


已有 7821 次阅读 2010-12-2 10:06 |个人分类:wenzhang|系统分类:科研笔记

1.         唐三一, Yanni Xiao, Jufang Chen, Positive periodic solutions of competitive kolmogorov diffusion systems with inference constants. Math. Computers Modelling, 1998, 27(6): 39-47.
2.         Yanni Xiao, 唐三一, Permanence and periodic solution in competitive system with feedback controls. Math. Comput. Modelling, (1998)27(6): 33-37.
3.         唐三一, Yanni Xiao, 非线性时滞差分方程的线性化振动性,数学学报1999, 15(4):569-574.
4.         唐三一, Deli Wang, New oscillation criteria for first order neutral difference equations. 微分方程年刊(英文版) 2000,16(1):74-82.
5.         唐三一,肖燕妮,具时滞Kolmogorov系统的强区间稳定性与部分稳定性, 数学杂志,2000(2).
6.         Yanni Xiao, 唐三一, A type K-monotone operator arising from type K-monotone system. 数学年刊2001(5): 645-656.
7.         唐三一, Lansun Chen, A discrete predator-prey system with age-structure for predator and natural barriers for prey, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. 2001,35(4):675-690.
8.         唐三一, Yanni Xiao, Extinction and persistence in discrete noncooperative systems with age structure and diffusion. Math. Computers Modelling, 2001,33(7): 895-905.
9.         唐三一, Yanni Xiao, Permanence in Kolmogorov-type Systems of Delay Difference Equations. J.Difference Equ.Appl.2001,7(2):167-181.
10.     Yanni Xiao, 唐三一, A linearized oscillation result for odd-order neutral difference equation. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2002,33:277-286.
11.     唐三一, Lansun Chen, Global qualitative analysis for a ratio-dependent predator-prey model with delay. J. Math. Anal. Appl.2002,266:402-419.
12.     唐三一, Lansun Chen, Chaos in functional response host-parasitoid ecosystem models. Chaos, Solutions and Fractals 2002,13(4):875-884.
14.     Yanni Xiao, Danzhan Cheng, 唐三一, Dynamic complexities in predator-prey ecosystem models with age-structure for predator. Chaos,Solitons & Fractals.2002, 14: 1403-1411.
15.     唐三一, Lansun Chen, The periodic predator-prey Lotka-Volterra model with impulsive effect. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 2002, 2(3 & 4): 267-296.
16.     唐三一, Lansun Chen, Quasiperiodic solutions and chaos in a periodically forced predator prey model with age structure for predator. International Bifurcation and chaos.2003,13(4): 1-8.
17.     唐三一, Hybrid matrix models and their population dynamic consequences. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis.2003, 37:433-450.
18.     唐三一, Lansun Chen, Multiple Attractors in Stage-structured Population Models with Birth Pulses. Bulletin of Math. Biol. 2003, 65: 479-495.
19.     唐三一, Lansun Chen, Global Attractivity in a "Food-Limited" Population Model with Impulsive Effects. J. Math. Anal. Appl.2004, 292: 211-221.
20.     唐三一, Lansun Chen, Modelling and analysis of integrated pest management strategy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems.B, 2004, 4: 759-768.
21.     唐三一, Lansun Chen, The effect of seasonal harvesting on stage-structured population models. J.Math. Biol., 2004, 48: 357-374.
22.     唐三一, Yanni Xiao, Lansun Chen, R.A. Cheke, Integrated pest management models and their dynamical behavior. Bulletin of Math. Biol., 2005,67:115-135.
23.     唐三一, Robert A.Cheke, Stage-dependent impulsive models of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy and their dynamic consequences. J. Math Biol., 2005, 50:257-292.
24.     唐三一, Yanni Xiao, Damina Clancy, New modeling approach concerning integrated disease control and cost-effectivity. Nonlinear analysis, TMA..2005,63: 439-471.
25.     唐三一, Robert A.Cheke, Yanni Xiao, Optimal impulsive harvesting on non-autonomous Beverton-Holt difference equations. TMA..20347306,65:2311-2341.
26.     Tang Sanyi, Xiao Yanni, Robert A. Cheke, Multiple attractors of host–parasitoid models with integrated pest management strategies: Eradication, persistence and outbreak. Theor. Popul. Biol. 2008, 73:181-197.
27.     Tang Sanyi, Robert A. Cheke, Models for integrated pest control and their biological implications.  Math. Biosci. 2008, 2155-125.
28.     唐三一,Yanni Xiao, One-compartment model with Michaelis-Menten elimination kinetics and therapeutic window: an analytical approach.  J. Pharmacokin. Biopharm. 2007,34: 807–827.
29.     Akman, O.E., Locke, J.C.W., 唐三一, Carré, I., Millar, A. J., Rand D. A., Isoform switching facilitates period control in the Neurospora crassa circadian clock. Mol. Sys. Biol. 2008,4:1-11.
30.     唐三一, Elizabeth A. Heron, Bayesian inference for a stochastic logistic model with switching points. Ecol. Mod.2008,219:153-169.
31.     Xiao Y, 唐三一, The effect of initial density and parasitoid intergenerational survival rate on  classical biological control.  Chaos, Solitons and Fractals .2008, 37:1048-1058.
32.     唐三一, A comparison investigation of the simplest models of circadian rhythms. International J. Biomath.2008:1,75-93.
33.     Liang Juhua, 唐三一. Discrete Host-Pathogen Models with Integrated Control Tactics. J. Biomath., 2008:23(2),193-201..
34.     Finkenstadt B., Heron, E.A., Komorowski, M., Edwards, K., 唐三一, Harper C.V. et al., Reconstruction of transcriptional dynamics from gene reporter data using differential equations. Bioinformatics, 2008.
35.     Yanni Xiao, Roger G. Bowers, 唐三一, The effect of delayed host self-regulation on host-pathogen population cycles in forest insects. J. Theor. Biol. 2009:258,240-249.
36.     Jiangli Yang, 唐三一. Effects of population dispersal and impulsive control tactics on pest management. Nonlinear analysis, Hybrid Systems. 2009:3,487-500.
37.     Fan L., Shi Z., Tang S., Critical values of stability and hopf bifurcations for a delayed population model with delay-dependent parameters. Nonlinear Analysis, RWA. 2009, 11: 341-355
38.     TANG, S., XIAO, Y. & CHEKE, R.A. (2009) Effects of Predator and Prey Dispersal on Success or Failure of Biological Control. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 71: 2025–2047 (SCI)
39.     TANG, S., XIAO, Y. & CHEKE, R.A. (2010) Dynamical analysis of plant disease models with cultural control strategies and economic thresholds,Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2010,80:894-921. (SCI)
40.     Liang J., Tang S., Optimal Dosage and Economic Threshold of Multiple Pesticide Applications for Pest Control. Mathematical Computation and Modelling. 51 (2010) 487-503.
41.     Zhao T., Tang S. Plant Disease Control with Economic Threshold.生物数学学报,2009, 24:385-396.
42.      Tang S. (2010). Optimum timing for integrated pest management: Modelling rates of pesticide application and natural enemy releases. J. Theor. Biol. 264:623-638.
43.     Tang S. et al. (2010). Community based measures for mitigating the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in China. PLoS ONE 5:1-11.
44.     Wei Gao, Tang S. Y. (2010). The effects of drug-resistance to the stability of pest-eradication periodic solution of predator prey system. Proceedings of the 7th conference on biological dynamic system and stability of differential equation. 550-553.
45.     Ziyang Zang, Tang. S.Y. (2010). The plant disease model with economic threshold and impulsive effect. Proceedings of the 7th conference on biological dynamic system and stability of differential equation. 405-408.
46.     Wu Wen, Tang S.Y. (2010). The periodic prey model with impulsive effect. Proceedings of the 7th conference on biological dynamic system and stability of differential equation. 342-345.
47.    Xiao Yanni, Tang S.Y. (2010). Dynamics of infection with nonlinear incidence in a simple vaccination model. Nonlinear Analysis RWA. 11:4154-4163.

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