:45 |系统分类:观点评述| 创新, 基础研究, 青年学者, 科研资助

China: Change tack to boost basic research

  • Raphael K. Didham & Chao-Dong Zhu

    Subject terms: EducationResearch managementCareers

    2016, Raphael and Zhu, China- change tack to boost basic research.pdf

  • We agree that China must invest more in basic research, but fear that simply casting more seeds on infertile ground will not yield the anticipated fruit of innovation (W. Yang Nature 534, 467469; 2016). More bottom-up initiatives for early-career researchers are required for long-lasting change.

    A priority is to build capacity in critical thinking and self-determination, both of which are cornerstones of creative enquiry. Early-career scientists should be trained and judged on more than just technical competence. Furthermore, strategies are needed to give young researchers in China the same opportunities that leading Western institutions take for granted. Limited access to key information services and an educational emphasis on written knowledge over verbal communication skills do not foster scientific debate.

    Structural reform of funding silos and hierarchical power structures in science institutions is essential for cross-sector collaboration — a crucial contributor to scientific progress in Western countries. Chinese funding schemes such as the 10,000 Talents programme could be redistributed across an evened-out power structure, and associate professors allowed to supervise PhDs and lead their own groups.

    The applied-research sector receives much more funding than basic science does (see Nature 534, 452453; 2016), so it could help by promoting the possible benefits of its work for basic research in reports and funding applications.

    Author information
    1. Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

      • Raphael K. Didham & Chao-Dong Zhu

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