本次得到中国科学院国际合作局的批准访问英国,我、Michael Orr博士和曹焕喜同学到英国学术访问。剑桥大学是继英国自然历史博物馆(Michael Orr和曹焕喜)、北安普顿大学(Michael Orr和我)、伯明翰大学(我本人)之后的最后一站。剑桥大学动物学系和遗传学系举办的会议是此次学术访问的重点。Michael Orr博士在访问Jeff Ollerton教授和Paul William博士之后,决定参加和他专业方向更加接近的熊蜂会议。曹焕喜则在检视完自然博物馆部分姬小蜂标本后,18日中午到King's Cross和我会合,直奔剑桥大学。到了剑桥,我们得到老朋友谭声江博士的热情接待,并参观了部分研究单位。声江原来在动物研究所获得博士学位,后到剑桥和牛津做博士后,现在定居在剑桥。
曹焕喜在国内通过网络预订了Fairways Guest House。该店在网上评价比较好,离火车站走路大约10分钟,离市区大约30分钟。我住的客房在阁楼,简约卫生而清爽,还配装了数字电视。房客比较多,但都比较安静。
3月19日一早,我们就从入住的家庭旅社Fairways Guest House前往St. John's College。初春天气,加上刚刚下过雪,剑桥天气还是比较冷。由于路线不熟,Google地图把我们引导到了不同的College,还是很费了一点时间。不过也好,我们可以沿路欣赏剑桥的街道和美景。后来我们才发现,会程安排紧凑,内容精彩;咖啡和午间冷餐时间都很短;晚上则在餐厅安排了晚饭。此外根本没有闲暇走入大学或者街道。早晨沿路赏景是唯一的选项。
Speciation Genomics Symposium期间,我见到了Roger Butlin。我2004年3月访问Leeds大学时,曾经去他办公室简短交谈。后来,他很快就带领整个实验室搬到了Sheffield大学,带走了一个学科。后来在英国皇家昆虫学会年会,我第二次在South Kensington见到他。此次会议,显然他是幕后的大家之一;而相对年轻的科学家则走到前台。蝴蝶斑块的基因决定,鱼类基因组在物种分化研究中的应用是此次会议报告亮点。同时,从会议报告的安排来看,几乎所有的报告内容都涉及到物种分化的模型和数据模拟。这些工作非常符合基础研究的特点:寻找并试图解决根本的生物学问题。部分工作,我们已经通过阅读文献,初步掌握了部分方法和内容。但这些报告人及其所在团队的总体思路和核心技能,我个人认为还有待进一步了解和学习(笔记附后)有一个报告,是我最希望了解的内容之一。可惜报告人的英语实在难懂,我只能抓住零星几个单词。只能计划在后续他的论文中继续理解其精华了。由此,有好的思路和工作成果,还需要包括语言在内的较好交流能力,我们才能把我们的工作做得更好。
我参加过中美、中德和我们自己组织的研讨会panel discussion。每次主办方都会围绕主题,提出一些学科方向的重要问题,邀请参会方或者知名科学家进行讨论。此次会议方准备了很多问题,但看起来效果不是特别好,讨论的氛围也不是特别热烈。总体而言,Roger等台上的科学家讨论得比较多,而台下听众显然很投入,但互动不是特别活跃。
图1、家庭旅社Fairways Guest House
图7、Panel Discussion
Species concepts and the modern synthesis
Hybrid zones and gene flow, Barton & Hewitt (1989), Nature
:balance between dispersal and selection against hybrids
Genic concept of speciation
:divergent loci resist gene flow, Wu (2001) JEB; Wu & Ting (2001) Nat. Rev. Gen
Gene flow continues but linkage builds and divergent regions grow; complete reproductive isolation evoles
The rise of speciation islands, Turner et al. (2005) PLoS Biology; Turner & Hahn (2007) MBE
:Anopheles gambiae, M+S forms
Speciation islands and processes, Nosil et al. (2009) Mol Ecol; Feder et al. (2012) Trends in Genetics
Continuums and islands, Martin et al., (2003) Genome Research; Seehausen et al., (2014) Nat. Rev. Gen.
Mirages and alternative explanations, Noor & Bennet (2008) Heredity; Cruickshank & Hahn (2014) Mol. Ecol.
:background selection;
:local adaptation after isolation;
:shared ancestral polymorphism
Linked selection and recombination, Burri et al., (2015) Genome Res.
Confounding factors, Fst (picture required)
The stickleback speciation continuum
Where do we go from here?
From speciation genes to processes building reproductive isolation; more confounding factors into models; shifting more from description
The dynamic buildup of heterogeneous differentiation landscapes by linked selection
A critique of the adaptationist program
Avoiding molecular ‘spandrels’, Ravinet et la., 2017
LS: purifying (background) and positive selection
Heterogeneous genome-wide LS
Impact LS on diversity, Begun & Aquadro (1992);
Relative measures of differentiation: Charlesworth 1998, Cruiskhank and Hahn 2014
Speciation islands, mirage in the desert: Ellegren et al., 2012
: reduced diversity
:consistent with LS
:conserved LS -> correlated genomic landscapes
The system: bush monkeyflower radiation
:chromosome-level genome; genome re-sequencing
:very similar levels of diversity within all taxa
PC1 Fst PC1 pei mirrow one another
Levels of diversity are correlated with gene diversity and recomb. Rate
The heterogeneous signature of LS should build gradually and over time (simple model of allopatric divergence)
Conclusions – across a plant system; differentiation landscape; heterogeneous
Understanding the genomic basis of speciation with gene flow using hybrid zone analysis
Identify regions affected by divergent selection & genomic locations
:hybrid zone; cline analysis; geographical ‘replicates’
:allele frequency differences; cline width; cline centre;
Rocky shores – Littorina saxatilis: selection pressures – wave action; crab predation
Sampling sites – ANG (Sweden)
~138000 biallelic SNPs, 50% show significant clines
‘var.ex’ refelecting the cline width and Fst
Simulations -. Neutral distribution of var.ex
Outliers within linkage groups
Conclusions – balancing selection/inversion; deviate from simple model of divergent selection (not detectable by Fst outlier scans, but cline analysis)
Geographical replicates
Contact zones; islands < 10 km apart
Expectation: less sharing expected with Fst scans than with cline analysis
More contact zones – hierarchical sampling design
Only work on top 1% SNPs (664): large proportion of cline outliers shared
More false positives among Fst outliers
Conclutions – 70% shared outliers are in inversions
Sources of genetic variations
:new mutation; standing variation; hybridization
Ancient hybridization
Different species, different genomic mosaic of the parental lineages
:red opsin gene, adaptation to different water depth, Meier et al. 2017, Nat. Comm.
150,000 years ago: hybrid origin
19000-15000 yrs ago: lake Victoria completely dry
Did the 500 endemic cichlid species really evolve from a single species in 15000 yrs?
Whole genomes resequencing > 450 genomes -> PCA of 152 genomes
Mitochondrial genome tree reveals two deeply divergent lineages in lake Victoria
Lake Victoria species mainly cluster by Genus/ecology
(2.7 M SNPs, 293 genomes) PC1 (6.15%)
Pundamilia species complex, Meier et al. 2017, Mol. Ecol.
:parallel differences in phenotype, water depth and color vision
(Seehausen et al., 2008; Seehausen, 2009)
Demographic modeling of the whole genomes reveal speciation from hybridization
Recent hybrid parallel speciation
Many regions are highly differentiated between the species, Meier et al., accepted at MBE
Fst between species pairs are very different but high differentiation regions are
Enrichment of selection statistics (various ones) support the action of selection
TWISST (Martin & sb, 2017)
Sorting of admixture variation under parallel selection pressures
Highly differentiated regions are associated with low recomb. rates
Very old haplotypes segregate in Lake Victoria cichilids at shared highly differentiated regions
Simon Martin
Predicability/genomic architecture/species barriers
Strength of the species barriers: Barto & Bengtson 1986; Mallet 1995; Wu 2001 et al.
Architecture of the barrier: genes? Few or many loci; distribution in genomes; small or large effects
Characterising the species barrier: the dream
Helicornius “races”
Predation pressures on races: optix; wnt-A; cortex
Islands of divergence, Martin et al., 2013, Genome Res.
Are islands predicatable? Van Belleghem et al., Nature Ecol. Evol.
Repeted divergence of regulatory modules of the same genes
What about ‘good’ species?
Habitat preferences; host plant choice; hybrid females sterility (Haldane’s Rule); disruptive selection
Parapatric races; sympatric species, Martin et al., 2013; Seehausen et al., 2014
What do we want to measure?
:effective migration rate/admixture proportion
Fd: estimated admixture proportion: sympatric/allopatric, Martin et al., 2015 MBE
Species barriers in two separate locations: strong as predicted on the Z
Are these polygenic species barriers: What do we expect to see ( foreign chromosome – recomb., selection)?
Recomb. predicts barrier strength: Borton & Bengsson 1986; Aechbacher et al., 2017
Recomb. predicts admixture: polygenic species barriers
Are the loci underlying polygenic barriers predictable?
Stable recom. Rates make the question intractable: Davey et al., 2017, Ecology Letters
Recomb. also varies at the chromosome scale: longer chrom., stronger barrier
Reduced recomb. at chromosome ends: Barton & Bengtsson 1986
Unpredicatable barriers near chromosome ends?
Is the role of structural variation in speciation predictable? Davey et al., 2017, Evolution Letters – No inversions (nor any recomb. suppression)
Predictability across genera? Danaus chrysippus species complexes; localized blocky species barriers; putative inversions included ~ 800 genes; a different sets of wing patterning genes; repeated insertion of regions; deletions of regions
How much do you know about the pigmentation development/pathway?
How many genes have been involved in the pigmentation?
Response to selection pressures?
Molecular divergence and genetic isolation
Speciation: evolution of reproductive isolation
Causes of postzygotic isolation – decreased recomb. with divergence d; accumulation of Dob-Mul. Incompatibilities with d; hybrids can be unadapted to parental environments
From one to two species – when can we detect the effects of the first barriers on gene flow? Is there a threshold of divergence above which gene flow is impossible?
Questions – comparing alternative scenarios for 61 pairs of species along a continuum of d (ABC)
Testing for introgression between species using ABC
Explored range of divergence
General relation between d and ongoing migration
Explored range of divergence in Helioconius
Results of model comparisons over 28 pairs – 3 pairs of populations over 4; 2 pairs of sympatric over 4; 0 pair of allopatric ove 20
Any species barriers?
:locus specific model comparison; how 303 loci with a reduced me are distributed? Producing 9 bins of 1,170 genes; genomic distribution of the 303 loci with a reduced me;
Doro Lindtke
Genomic landscape of divergence/speciation
Genomic regions of statistically unusual high divergence point to regions important for speciation? Riesch et al., Nat. Ecol Evol.
How can we detect speciation loci? Genetic conflict through DMIs/Ecological maladaptation
Challenge 1a: F1 hybrids don’t reproduce – simulation; 1b: some F1 hybrids reproduce – Lindtke & Buerkle 2015, Evolution;
How can we detect speciation loci? Challenge 2 – Ecological malaptation
Timema cristinae stick insect – sympatric melantic – no intermediate phenotypes – PCA on genotypes for population population FHA (n=563)
Long divergence time of color polymorphic regions - BEAST
Long-term maintenance of polymorphism versus speciation
How des speciation work? – natural selection/sexual selection
How does assertive mating affect speciation? Migration/mating/selection
:Lindtke & Yearman 2017 JEB
What do divergence peaks tell us about speciation?
How much gene flow during speciation?
IM model – Nielsen & Slatkin 2000; Wilkinson-Herbots 2008; IIM model – Wilkinson-Herbots 2012
How does gene flow vary along the genome?
Open questions from a population-genomic point of view
Lessons – demographic first, then selection; Fst outlier scan; islands of what? Sweet spot; background selection, mutation-rate variation
What we need? Joint inference
Amount of effective gene flow varies as a function of slection and recomb.
: Aeschacher & Burger 2014, Genetics
Coalescent theory provides the link to observable variation – structural coalescent
The within-source genetic diversity can be estimated
Migration events reduce ?
Population differentiation decreases with recomb.?
Random allocation of selected loci along the genome
Averaging over the unknown positions of the selected loci
Theory suggests a compound parameter selection density
Example – Mimulus guttatus and its selfing sister species M. nasutus
Gene flow from M. nasutus into M. guttatus – Bardan et al., 2014, PLoS genetics
Selection against introgression maintains a species barrier in sympatry in the South – Aeschhacher et al., 2017, PNAS
Bimodal distribution of pairwise differences for the sympatric Northern species pair – contiguous intronic blocks of size 250 bp
The PMF of the number of pairwise differences can be computed exactly.
IM model provides a bad fit for the sympatric Northern pair
ISC model accommodate the observed distribution … in Northern pair
A long time of complete isolation followed by recent secondary contact
The inferred rate of (effective) gene flow increases with recomb. rates
Fitting a deterministic selection-migration model
Recom. Rates is strongly reduced in gene-poor centrometric regions
Positive correlation betweeon recomb and gene density reverse the signal of BGS
How does gene flow vary along the genome?
A parameter landscape of effective gene flow along the genome
Towards model based scans for barriers to gene flow
Litter direct evidence - Cruickschank & Hahn 2015; Noor and Bennet 2009
: Fst outliers in Heliconius are minaly due to reduced pai
The metaphor of a uniform “sea level” of background divergence is silly
:Fst trajectories are hightly stochastic, msprime Kelleher et al., 2016
How to make sense of outliers of divergence?
Heliconius data – H. Melpomene rosina & H. cydno; WGS data, 10 individuals per species from sympatric pops in Panama; autosomal intergenic sequences cut in short (64 bp) blocks – Lohse et al., 2016
Simulations – assumptions – emr 1.9x 10^9 (Keightley et al., 2015); 4 generations per year
How does this help to interpret Fst scans? 19.2 kb windows (300 blocks)
We can do better than Fst!
: Greater power and lower fase + ve rate than Fst
: Fewer outliers (20%)
What about heterogeneity in Ne?
: allowing varying Ne
Why not estimate me locally too?
Allowing for heterogeneity in N3 AND me=0 greatly improves model fit.
Why not estimate me locally?
Quantifying the aggregate effect of selection against migrant alleles
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