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已有 3910 次阅读 2015-3-10 18:03 |系统分类:科研笔记| 生物多样性, 保护生物学, 博物学, BEF项目, 形态分类学

中国蚁墙 – 蛛蜂新物种用蚂蚁保护后代论文发表后,作者受邀在Communicative & Integrative Biology杂志撰写一篇观点性论文,谈形态分类学和博物学研究。该短文强调了野外观察形态分类学在生物多样性和保护生物学中不可替代的作用。合作得到BEF项目及其团队的支持。


Observational natural history and morphological taxonomy are indispensable for future challenges in biodiversity and conservation.

Michael Staaba, Michael Ohlb, Chao-Dong Zhuc & Alexandra-Maria Kleina

a Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Freiburg, Tennenbacherstrae 4, 79106 Freiburg, Germany

b Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity,Invalidenstra⇓e 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany

c Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P.R. China


Global biodiversity is rapidly declining, leading inevitably to a loss of ecosystem functionality when species and their associated life-history traits vanish. Unfortunately, even in the 21stcentury, a large proportion of Earth's species are yet unknown and also for most described species science lacks a deeper understanding of the functional role of species and thus of ecosystems. In this Addendum we use the recent discovery of a new spider wasp with a unique natural history as an example to emphasize the importance to conduct basic observational natural history and traditional taxonomic research. We aim to encourage such ‘old-fashioned’ research and biologists from various research fields to report the many fascinating phenomena holding valuable natural history information they may encounter. Such detailed knowledge on species, their life-history traits, and their trophic interactions will be crucial to reliably address the challenges global change brings to the persistence of ecosystems.

Key words: BEF-China, ecosystem functioning, global change, integrative taxonomy, species extinctions, species interactions, trait characteristics

Accepted author version posted online: 04 Mar 2015, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.4161/19420889.2014.992745

Natural history


Natural history is the research and study oforganisms including plants or animals in their environment, leaning more towards observationalthan experimental methods of study.

Taxonomy (biology)


Taxonomy (from Ancient Greek: τάξις taxis, "arrangement," and -νομία -nomia, "method"[1]) is the science of defining groups of biological organisms on the basis of shared characteristics and giving names to those groups.  


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